Do you ever wonder if ENTJs are stone-cold or just don’t want to express themselves? If you know an ENTJ, there is probably at least one time where you felt like they do not have or show emotions. But how true is that? Do ENTJs have feelings?

ENTJs have feelings like all human beings. They are excellent at hiding their emotions but are highly logical and attach a reason to every mood and feeling. ENTJs will not express their feelings easily but instead observe the most rational cause and find sensible solutions for their sentiments.

It would be wrong to say ENTJs do not have feelings. They might seem like they have their walls up, and sometimes they do with reason to protect themselves from getting hurt, but ENTJs do feel emotions. Like all other personalities, they have feelings but know how to work logically through those moods. Learn more about how ENTJs deal with their feelings below.

Do ENTJs Feel Emotions?

It seems like a huge misconception that ENTJs do not feel any emotions. You might even hear people calling ENTJs cold-hearted people, but that is untrue. ENTJs have negative and positive feelings about various aspects, just like other personality types. Having emotions is a natural reaction human beings have towards life and people.

ENTJs feel emotions deeply, especially with and for people they are extremely close to or deeply care for. They are simply not highly emotional. They tend to allow their emotions to surface, analyze them, and then let them pass. Sometimes they lock their feelings away, so they don’t actually have to deal with them.

ENTJs have all kinds of feelings, from excitement to sadness and anger to fear. They are skilled at hiding their emotions, so they tend to suppress them or deal with them by themselves. They are not expressive like other MBTIs. An INFJ will retreat to isolation, an ESFP will turn to share, but an ENTJ will most likely show nothing no matter how they feel.

ENTJs are also highly logical beings. Sometimes they view being emotional as a weakness, and sometimes they just find it unnecessary because they see a rational reason for every mood and can justify their feelings while letting them go. That doesn’t mean they don’t feel emotions; it simply means they are excellent at hiding those feelings.

Why Do ENTJs Hide Their Feelings? 

As we have discussed, ENTJs are highly logical, idealistic, and determined. They don’t like to dwell on things nor allow anything or anyone to deviate them from their focus. They will find rationality in everything. If ENTJs feel deep love for someone, they will validate it by saying, “I love this person because they are kind, funny, and I enjoy spending time with them.” 

ENTJs don’t find it necessary to go into detail about feelings or express much. For an ENTJ, the reasoning is sufficient. Sometimes you will find an ENTJ hiding their feelings because of the fear that they might get hurt or be in a vulnerable position. ENTJs are excellent at asserting control for others but are highly protective of their own emotions to shield themselves from disappointment.

Some ENTJs hide their feelings because they see emotions as a weakness. Many logical people have the same thinking. They find that dealing with situations realistically and rationally, using logic and strategic reasoning, is the best way to get through life because people’s feelings can get into their way of practical thinking.

Do ENTJs Express Their Feelings?

Contrary to what we have been discussing till this point, many ENTJs do express emotions. Some negatively like with anger outbursts or passive-aggressiveness. Then other ENTJs are more emotionally stable and healthy and express their feelings more reasonably.

The healthy ENTJ will try to remain calm and talk about their emotions if it negatively affects them or those around them. They are also more likely to put forward happy emotions like happiness and excitement without purposely holding back. 

Showing feelings for ENTJs depends on the type of person they are, their environment, and who they are around – who they are most comfortable with. That makes them seem stable to some and insensitive to others. 

How Do ENTJs Navigate Their Feelings? 

ENTJs prefer not to express their feelings; instead, they will find a practical, workable solution to solve a problem. They find that helping someone is the best way to show how they care instead of adding another emotion to the mix.

They look for ways to accomplish their goals instead of expressing anxiety or fear of things not going the way they expect. ENTJs are direct and like to take action. The problem is sometimes it results in them bottling up their feelings, which weighs them down eventually. 

Are ENTJs Empathetic? 

ENTJs are highly empathetic. It might come as a surprise because empaths are generally people who feel deeply. But ENTJs actually care deeply about those around them. They dislike their loved ones being in any pain, and they genuinely want to avoid conflict at all costs. 

They are highly understanding of others but don’t find it easy to sympathize because they prefer not to express their emotions. ENTJs are also emotionally intelligent, so when they feel empathy, they use practical solutions and open communication to help others and solve problems rather than showing any of their personal feelings.

ENTJs don’t hang onto the empathy string. They can let it go quickly. Even though ENTJs deeply care about others, they allow themselves to separate from that feeling easily. They are knowledgeable and intuitive and can separate emotion and logic. That skill helps them to get through difficult situations with ease.

Do ENTJs Cry?

It is not often that an ENTJ will cry. If they do, it will seldom be in front of people. They are not purposely cruel or cold-hearted; they simply dislike showing vulnerability. Instead, they will bottle up their feelings until the lid pops open, forcing them to let those emotions out.

Ironically, when ENTJs cry, it is rarely ever because they are sad. They won’t cry in a tragic movie or because someone they love has moved to another city. They tend to cry out of anger, frustration, and betrayal. ENTJs can get severely angry, and because they don’t express their feelings, they don’t know where to put that anger, resulting in tears.


ENTJs feel emotions deeply, just like the rest of the Myers-Briggs Personality Types. They are, however, better at masking their feelings, and instead of allowing them to surface, they find logic and rationality to reason with any emotions that might come up.  

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