It is no surprise that INTPs talk to themselves, given their highly introverted nature. However, given that it is uncommon for people to talk to themselves, it’s only natural for one to be intrigued by why INTPs talk to themselves.

INTPs talk to themselves because it allows them to avoid small talk and dull topics, enables them to process their emotions privately, gives them an opportunity to get to know themselves better, and allows them to explore information extensively to determine the bigger picture of situations.

INTPs find much value in talking to themselves. Let’s explore these five reasons why INTPs talk to themselves to understand better why INTPs like to talk to themselves.

5 Reasons Why INTPs Like To Talk To Themselves

INTPs prefer to avoid small talk and like to discuss topics that genuinely interest them. They like talking to themselves because they find freedom in expressing themselves privately and like to experience their emotions privately. INTPs also enjoy processing things to see the bigger picture and do their best by talking to themselves. Let’s explore these five reasons why INTPs like to talk to themselves.

1. INTPs Avoid Small Talk By Talking To Themselves

INTPs despise small talk. They consider small-talk a draining, meaningless activity. INTPs would much rather get straight to the point and address their true thoughts and feelings.

However, due to the nature of society, one must first exchange extensive pleasantries before an interesting conversation arises. This can be very frustrating for INTPs, which is why they often prefer to engage with themselves, as they believe they have nuanced perspectives that can create a meaningful conversation in their head.

2. INTPs Like Topics Not Everyone Likes Talking About

INTPs like talking to themselves because they get to choose the topic they speak of relevance. INTPs despise being forced into situations, and having meaningless conversations is included in their list of extreme dislikes.

INTPs are very analytical, logical individuals who enjoy thinking about theoretical concepts. However, their theoretical conversations are not for everyone. At the risk of being perceived as boring, INTPs prefer to keep to themselves and engage with like-minded individuals, or even better, themselves.

INTPs value having control over their time. When they are forced to engage with people who cannot follow their logic, it drains their energy. However, when INTPs talk to themselves, they don’t lose energy and instead become fueled by their mental engagement. Therefore, INTPs like to speak to themselves because it can be a replenishing activity for them.

3. INTPs Like To See The Bigger Picture

INTPs love a good puzzle. When it comes to situations, INTPs see all the information as puzzle pieces and spend time creating the bigger picture in their mind.

When given a lot of information, INTPs like to have the time to process what they’ve learned. To truly understand what they’ve learned, they need to see the bigger picture and can only do so once they have unpacked the finite details.

For this reason, INTPs find talking to themselves very helpful in deciphering information because it helps them break up the information to form puzzle pieces to bring the bigger picture together.

4. INTPs Prefer To Process Emotions Privately

INTPs are private individuals who can often be challenging to get to know. When it comes to being emotional, INTPs rarely show emotion and can have trouble expressing their feelings.

However, this does not mean INTPs do not experience emotions. INTPs privately experience emotions and prefer to comb through their feelings without other people imputing their feelings and thoughts to the situation.

When INTPs talk to themselves about their emotions, they take it as an opportunity to be vulnerable in a way they would not be with others. In this regard, INTPs talk to themselves as a safe space to process their emotions rather than depend on others.

5. INTPs Find Freedom In Talking To Themselves

INTPs value their freedom and find that talking to themselves can be an opportunity to explore themselves better.

INTPs find that talking to themselves is a way to get to know themselves better to understand who they are at their core being. They do not see it as a coping mechanism but rather as an opportunity to connect with every possible version of themselves.

Is It Common For INTPs To Talk To Themselves Out Loud?

If you’re an INTP and you’re wondering whether you’re a bit weird for speaking to yourself out loud, you can rest in knowing that you are not alone.

Many INTPs talk to themselves out loud to break up their thoughts and process them individually through a conversation. INTPs often feel overwhelmed with their thoughts because their mind is often flooded with internal dialogue.

Given their introverted nature, INTPs do not spend as much time verbalizing their thoughts with others compared to extroverts. For this reason, INTPs find it necessary to have a conversation with themselves to express their thoughts.

The beauty of getting to talk to themselves is that they get to hear various opinions without any useless feedback that someone else might give them in an ordinary conversation.

Furthermore, some INTPs find that talking out loud helps them think more clearly. Often, their internal monologue can cause them to jump from one idea to another without fully exploring the initial idea. However, when an INTP speaks out loud, they may find that it helps slow things down, so they are able to explore their thoughts better.

Additionally, given the number of thoughts racing through INTP’s heads, it’s easy for them to forget things. However, verbalizing their thoughts becomes an auditory experience that allows them to recall what they thought efficiently. In this regard, some INTPs use speaking to themselves out loud as a memory too.

By speaking out loud, INTPs also have the opportunity to offload the things plaguing their minds. It is as if many tabs open in their mind, and speaking out loud helps close a few tabs so that their mental system runs more efficiently.


INTPs are goal-oriented individuals who value the bigger picture. INTPs find solace in talking to themselves because they have the opportunity to discuss topics they find interesting without having to make small talk. By talking to themselves, they can explore their thoughts freely and put information together to discover the bigger picture of things. Finally, INTPs also like talking to themselves because it gives them privacy when they process their emotions.

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