Despite being the commanders, ENTJs can find themselves struggling with procrastination.

ENTJs may procrastinate because they are perfectionists, fear failure, or do not see any value in the relevant task. ENTJ’s procrastination tendencies can be assisted by seeking value in the activities, breaking up the task into smaller tasks, and implementing completion rewards.

Let’s explore whether ENTJs procrastinate, the reasons why some ENTJs procrastinate, and potential actions that may assist ENTJs who procrastinate to help prevent or limit procrastination tendencies.

Do ENTJs Procrastinate? Why?

Naturally, like most humans, ENTJs procrastinate to a certain extent. Let’s explore the extent to which ENTJs procrastinate and determine why you may find yourself struggling with procrastination as an ENTJs.

ENTJs Procrastinate Due To Little Reward In Their Investment

As a commander, ENTJs like to feel that their time and energy are being put to good use. If an ENTJ cannot see a reward or value at the end of the tunnel, they may feel that their investment is futile, causing them to procrastinate.

ENTJs often struggle to find a sense of motivation for a task where they cannot resonate with the goal in mind. As driven individuals, ENTJs care about being goal-oriented and enjoy working hard to get things done.

ENTJs Procrastinate Due To Perfectionism

Most ENTJs are perfectionists. While being a perfectionist means that you generally deliver excellent work, it can negatively affect your time management skills.

If an ENTJ faces a task that is likely to require a lot of energy, the individual may become concerned by the extent to which they will have to work to deliver an excellent outcome, given their great need for perfectionism.

ENTJs may procrastinate if they feel that they require emotional or mental security to tackle the task due to its significance.

The fear of exerting a significant amount of energy into a task can lead to procrastination because the ENTJ knows that they will not be able to rest until they have achieved a satisfactory outcome.

ENTJs Procrastinate Due To Fear Of Failure

ENTJs, as goal-driven individuals, often experience significant fear of failure. If ENTJs fear that they will not achieve a successful outcome on the relevant task, they may procrastinate to avoid dealing with failure as a possible result.

When ENTJs fail at something or receive a form of rejection, it can be quite a hard blow. ENTJs enjoy being in control and try to avoid situations beyond their control. Knowing that they have to participate in a task where the outcome is beyond their power can be daunting for an ENTJ.

ENTJs may find procrastination helps delay their potential harm. To avoid relinquishing control, ENTJs may procrastinate so that they can hold onto their power for as long as possible.

How To Motivate Yourself As An ENTJ

As an ENTJ, you have an innate desire to achieve any goal you have put in place. However, you may struggle with motivation, causing you to procrastinate. Here are a few ways you can motivate yourself as an ENTJ.

Motivate Yourself As An ENTJ By Finding Value In Tasks

As an ENTJ, you are most likely a logical individual who focuses on practicality and the end goal.

If you find a task to be mundane, you are likely to find yourself procrastinating rather than completing it as soon as possible.

You may find that your motivation increases once you have found value in the relevant task. For example, washing the dishes may feel tedious, but you can quickly grab a plate without any hassles once the dishes are clean.

Similarly, responding to emails may feel like a chore. However, your response may have clarified a situation to a team member working on a project with you, who now has the information they need to fulfill their role in the team to achieve the primary goal.

By looking ahead and seeing how small tasks can have long-term value, you are likely to feel more motivated to complete the activity without procrastinating.

Motivate Yourself As An ENTJ By Breaking Up Tasks

Given your goal-driven nature, you are likely to experience a sense of joy whenever you complete a task. However, if you face a significantly large task, you experience delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is something that does not generally go down well with ENTJs.

You may find that you procrastinate due to despondency when facing a large task. Consider breaking up large tasks into smaller tasks to make them feel more manageable.

By breaking up your large task into smaller tasks, you will feel a sense of control while also receiving a sense of achievement once you have completed the relevant project. Through this approach, you may find that tasks become more pleasant as you get multiple feelings of accomplishment instead of one sense of accomplishment at the end.

Motivate Yourself As An ENTJ By Creating Completion Rewards

Few things compare to knowing something good awaits you at the end of a task. Sometimes, knowing that you’ve completed the activity isn’t enough.

You may find that your motivation increases if you begin to implement completion rewards every time you complete a task. Completion rewards will depend on what you like. Popular ideas include meeting a friend for lunch, watching a movie, having a yummy snack, or going to bed earlier than usual.

Completion rewards are likely to create a sense of urgency to complete a task that you usually put off until the last minute.

If you apply the approach of breaking up large tasks into smaller tasks, you can supplement that approach with completion rewards. By breaking up your activities and using completion rewards, you are likely to find that each small win becomes an outstanding achievement and something you can look forward to mentally and tangibly.


ENTJs may procrastinate but will always get the job done in the end due to their goal-driven nature. ENTJs often find themselves procrastinating when they do not find value in the task, foresee an extent of perfectionism that will be required for the task, or fear they may fail at the task.

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