ESTPs are outgoing, spontaneous people who enjoy nothing more than a good time. They’re natural flirters and charmers, and they’re often drawn to relationships that are exciting and full of adventure. But how does an ESTP fall in love?

People with the ESTP personality type fall in love with fun and energetic people who know what they want out of life. ESTPs are adventure seekers who get bored quickly with a routine. They get along with people who are relaxed, easy-going, confident, and outgoing.

Let’s explore everything you need to know about ESTPs in love. We’ll look at the mind of an ESTP, what they look for in a partner, and what ESTPs need in a relationship to feel fulfilled. We’ll also give tips on how to make an ESTP fall in love with you and who they’re attracted to.

The Love Life of ESTPs

ESTPs are spontaneous, adaptable people who love to live in the moment. They’re natural thrill-seekers who are always up for anything, and their enthusiasm is contagious.

For ESTPs, falling in love is all about the excitement and adventure of it all. They’re drawn to passionate and alive people and want a relationship that feels like one big adventure. ESTPs thrive on novelty and change, so they need a partner who can keep things interesting.

ESTPs may seem like tough exterior people, but deep down inside, they have a heart of gold. When it comes to relationships, ESTPs crave intimacy and connection. They want to be loved deeply and passionately and feel like they truly matter to their partner.

When an ESTP falls in love, they fall hard; this type has no half-hearted commitment. They wear their heart on their sleeve and expect the same from their partner.

And when an ESTP loves you? You’ll know it; they’ll shower you with affection (both physical and verbal), gifts, surprises, and anything else that makes you feel special. To an ESTP, being in love is the ultimate adventure they’re eager to dive headfirst into!

What Qualities Do ESTPs Seek In A Partner?

When looking for a partner, ESTPs tend to gravitate towards those with similar interests, such as adrenaline rushes through outdoor activities or new experiences through travel. Furthermore, ESTPs seek out individuals who possess qualities that differ from their own such as stability, discipline, and planning skills, as these provide complementary support systems within the relationship.

ESTPs need someone who will challenge them mentally and emotionally. They want a partner who can keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle, but more than anything, they need someone who will accept them for who they are, flaws and all.

ESTPs And The Three Stages Of Love

ESTPs fall in love in three stages; the infatuation stage, the attachment stage, and the committed stage, respectively. In the infatuation stage, they are attracted to someone exciting and new. This person may be physically attractive, but more importantly, they are exciting and fun.

The ESTP wants to pursue this person and figure them out. They are drawn to the challenge and enjoy the thrill of the chase.

The attachment stage starts when an ESTP has gotten to know their partner well and developed a strong emotional connection. They are deeply attached to this person and want to be with them all the time. They are loyal and supportive and will do anything for their partner.

Once an ESTP has reached the committed stage, they have entirely devoted themselves to their partner and are ready to take things to the next level. They want to build a life with this person and are willing to make sacrifices for them. They are incredibly loyal and will always be there for their partner no matter what happens.

ESTPs Dating Strengths And Weaknesses

One of the best strengths ESTPs have when it comes to dating is that they are very good at reading people. They can pick up on nonverbal cues and body language very quickly, which gives them an advantage in understanding their date. Another strength is that they are typically very outgoing and social, making them a lot of fun.

One of the weaknesses ESTPs have when dating is that they can be a bit impulsive and spontaneous. This can sometimes result in them making decisions without thinking things through, which can lead to regretted decisions later on. Another weakness is that they can be a bit insensitive at times and may not always pick up on the emotional cues that their date is giving off.

How To Help An ESTP Fall In Love With You

The ESTP is one of the most passionate and outgoing of all the personality types, so if you want to win their heart, you’ll need to be able to keep up with them. Here are a few tips:

  1. Be spontaneous and adventurous. ESTPs love nothing more than a good time, so the more fun you can have together, the better.
  1. Be honest and direct. ESTPs are very straightforward people, so they appreciate others who are the same way.
  1. Be confident and socially active. ESTPs are attracted to confident people who interact well with others and know what they want out of life.
  1. Be a good listener. ESTPs are great at talking, but they also appreciate someone interested in hearing what they have to say.

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Dating An ESTP

ESTPs are outgoing, spontaneous, and fun-loving people, so the best way to their hearts is to let them lead the way. Plan an adventurous date to get their adrenaline pumping, like rock climbing or go-karting. Or take them on a spontaneous road trip with no set destination in mind.

Another way to win over an ESTP is to share their love of competition. Challenge them to a friendly game of tennis or ping pong, or see who can come up with the most creative date ideas. Whatever you do, ensure you’re keeping things light-hearted and fun; ESTPs are not fans of heavy emotional conversations or drama.

ESTPs can be easily bored, so it’s essential to avoid anything too routine or mundane when dating them. That means no Netflix and chill nights; instead, opt for something that will get their brain working, like trivia night at a local bar or restaurant. And while they do enjoy a good challenge, don’t go overboard with trying to one-up them all the time.

It’s also important not to smother an ESTP with too much attention; they need plenty of space to explore and experience new things. So even if you’re head over heels for them, try not to text or call constantly; give them some time to miss you between dates.


If you’re looking for an outgoing, enthusiastic partner who loves new experiences, then dating an ESTP could be perfect. These fun-loving individuals need a partner up for anything and can keep them entertained. They also need someone honest and direct, as ESTPs dislike mind games and emotional drama.

So if you’re considering dating an ESTP, be exciting and spontaneous, but don’t play games with them or try to control them. Be yourself, and let your ESTP partner fall in love with the real you.

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