Boredom is something that not only affects ISTPs; everyone can be caught by it at some point or another. And it is not merely age specific either; children can become bored in certain classes at school, while adults might find certain aspects of their jobs bore them to tears. The thing is, though, it does seem to affect the ISTP personality type more so than others, but why is this?

ISTPs thrive when independent and autonomous; they despise rigid routines, such as working 9 to 5 jobs, where they are forced into a repetitive cycle. They do not like doing things repeatedly and constantly need new and exciting tasks that interest them; they live in the present at a fast pace.

Something very curious about the nature of boredom is that it is different from person to person; what makes one individual bored may intrigue and fascinate someone with a different personality type. So we have given you a brief overview of boredom and why ISTPs get bored; however, there is plenty more that we can still learn, so be sure to read on.

What Causes ISTPs To Suffer From Boredom?

ISTPs are people who not only desire but need their independence and thrive on being autonomous. Therefore if they do not have the freedom to make their own choices and direct their lives as they would have them. ISTPs tire quickly when others attempt to control and manage them, whether through manipulation or dictating what they have to do.

ISTPs also do not take kindly to emotional “manipulation” as they do not hold emotions in high regard and prefer logic and reason. Therefore they are highly unlikely to be swayed by the person’s words and emotionality, but instead, they will become restless and distracted.

Pretense and meaningless small-talk or any form of long-winded lectures are also highly likely to not only bore ISTPs, but they are also likely to become annoyed and agitated by them. They also find it immensely exhausting. 

Additionally, ISTPs loath repetitive routines and being forced into any state where they must be sedentary. In many cases, people who are ISTPs are also individuals who are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD.

They do not thrive in careers that force them into a state of passive and repetitive routines, and this causes them to feel immensely demotivated. They much prefer work environments and overall lifestyles that allow for there to be spontaneity within the day-to-day happenings. Their minds work immensely fast, and they relish having a variety of challenges that they need to solve and overcome.

Do ISTPs Get Bored Easily?

They are not highly motivated when it comes to long-term deadlines and plans that have goals set far into the future. If your child is an ISTP, you will find that if they have homework that is due within a week’s time, they will put it off until the very last moment and sit up cramming to complete the task.

This may be the same for adults, but they have likely learned to follow a suitably structured routine and means of time management to complete things within the allotted time frame. Overall, they live in the moment; they are the sort of people you will want to have around when things go wrong as they are quick thinkers and excellent and rapid problem-solving.

Whether in work or schooling environments, the ISTP does not function well at sitting for hours at a time, taking in and regurgitating the information they are being fed. Contrary to some peoples’ beliefs about ISTPs, they are highly intelligent; however, this may not come across as it is not in the conventional sense. They prefer hands-on learning and love action-packed, visual learning.

This is the same for their on-the-job skill acquisition; they are also typically creative and innovative in their manner of thinking and processing information and are well suited to the arts. However, they can also be effective in areas such as mathematics. Still, there needs to be an exciting and practical application of what they are learning and doing.

Why ISTPs Get Bored

Traditionally, introverts tend to ponder past events, plan intricately for the future, and often daydream. As mentioned, ISTPs live in the moment and like to soak up what is happening in the here and now. This contradicts the stereotypical nature of other introverted personality types, often seen as more detached from the present.

ISTPs are more keenly aware of themselves and their immediate environments. So, they actively seek out new and exciting experiences that they find tantalizing to their senses. They are the sort of people who want to soak up all that life has to offer them, and therefore you will find that ISTPs will embark on adventurous things such as skydiving, as they do not delight in the mundane.

They like to be open and open-minded about things and therefore have trouble completing work and tasks. They want to be intrigued and interested in what they are engaging with; if not, they will drag their heels and not want to engage with the projects at hand until it is absolutely essential.

They are also immensely fascinated by their surroundings and find pleasure in discovering how things work and the various components. They are not too taken with abstract ideas and notions, and if stuck in routines, they will become bored. They are not whimsical, but rather logical and rational, but need to find practical applications for the things they learn, do, and engage with.

One of the leading causes for their loathing of routine and cemented structure is that they value freedom and autonomy. They are people who want to be free to change their minds about things (even the path their lives are taking) and do not enjoy being boxed into things or getting locked into long-term work commitments which become repetitive.

They appreciate flexibility within their schedules and do not manage well when confronted by high-pressure deadlines and project constraints. These things they find to be burdensome, and they detest obligations they cannot freely get out of; ISTPs want to be capable of setting their own rules and parameters for things and love the chance to be spontaneous in whatever they do.

How Do ISTPs Respond To Boredom?

One thing that is also interesting about ISTPs is that they can not only become bored by their environments and the activities that they are forced into, but they can also become immensely bored by particular types of people. One sign of this is that they become highly sarcastic when surrounded by such individuals.

They also come across as quite sardonic when bored and often make jokes that others find uncalled for or out of line. To compensate for these restrictive areas of their lives, in their free time, they are more inclined than others to actively go and seek out exhilarating and sometimes risky behavior, simply to break free and feel alive.

If they work a job or are in a space that they find boring, they will usually find the quickest manner of completing the work and will look for all possible shortcuts. With regards to their surroundings, they may even leave or will try to find a way to make things exciting for themselves.

With work, they will operate on bursts of energy and thrive on riding the waves of adrenaline that come along with taking risky approaches to things. They will seek to get boring things done as quickly as possible so they can move on to the next thing. They then take time to slow down and recompose before going full-throttle once more. 


The main reason that ISTPs get bored is if they do not have a plethora of things to occupy them and if they feel like they are stuck in a rut of a routine that engulfs and smothers them. They find repetition and mundane work and activities highly frustrating as they feel stagnating. Thus they will do best in environments that constantly offer new and exciting challenges.

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