Have you ever been around an ENFJ with total and utter confusion because you’re surprised how motivated, forthright protagonists can procrastinate so often and for such long periods? Yeah, it sure does happen a lot. So, why do ENFJs procrastinate, and what can they do about it?

ENFJs procrastinate because they hold themselves to unrealistic expectations. They have high standards of perfectionism and need things organized. They take on too much at once, which leads to them delaying tasks until the last minute. ENFJs need to take time for themselves to recoup and refocus. 

ENFJs can identify as procrastinators because they take on too much, have high standards, and are often people pleasers with too much going on. They forget to take care of themselves or avoid carving time out to rejuvenate, which leads to exhaustion and delaying tasks. Let us look more into this below.

Why Do ENFJs Procrastinate?

ENFJs procrastinate for several reasons, even though they have the personality of some of the most goal-orientated and forthright individuals. They struggle just like the next person does from time to time, depending on the circumstances. Since ENFJs’ core values and functions don’t seem like they would be procrastinators, it can be weird and confusing when it happens.

Here are some factors that contribute to why ENFJs procrastinate:

ENFJs Are Perfectionists

ENFJs are pretty severe perfectionists. They get strung up on minute details and try to get every little thing right. If there is a task to complete, ENFJs need each step to fall into place precisely as they perceived. They hold themselves to extremely high standards and need to achieve expectations as they view them.

Having that high perfectionism level, often translated as OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), can be brutally exhausting. ENFJs tend to feel overwhelmed and distressed with the need to get everything right that they eventually withdraw from doing anything.

If they feel stuck because they cannot do something to their high standards, ENFJs will hold off until they feel ready to accomplish it. It can often result in them procrastinating until the very last minute, especially if there is a deadline.

ENFJs Can Be People-Pleasers

Along with perfectionism, ENFJs tend to be people-pleasers. They want everyone to be happy and satisfied, even at the cost of their own needs and happiness. They never want to disappoint people around them, and they feel the need to fulfill every expectation that others have of them, even if they are struggling.

When an ENFJ wants to ensure that they make everyone happy and do everything others require or ask of them, it can become intensely overwhelming. They take on too much – more than they can handle, and it becomes a burden more than the ENFJs goal of helping.

The feeling of having the burden to keep things running smoothly and ensuring everyone is satisfied can cause the ENFJ to procrastinate. The overwhelm will disable their ability to move forward and focus on their goals. They feel stuck, not knowing where to begin and how to tackle everything.

ENFJs Have Too Many Ideas At Once 

ENFJs are quite the protagonists. While that is an excellent characteristic to have and can prove to be highly beneficial in finding success, it can also be the reason holding them back. Protagonists tend to have many goals, desires, and ideas. They work hard to succeed but sometimes bite off more than they can chew.

ENFJs have a flood of ideas running through their minds. They are also highly intuitive, which means they can absorb excess information to dissect, study patterns, and formulate accurate possibilities of outcomes. These thoughts lead to overthinking and several concepts in their minds all at once. They find themselves not knowing how to start or focus, resulting in procrastination.

Can ENFJs Be Lazy?

ENFJs are not lazy individuals but productive, goal-focused, forthright, and energetic people. They are intuitive and can perceive the desirable outcome. ENFJs focus on long-term goals, and their visions are clear. They set out and work to achieve their goals with consistency and conviction.

The issue that many ENFJs have is that they sometimes fall short of motivation because they have such high standards and want everything to be perfect. Their extreme and often unrealistic expectations of themselves can cause them to procrastinate.

ENFJs can procrastinate more than they would like to admit because they feel overwhelmed and stuck with trying to achieve perfection. Sometimes they have so many ideas they just don’t know where to start. It often looks like laziness to others, and an ENFJ will occasionally label themselves as lazy, but that is far from the truth. They simply need time to figure out how to move forward.

How ENFJs Can Overcome Procrastination

For the ENFJ who falls into the struggles with procrastination, it can be delipidating. It affects the quality of life and can cause them to question their abilities while lowering their self-esteem.

Here are some ways ENFJs can beat procrastination:

Carve out some me-time: Taking time to relax to recoup, rejuvenate and fill your cup (as cliché as it sounds) is the ultimate way to process your thoughts and ideas. It allows you to relax, release self-doubt and fuel your mental and emotional state to find the energy to refocus and do what is needed without self-inflicted pressure.

Set clear deadlines: Creating deadlines can be highly beneficial in completing tasks. ENFJs generally love structure, and knowing that something has a deadline will motivate you to do what is necessary to meet it.

Set boundaries with others: Having clear boundaries with others but, more importantly, with yourself is essential to your well-being and goals. Learn to say no when you already have too much going on and only take on what you can manage in your time.

Use time management skills: ENFJs are suckers for organization, structure, lists, and clear visions. Try to make a list of priorities focusing on tasks you have control over and move forward to complete those in specific time frames. Get started on a routine and categorize what you can.

Do your best: Each person can only do their best. ENFJs are high achievers but remind yourself (use affirmations if needed) that everything doesn’t need to be perfect. As long as you are doing the best you can with what you have in the time that you have, you can still keep moving and beat the procrastination.


ENFJs procrastinate when they can’t find the correct route to fulfill their high standards or meet the expectations of others. They tend to take on too much and become overwhelmed and exhausted. If an ENFJ learns to follow some of the tips mentioned above, like having clear deadlines, ensuring they take time to recoup, and knowing when to say no to others, they will be able to manage procrastination.

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