There is no doubt that extroverted ESFJ personality types are highly adept at extracting personal information and discussing people’s private lives with others. Thus, it’s only natural to question whether they are truly loyal and capable of keeping secrets.

ESFJs are loyal personalities and capable of keeping secrets as they are empaths who can take on other people’s concerns as if it is their own. Compassionate ESFJs will never divulge a secret if it can harm someone, and they will only share a secret if it benefits the discloser.

Although it might seem evident that ESFJs pride themselves on their impeccable core values and living with integrity, these personalities can be “dark horses” and hide secrets of their own. So, if you want to know what they are – read on!

ESFJ Myers-Briggs: A Brief Overview

So, what does ESFJ mean? The ESFJ abbreviation denotes a person who likes interacting with people (Extroverted), focuses on hard facts, not concepts (Sensing), makes decisions based on their emotions (Feeling), and favors meticulous planning over spontaneity (Judging).

They are often referred to as Provider personalities, as they are sensitive to people’s needs and conscientious caretakers who are always focused on caring for others in practical ways.

ESFJs are diligent and enthusiastic about fulfilling their duties and able to gauge other people’s emotions and what others think of them as people. They have phenomenal people skills and an ability to collaborate with and assist others in creating a sense of harmony.

ESFJs care deeply for others, and their empathy for others affects them profoundly, to such an extent that they carry the burden of other people’s suffering as if it was their own.

In essence, ESFJs are practical and stoic characters who take their duties incredibly seriously and thrive in regulated environments with set routines, where they know what to expect and plan for.

They are meticulous planners capable of creating order out of chaos, so they tend to make significant contributions to managing organizations effectively or taking on roles where they can enforce or maintain social order.

Can ESFJs Be Trusted?

ESFJs are ruled by a strong moral code, and they expect others to follow suit. They expect everyone to know what is right or wrong, and they are adept at voicing these moralistic opinions.

ESFJs are typically trustworthy personalities who deeply value integrity, and they want those whom they care for to know that their word is their bond and that they will follow through on their promises.

These personality types pride themselves on creating and maintaining harmony, both in their professional and personal capacities.

So, they are not likely to cause disruptions or turn their perfectly ordered lives upside down by not sticking to their word as they possess strong core values that are steeped in decency and doing what’s fair and just.

How Loyal Are ESFJs?

Conformist by nature, ESFJs ardently believe in being loyal and faithful and will typically place their family and friends’ needs above their own.

While it is true the ESFJs are often mistyped as Myers-Briggs gossip personalities as they are fascinated by other people’s lives and find it hard not to share their newly gained information about others – it’s a misnomer.

These caring individuals will never divulge personal information that could irrevocably harm those they care for or jeopardize a harmonious relationship.

However, the caveat is that should an ESFJ believe that sharing a friend’s secret could benefit them or be in their best interest; they may feel obligated to reveal it.

ESFJs are incredibly generous people who sacrifice their time and effort to help others in their hour of need. They are highly adept at employing their outstanding organizational skills to assist people they deeply care about.

Are ESFJ Themselves Secretive?

ESFJs are adept at making others believe that they are far more open about their private lives than they truly are. While they are highly extroverted and would like to divulge more about themselves, they struggle to do so.

Furthermore, they will likely feel guilty if they divulge too much about their private lives, as they would dominate the conversation and withhold an opportunity for others to speak openly and share their burdens in life.

In that sense, ESFJs are highly skilled at extracting information about other people’s lives, even if they consider themselves as highly private people.

However, ESFJs are secretive about the fact that they are highly vulnerable and sensitive people who profoundly fear rejection or not being accepted by others, although they would be loave to admit it as it would place the spotlight on them.

ESFJs always maintain a happy and cheerful disposition. Therefore, sharing their deep fear of being alone and their intrinsic “need to be needed” would detract from their noble aspirations to care for others and to put their needs first.

Fascinating ESFJ Personality Traits

So, as you now know a little bit more about these conscientious characters, here are a few more insightful ESFJ character traits:

  • Possess outstanding stress management coping mechanisms and are less inclined to suffer from substance abuse.
  • More likely than other personalities to believe in a higher spiritual power.
  • Compared to others, they are the most inclined to be happily married.
  • ESFJs are more prone to completing their college education than others.
  • They are most likely to be satisfied with their co-workers and prefer working for structured organizations that provide a platform to be of service.
  • ESFJs predominantly work in health care, educational, and religious professions.

ESFJ Celebrities

Well-known ESFJs include Sally Field, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters, Dave Thomas, Ariana Grande, Sam Walton, William Howard Taft, Mary Tyler Moore, JC Penney, and Ray Kroc.


Even though ESFJs have a reputation for not being able to keep secrets, they are loyal personalities who will never divulge a secret if it can cause harm to those they care about, but if they do, it will be in their best interests.

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