In general, people with this exciting personality type love to spend time with other people. They have strong verbal skills, and interacting with other individuals helps them feel energized. This post goes into a lot more detail about ENTJ personalities. Are these personalities good in bed? Are they intense in their intimate relationships?

If you are looking for an exciting partnership with an insatiable craving for intimacy, ENTJs are all that and much more. They are very dominant in bed. In short, they are good in bed and not interested in one-night stands! ENTJs are also in touch with their bodies and sexuality.

ENTJ personality types love having passionate and lively conversations and debates. Sometimes, other people can feel intimidated by the ENTJs’ confidence and strong verbal skills. So, where would all these traits play a sex role? Keep reading because we have all the answers!

Affection, Attraction, and Sex For ENTJs

ENTJ personalities take time to focus on the person they are attracted to, and they enjoy the present moment. It is essential for the ENTJ when it comes to sex. They are intense and giving lovers and need to feel like they matter sexually as well. ENTJs often enjoy and crave sexual intimacy. Especially when it is somebody they care about.

ENTJs partners are some of the most loyal individuals you will date. Commitment is a big deal for them, and it’s something they value a lot. ENTJs will only enter a relationship once they are sure of their choice. Only after steadfast commitment will they move to the sexual intimacy stage.

What Are ENTJs Like In Bed?

ENTJs are very intense and adventurous in the bedroom. They do not engage in casual sex. Sex is more enjoyable for them when they share a good connection with the partner. ENTJs are dominant, and they have a somewhat aggressive nature. This usually translates to the bedroom.

They tend to be very passionate and direct in bed and initiate more than you passively receive. They can be very unemotional, but they definitely have a loving and romantic side. When they have found the person who can tick all their boxes, ENTJs will become the most dedicated and loyal partners.

ENTJs, Love And Physical Interaction

ENTJs have a reputation for being emotionless at times and inattentive as romantic partners. But they can be incredibly supportive, nurturing, and sentimental in their own way. Granted, they might not be as overstated as other personality types, but ENTJs have a whole range of ways in which they will show you how they genuinely care.

Far from being robotic and completely emotionless, ENTJs can profoundly fall in love. An ENTJ in a relationship might not show their devotion regularly, but they will show their love through small, meaningful gestures. Simple acts that have a deep meaning! This might be a thoughtful gift, a well-timed compliment, or just a hug when you need it most.

These traits make ENTJs sweet, loving, and affectionate partners, even if you might not think it at first! ENTJs are incredibly thoughtful. They can spend weeks, or even months, planning and executing an elaborate gift for someone they love.

Think of a surprise box delivered to your door, filled with extraordinary gifts that took countless back and forth emails and phone calls to organize, all because they could not be there for a special event or your birthday in person.

Overall, when ENTJs show how much they care, they do so with actions rather than words. That might mean gift-giving or compromising, but it sometimes can also be in the form of physical touch. As ENTJs sometimes struggle to communicate their emotions, they sometimes prefer to show their support and love through physical connection and closeness instead.

They might not express their emotions, but they know when to offer their support, and physical closeness is one way of doing that. ENTJs love to use caring gestures to express themselves, such as hugging you from behind after an argument, putting a hand on your arm when you are talking, or even just smiling. It might be the way they look at you with warmth when friends surround you.

Lastly, regarding the sweet language of love, physical affection ranks very highly for ENTJs. ENTJs are not generally affectionate people with acquaintances, but when it comes to their spouses and partners, they love a lot of intimacy.

Do ENTjs Love Intimate Relationships?

In other aspects of life, ENTJs regularly become the leader in their relationships; they are dominant by nature. They take on challenges and are unafraid of verbally relaying what they feel.

Their commitments stays the same; they might redefine the relationship’s direction regularly. They will be responsible for finding new ways to promote growth and learning.

Relationships that work for them are based on mutual respect and growth, especially regarding intimacy. They will leave if they sense that there is no more room for growth. They do not like to be part of a relationship where you do not know where you stand or what you want to achieve with them in their life. If a connection is, therefore, stagnant, ENTJs tend to leave very quickly.

This personality type might not always aware of their partner’s emotional needs, which can pose significant problem. ENTJs’ self-images are not consumed by the need to be emotionally needy. However, ENTJs will sometimes become overwhelmed by emotions. They tend to suppress their feelings with these bouts of sentiment, believing them to be weaknesses.

The ENTJ must focus and consciously decide to develop this awareness. It does not occur naturally. However, they can learn to build and control their feelings by spending more time self-reflecting, which also helps them to become more in-tune with their partner’s feelings, and it helps them with intimacy too.

Failure to consider their partner’s emotions and opinions may make the partner feel unimportant. While ENTJs like to be in control, they will become bored if they dominate the relationship for too long without receiving effort from their partner’s side. They crave fearless partners that can stand their ground.

Unafraid of confrontation, ENTJs view conflicts as a chance for open communication and growth. Not everybody agrees with that. While this view usually fosters a stronger relationship, it may be overwhelming for different personality types. Other personality types, such as the Feeling types, may feel threatened by conflict, especially from their loved ones. It takes time and patience to understand ENTJs.

Just as passionate as ENTJs are about their bold stance regarding confrontations, or their dominating nature, they are not at all different in sexual relationships. ENTJs want to feel loved and protected. They will never be submissive and only give you all of them once they think they can trust you and, more so, rely on you.


ENTJs are in a league of their own. Their partners love their intensity and always want to please them. ENTJs are also known for being straightforward but nevertheless love intensely. Nothing comes short in the bedroom as ENTJs are just as dominant, playful, adventurous, and daring in bed. What an exciting personality type!

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