The funny thing is that reluctance to make decisions is in itself a choice that one may not perceive as such. If action is to be taken and one deliberates for too long, you have decided not to act. We need to examine our options and weigh the potential resultant outcomes, but hesitating for too long is an issue. So why are ISTPs the type to be so indecisive?

The ISTP personality type is seen as incredibly indecisive, which at times may be accurate; however, in other ways, they prefer to spend time considering and thinking before making decisions. Others resultantly translate this as indecisiveness; instead, ISTPs are logical and pensive.

So we have established the fundamental nature of the ISTP personality type, and we now have a concise understanding of why they tend to take their time to make decisions or are indecisive. However, there is more to examine regarding why they are so hesitant, whether they are any good at making decisions, how they analyze past choices, and how they relate to others, so be sure to read on.

Why Are ISTPs So Indecisive?

ISTPs are an inquisitive bunch of individuals, and unfortunately, one of the traits they possess is that they lose interest in things rather quickly. They also do not like staying fixed on or committing wholeheartedly to anything. This aspect of their personality, which makes up a large portion of it, filters through all avenues of their lives, from schooling, careers, and relationships.

They are typically highly skilled in one particular area, or it could be a few. Still, the gist is that they will likely underperform in traditional schooling environments as they do not fit into that particular mode of learning. They also tend to lack interest in abstract ideas and concepts, and their distractibility and sense of curiosity often lead them to become bored of repetition.

This personality type is likelier to be diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. Still, it may well not be a “disorder”; instead, they are merely disinterested in anything that is not hands-on, or they do not find it stimulating. They are also remarkably realistic and pragmatic; therefore, they will always try to ascertain a means of minimizing effort for almost everything.

They are also the type of individuals who highly value free time and like to only spend time on things that genuinely interest them; therefore, they often seem unprepared for things or will not stick to a project or task long enough to see its completion. This leads to a tendency to cut corners or seem indecisive, purely out of lack of interest.

Thus to combat their potential lack of initiative and the decline of their interest in any given job or task, it is an excellent idea for them to either construct for themselves or have someone do so, a plan and strategy that maps out all the steps and details of the project. This structure will often be highly beneficial and means they will not need to deliberate or make decisions along the way.

They are also the sort to want to be excited and stimulated by whatever they are doing. ISTPs are also immensely alert, and their sensory faculties are always active. One thing about them that therefore makes them seem indecisive is that they prefer to keep their options open and not have to be locked into anything in particular.

Additionally, suppose you ask an ISTP what their goals are. In that case, they will likely not have very straightforward answers, as setting goals, making long-term plans, and committing to work, people, and dreams is what looks like a recipe for disappointment. And they will avoid that at all cost, so although they may well want certain things, they will seem indecisive to protect themselves.   

Are ISTPs Indecisive?

In a sense, ISTPs are the indecisive type, but as you have already seen, it is more complex than a simple case of them being incapable of making choices and decisions. Instead, they are the type to want to constantly be trying new and varying things instead of being fixed to one thing in particular, and this can make them appear to be indecisive.

They do not want to be trapped by a particular choice or option and like the ability to opt-out and go with something else. Therefore, if ISTPs know they have to make a hard and fast decision regarding something in their lives, they will scrutinize their options and analyze them thoroughly before moving ahead.

It may also be called overthinking; they will agonize over any choice they have to make and, if possible, try various options before they settle on one. They also relish the freedom of not being tied down, and they want to be able to venture out and are often the type that likes to travel and may even change careers more often than others, as they do not like to feel bored.

Are ISTPs Good At Making Decisions?

When ISTPs settle on a decision and have finally made their minds up about something, they are generally immensely committed to that choice they have made. This often comes after long deliberation, though; thus, they are labeled with the “indecisiveness” factor.

They also admire logical approaches to decision-making. And the methodologies they utilize are sometimes incredibly clear-cut and concise; therefore, they will often have shortcuts in life and ultimately carve their paths in the manner they deem fit.

They are rather unconventional in their manner of thinking and deciding on things and also when it comes to sticking to schedules and following rules. They like to work at their own pace and at times which suit them best and are usually relatively independent and prefer doing their own thing rather than sticking to what is dictated.

Due to these traits, other personality types will look at ISTPs and consider them lazy and indecisive, but this is not entirely true. They can conform to “regular” jobs and make firm decisions; however, they will predominantly thrive in careers that allow them to be hands-on and quite literally work with their hands.    

How Do ISTPs Review Their Past Decisions?

ISTPs are highly matter-of-fact in their approach to reviewing the outcomes of past decisions and will most often focus on aspects such as how the process could have been more concise and efficient. This is an excellent trait, but they will usually not concern themselves with any more profound effects or significance of the decisions. This is particularly true regarding interpersonal considerations.

They do not ponder about or even think to evaluate the emotional reactions of others to their decision. Therefore, if an ISTP wishes to grow and strengthen their relational and decision-making attributes, they need to make an effort to not only be pragmatic in their analysis. Fostering successful relationships and collaboration is complex, but ISTPs can learn to hone this skill.


ISTPs are often considered indecisive, which is, as we have seen, partially true. However, the fact is that they merely do not like to be restricted to only one option, and they prefer diversity. When they commit to a decision, they will most likely stick to it firmly after careful analysis. They also take a logical and analytical approach to matters and do not value emotions highly.

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