ENTPs are not often seen expressing deep feelings or being receptive to others. They are sometimes perceived as cold or rude. Some personality types are deeply empathetic, while others are not, and since ENTPs are more logical, it causes people to wonder if ENTPs can be empathetic or not.

ENTPs are not natural empaths. They are logical and problem-solvers, but when necessary, they can be deeply empathetic if they want. They love deeply and seek to understand people in the best way possible. They don’t always agree with you and will voice their opinions, but they care to support you.

ENTPs are slightly complex personalities because they don’t follow the norm of what people expect and want them to be. They are not afraid to express disagreement and typically want to solve problems rather than dwell on them. But a little more understanding of ENTPs will help you understand that they care deeply.

Are ENTPs Empathetic?

Empathy does not come naturally to ENTPs; however, they can be empathetic when they want to be and if they try. An empath is a person who can understand their and others’ emotions. An empath can regulate their emotions and also help others to handle theirs. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in a person holding empathy, and not everyone has that quality.

Emotionally healthy ENTPs have the capacity within them to hold space for others’ feelings. They can honor someone else’s emotions by trying their best to understand that person and what they are going through by listening and supporting them.

ENTPs want to understand others and care about being there for others in a way they need, but sometimes their personality functions contradict that. ENTPs are logical and want reason while seeking solutions. They need rational answers and want to find the point of situations.

ENTPs’ logic and reasoning can make them seem cold and heartless because they can sometimes have difficulty just listening and supporting. They can get argumentative and want to make others see the logic as they do. It does not mean ENTPs don’t care. They are wired differently.

Every human from all personality types can be empathetic, some can do it without trying, and others have to make more effort. ENTPs have to try to bring out their compassionate side actively, and that is because they have the thinking function.

The thinking function requires them to be logical and naturally inclined to critical thinking and reasonable solutions. If they are dealing with an emotional situation, emotionally healthy ENTPs will allow themselves to be more understanding and helpful by acknowledging an empathetic trait.

Are ENTPs Good With Emotions?

Since ENTPs don’t find it natural to connect with others’ emotions, they tend to deflect in conversations surrounding feelings. Without an active effort, if an ENTP is emotionally healthy, it can seem like they are not interested in listening or trying to comprehend your feelings.

ENTPs are not emotionally intuitive. They struggle to understand emotional aspects, including their own feelings. It sometimes leads to conflict, anger, frustration, and sadness in others dealing with an ENTP. The ENTP can also become argumentative, thinking others don’t get them or don’t want to find solutions.

People who are natural thinkers (T function), like ENTPs, are logical and base their conversations, decisions, and relationships on reason and rational foundations. People who are feelers (F function) naturally are more emotional and base their decisions, discussions, and relationships on a foundation of feeling.

As anyone can figure out, that difference can cause a lot of friction and conflict between an ENTP and someone with an F function. Today’s world also expects people to be empathetic and dont give them the benefit of the doubt or hold space for those who function differently. 

It is not that ENTPs are good or bad with emotions; they navigate them in the best way they know. It is also the same for every other personality type. Each person deals with emotions differently and does things the way they feel are correct. Emotional health, trauma healing, and life experiences also impact how people think about their own and others’ emotions.

Can ENTPs Be Rude?

From previous points, you may start to understand why the conclusion has resulted in labeling ENTPs as rude. While some ENTPs can be rude because of their critical thinking and need to fix or reason with everything and everyone, they don’t mean to be arrogant or nasty.

They care deeply but navigate their love and concern differently to naturally empathetic people. ENTPs will often debate a scenario or try to provide a different perspective. Others may see this as invalidation, whereas the ENTP is simply trying to offer help and understanding in a manner their personality functions naturally do.

ENTPs also get frustrated when they offer logical solutions when trying to problem-solve. They don’t understand why others won’t focus on a solution instead of dwelling on the problem. For someone who needs support, reassurance, and a listening ear, it can feel like the ENTP is deflecting their emotions which can cause arguments and make the ENTP seem rude.

ENTPs want to help and understand; sometimes, they don’t know how. They do the best they can, and since it is not what people expect or prefer, it can seem like ENTPs are rude. Emotionally healthy ENTPs navigate through situations without arguments or frustration. But it takes a lot of self-development and a conscious understanding of the mind and people to get there.

How Can ENTPs Be More Empathetic?

Since ENTPs are not naturally empathetic, and empathy is a beautiful quality to have to sustain meaningful relationships, below are a few things ENTPs can do to become more compassionate:

  • Try to look at situations from different angles and not only in a logical sense. Taking a minute and asking yourself if the person needs support or a solution can help you offer more empathy and only help to solve the problem if and when they need it.
  • Be more empathetic with yourself. Instead of inclining to rationality or deflecting from feelings, try to acknowledge your own emotions and remember that it is okay to feel something without solving it unless and until needed.
  • Work on emotional health. Focus on healing any past trauma, have a conscious, open mind through life experiences, learn how the mind and emotions work, and be accepting of different people, including yourself.


ENTPs are not naturally empathetic, but they can be when needed if they are emotionally healthy. ENTPs seek to understand people they care about but sometimes don’t have the correct tools to deal with situations empathetically because they are naturally logical beings and rational thinkers.

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