If you are already aware that the ENTP personality type is called the “debater,” you probably know what you’re getting yourself into when arguing with an ENTP. This personality type enjoys playing the Devil’s advocate. Whether they stand for what they’re saying is sometimes unknown, these guys merely love a good and enlightening debate (or sometimes they want to show off their skills).

ENTPs are meticulous debaters and can tear any argument to shreds and present a better option. They like to argue because of their relentless curiosity, but other motivators include their strong beliefs, boredom, or pointing out another person’s mistaken comments. It’s how they get to know people.

Whether you are an ENTP looking to understand yourself better, or if you are looking to beat an ENTP in a fiery debate, you are sure to find your answers here. All of you ENTPs out there, cool it for a minute and listen a little, okay?

Are ENTPs Argumentative?

Most certainly! While the personality type is officially called the “debater,” it is also called the “lawyer.” ENTPs are adept at solving problems and developing arguments regarding various intellectual problems. They are good at arguing for or against any point – it doesn’t matter whether they believe it; they merely want to get closer to objective truth.

ENTPs aren’t just good at arguing; they love it! Debaters enjoy exercising their minds and showing off their intellectual prowess. Any career or conversation that allows debaters to cultivate their creative energy – whether to think of new plans, new ideas, or new solutions – sounds like the ideal environment for an ENTP to thrive.

When working on something new, ENTPs tend to break it down from every angle. They will produce arguments and counterarguments for each subset of the project and pull them apart to put it all back together again.

ENTPs are relentlessly curious and will often start an argument to hear more of what their subject is thinking and what their true opinions are. Friends of an ENTP will often see their thoughts on certain topics develop more solidly to withstand the sheer power with which an ENTP can shatter an argument.

Why Do ENTPs Argue So Much?

To ENTPs, an argument or dispute is not a bad thing. It is an opportunity for them to develop their minds further and, above all, have fun! ENTPs get genuinely excited merely from having the chance to speak their minds. Other than their unquenchable thirst for knowledge, ENTPs have four primary reasons they like to argue.

They Truly Believe In What They’re Fighting For

People’s strongest beliefs are probably the main reason any person debates or gets into disputes. It promotes what they believe in and prevents another person’s so-called “twisted” ideas from gaining traction. Otherwise, it is merely developing an idea and getting the best possible result from a project.

They Are Bored

This one is unique to ENTPs. Sometimes they enjoy starting an argument merely for entertainment, no matter how absurd the topic may be. They can get a real kick out of contemplating the pros and cons of ketchup or seeing their opponents become increasingly irritated.

Their Opponents Said Something Incredibly Dumb

Although more common among less mature ENTPs, this is as good a reason to set a debater off firing. Watch your step if you know an ENTP like this, or communicate it if you don’t like their reactions (since there most likely will be a big one).

It’s Their Way Of Getting To Know Someone

If an ENTP personality type starts bashing verbal heads with you, they are likely eager to know you better. They will certainly have fun, and they expect you to have fun with it too. ENTPs enjoy getting to know someone in this way because they can delve deep into someone else’s mind with a deep discussion, and it helps them read someone’s personality with more ease.

Do All ENTPs Like To Debate?

Some ENTPs may be more averse to debating, possibly out of fear of hurting more sensitive people with strong opinions. Whether the debaters like it or not, they are good at it. Furthermore, they are extremely honest and extroverted, so they are unlikely to shy away from sharing what they are thinking. Their honesty, unfortunately, may often carry across a seeming insensitivity.

Even though some people may share the same personality type, it does not necessarily mean that they exhibit that personality type’s behavior all through their life. Some people develop their personalities more thoroughly earlier or later in life, and most may never fit 100% with their closest personality type. It is, however, accurate to assume that most ENTPs enjoy debating.

What Are ENTPs Arguing Style?

The debater has a unique arguing style. They tend to be very analytical in any disagreement, and they will often overlook the emotions or values that may be driving their counterpart’s arguments. They get very excited during a dispute. They are often quite pedantic about specifics, but their main focus is winning the overall debate, so they can still ignore the little things for the bigger picture.

Similar to ENFPs, debaters enjoy adding shock value to their arguments. They do this to throw their opponents off their guard and see their reactions. This interaction is part of the fun of arguing with an ENTP since it can be truly funny or bring out shocking truths within the topic of discussion.

While ENTPs are often seen as warriors of logic and rationality, their extraverted intuition allows them to argue even when these are missing. ENTPs are quick on their feet in thinking, their thoughts are flexible, and they can often back up their arguments without stone-cold facts. Since debaters can see a problem from all angles, they can develop a solution that nobody has thought of.

Unfortunately, many ENTPs can give way to their own emotions when arguing. Even though their thinking ranks higher than their feeling, debaters sometimes argue disingenuously, which can bother people with a strong sense of truth and justice. Furthermore, even though they may spend a lot of time researching various topics via many sources, they sometimes bring up facts that are not correct.

These elements contributing to ENTPs’ debating style – from the shock factor to their sometimes seemingly hypocritical arguments – may ruffle many people’s feathers. This sort of dislike (or maybe rather a feeling of being challenged) causes a lot of people to likely be more honest and open up their true opinions to ENTPs. 

How To Argue With An ENTP

If you know an ENTP, which most of us certainly do, you’re very likely to get into an argument with them somewhere along the line (although they probably wouldn’t even call it something that harsh, and they’ll be sure to explain why it isn’t that bad). Nevertheless, it would help if you were at least a little prepped for the next battle of the wits.

Therefore, ensure that you know at least some facts on the topic you are discussing. Read about multiple topics and use various reputable sources. Check your sources’ credibility and try and remember these details to the best of your ability. Know both sides to a story or argument and collect as much trivia as possible.

Don’t get too emotional. Even if it is difficult for you to keep a cool head in a heated discussion, try your best to stay calm. ENTPs may get very worked up, but it is important to remember that it’s not personal, and it’s likely just their passion overflowing. Admit defeat when you know there is no more chance for victory than going in circles.

Even if shocking or rhetorical, ask questions, as this may catch an ENTP off guard. Strengthen your vocabulary and express yourself as clearly as possible. Using the wrong word in the wrong place could give an ENTP a gap to shred your argument.


Be careful when arguing with ENTPs since you may often fall short of their amazing debating skills (and you may oft find yourself in an altercation instead). However, if you are interested in waging a war of words against these skilled squabblers, ensure you have your verbal artillery ready. Also, have a good rest before – you’ll have to be sharp!

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