INFPs possess the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. They are very decisive, natural-born leaders and love accomplishment. ENTJs have commander personalities because they have the drive to lead others. They sometimes get a bad rep. Read further to find out why!

They’re usually hated for their stubbornness, impatience, controlling nature, and arrogance. ENTJs have great leadership qualities but want everything to go the way they planned and hold others to high standards. When people don’t meet those standards, ENTJs will make them feel inferior.

ENTJs get a bad rep due to their domineering personality. This article will look at why ENTJs are hated if they’re outright mean and whether they are capable of being kind.

Why Are ENTJs Hated?

ENTJs are natural-born leaders. They are very interested in gaining power and influence. Their strong verbal skills and ambition can make ENTJs intimidating. Some ENTJs also tend to go too far. Because of their leadership skills and desire for control, they can become stubborn, arrogant, and dominant. This is why ENJs are hated:

ENTJs Are Stubborn And Impatient

Due to their confidence and willpower, ENTJs can be very stubborn and try to push their ideas on others. They will try to win every debate and ensure that their view comes across no matter what. They rarely back down and will try to win every argument. ENTJs tend to be very impatient and misinterpret someone contemplating something as disinterest or stupidity.

ENTJs Can Be Dominant and Bossy

ENTJs have natural leadership qualities and strong verbal skills. They have more than enough confidence to go around. They always need to control and have things executed the way they planned. Because of this, they may come across as overbearing.

They are also very organized and love planning. Everything needs to go according to plan because it gives ENTJs a sense of control. ENTJs get angry when things don’t happen the way it needs to and will reprimand those that do not follow the plan consistently.

ENTJs Are Not Always Tolerant

ENTJs tend to make snap judgments. They also tend to be intolerant of people who are not as efficient as them when executing a plan. ENTJs hold others to an unrealistic high standard, and when they don’t meet these standards, the ENTJ will become impatient or even angry.

When someone’s opinion differs, an ENTJ will often try to convince the other person to change their opinion. They also judge others who make decisions that are not based on the facts.

ENTJs tend To Be Arrogant

ENTJs’ good leadership qualities and desire to take control can make them arrogant. Because of their decisive nature and quick wit, ENTJs tend to act superior to those who are not like them.

They tend to draw conclusions before having all the information and then maybe regret that later on. People with this personality type also want things to go the way they planned. If a person does not put in as much work as an ENTJ, they will make the other feel inferior.

ENTJs Can Be Cold

ENTJs are logical and objective and rarely factor in emotions when making decisions. This tendency can cause them to appear cold and distant. They tend to feel awkward in situations where a certain level of emotion is called for. They focus more on logic and the facts than emotions.

ENTJs especially do this when they are in the process of achieving a goal. Their success comes first, even if it hurts others. It is also difficult for an ENTJ to understand how others can put emotions first before the facts. This difficulty makes them quick to dismiss someone’s personal circumstances. They then come across as insensitive and cold.

ENTJs Handle Their Emotions Poorly

While not intentionally cruel, ENTJs struggle with emotions. They feel the need to conceal their emotions, seeing them as a weakness that must be concealed from others. As such, empathy is not one of their strong suits.

ENTJs also rarely accept emotional support from others when they’re hurt. If they blame someone for their situation, an ENTJ may try to hurt the person they are blaming.

Are ENTJs Really Mean?

ENTJs are not intentionally mean but sometimes speak without thinking. They have trouble understanding other people’s emotions and see it as a weakness when someone expresses them. They tend to trample over another person’s emotions, making that person feel inferior.

Despite this, ENTJs are rational and objective. Some ENTJs really try to address their weaknesses by being more emotionally open and trying to be more tolerant of others.

Can ENTJs Be Nice And Kind?

Anyone has the potential to be nice and kind, no matter what type of personality you have. ENTJs are not an exception. They can be very thoughtful and considerate. ENTJs will help others achieve their goals and actually want them to do well. They are also extroverted, so they love spending time with other people. Interacting with others energizes them.

ENTJs have excellent communication skills, so they can be very kind and friendly. ENTJs are also known for going above and beyond when it comes to giving people gifts or surprising them. Their gift-giving makes them very thoughtful. An ENTJ will spend a lot of time trying to execute the perfect surprise. Giving gifts is how ENTJs show their affection, especially when in a relationship.

ENTJs are able to understand another person’s emotions if they actively pay attention and recognize the value of others’ inputs.


ENTJs can be very argumentative and domineering, which is why they have such a bad rep! They can be very competitive, arrogant, and stubborn. Despite these qualities, they are willing to go above and beyond for the people they love. They always wish to see other people succeed. ENTJs are not always intentionally mean but can be kind and friendly towards others, especially if they are aware of the other person’s emotions.

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