Sometimes referred to as “virtuosos” or “craftsmen,” ISTPs are known and respected for being adventurous, brave, and optimistic. So can ISTPs make good doctors? 

ISTPs are well suited for the medical profession particularly as doctors or in emergency wards. The reason is that ISTPs have the confidence, energy, and optimism to take on the daily challenges faced by doctors. However, ISTPs should improve their social skills with hospital/support staff.

Before we look at the personality traits of ISTPs to determine if they can make good doctors; let’s first examine what personality traits make a good doctor and then cross-reference them with the strengths and weaknesses of ISTPs:

What Personality Traits Make A Good Doctor?

There are six personality traits that make good doctors: 

  1. Doctors must be confident,
  2. Doctors must be empathetic,
  3. Doctors must be focused,
  4. Doctors must be knowledgeable,
  5. Doctors must be unbiased,
  6. Doctors must be honest and forthright.

1. Doctors Must Be Confident 

Doctors need to be confident in their abilities, as confidence is an essential part of making firm decisions and easing a patient’s concerns regarding their health and well-being.

2. Doctors Must Be Empathetic 

Because doctors deal with people who are in pain and discomfort daily, a doctor must be empathetic to the suffering of others, passionately seeks a solution to relieve pain/discomfort, and thoughtfully considers the experience of patients to aid in diagnosis.

3. Doctors Must Be Focused 

Doctors may often find themselves in high-energy, stressful situations whereby numerous issues demand their attention. However, good doctors know the importance of treating each patient with focused care and diligence and not get distracted.

4. Doctors Must Be Knowledgeable

Studying to become a doctor and remaining abreast of scientific/medical developments requires ongoing skills development. Consequently, doctors must exhibit a thirst for knowledge and complementary skill set to absorb vast quantities of information. 

5. Doctors Must Be Unbiased

Subject to taking the Hippocratic Oath, doctors are expected to be unbiased and treat all people equally, regardless of any preconceived notions or opinions about a person.

6. Doctors Must Be Honest And Forthright 

Oftentimes, doctors need to deliver bad news to patients, or they may have to admit to a fault (such as a misdiagnosis). Consequently, good doctors are not afraid to tell people the truth in plain and straightforward language.

What Are ISTPs Strengths?

There are seven strengths ISTPs typically possess:

  1. ISTPs are optimistic,  
  2. ISTPs are creative and practical,  
  3. ISTPs are spontaneous,  
  4. ISTPs know how to prioritize,
  5. ISTPs perform well under pressure,
  6. ISTPs are flexible,
  7. ISTPs are good problem solvers.

1. ISTPs Are Optimistic  

Working in the medical profession can be challenging and upsetting, considering that doctors are faced with sick people daily.

Therefore, the optimism of ISTPs is greatly appreciated as it uplifts their spirits and the mood of their work colleagues and imbues their clients with a sense of positivity and optimism.

2. ISTPs Are Creative And Practical  

ISTPs are a unique personality type in that they are both practically-minded while always looking for unique and creative solutions to problems. Being both creative and practical are vital skills for a doctor to exhibit.

3. ISTPs Are Spontaneous  

ISTPs are the adventurous personality type that enjoys sporadic and spontaneous pursuits; however, while strength in one’s personal life, being spontaneous can lead to disorganization and a refusal of tried and tested practices in the medical workplace.

4. ISTPS Know How To Prioritize  

Although ISTPs enjoy putting themselves out of their comfort zone and exploring multiple hobbies, interests, etc. They are good at prioritizing activities and interests.

Being able to prioritize things is a vital skill for doctors, particularly those needing to assess their patients’ conditions on the fly (such as in ER wards.)

5. ISTPs Perform Well Under Pressure

ISTPs are a relaxed personality type, which can transfer this mindset to the workplace. Therefore, they can perform under pressure, making them suited to the daily challenges of medical practice.

6. ISTPs Are Flexible  

ISTPs are known for their flexibility, which means they can adapt to situations on the go during medical practice while juggling multiple subjects and disciplines in medical school (see below for further details.)

7. ISTPs Are Good Problem Solvers

Finally, ISTPs are logical, rational people with strong problem-solving skills. Being a good problem solver is essential for doctors, particularly when formulating a diagnosis and treatment plan for their patients.

What Are ISTP Weaknesses?

There are five weaknesses ISTPs typically possess:

  1. ISTPs are insensitive,
  2. ISTPs are impatient,
  3. ISTPs are risk takers,
  4. ISTPs dislike commitment,
  5. ISTPs are reserved.

1. ISTPs Are Insensitive

ISTPs have been known to be insensitive personality types. Therefore, ISTPs are encouraged to work on their bedside manners and improve their empathy when entering medical practice.

2. ISTPs Are Impatient   

Because ISTPs are often perfectionists that operate at pace, they can become annoyed and impatient with others that don’t share their drive or passion. Therefore, ISTPs can be difficult for people to work in a hospital environment, where teamwork is essential to success! 

3. ISTPs Are Risk Takers   

ISTPs are risk takers that have been known to place themselves in dangerous situations in pursuit of their passions and interests. Although this can be positive in medical practice, it should be exercised with caution to not place patients in unnecessary danger/discomfort!

4. ISTPs Dislike Commitment   

ISTPs often struggle to commit to a single task. Fortunately, the daily challenges of the medical profession mean ISTPs are seldom bored or misdirected as doctors.

5. ISTPs Are Reserved   

Finally, ISTPs tend to be reserved and private, avoiding conflict and open-honest discussions. Therefore, their communication ability to support staff and patients may be limited.

Can ISTPs Become Good Doctors?

In conclusion, ISTPs are well suited to a career in medical practice, provided they take the time to consider the opinions and feelings of hospital support staff and their patients.

Are ISTPs Good At Medical School?

Generally speaking, ISTPs have the intellect, drive, and passion for excelling in medical school. However, if not closely monitored, their spontaneous nature and risky behavior may lead to time management/discipline issues.


In conclusion, ISTPs often make good doctors, particularly in challenging and fast-paced sectors like emergency wards.

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