Do you ever wonder how most of the people you meet are ENFPs? They are everywhere; in families, friendships, workplaces, etc. You find them in many walks of life, and sometimes it can feel like you are a magnet for attracting every ENFP on the planet. You might be wondering, why are ENFPs such a common personality type?

The ENFP personality is one of the common MBTIs, especially in females. They fit society’s standards quite perfectly, being outgoing, charismatic, and social butterflies. ENFPs are significantly likable and try to accept and be friends with everyone. ENFPs are highly adaptable and confident.

Sometimes it can be confusing to understand how the ENFP MBTI can be one of the common types since they hold the intuition function, which has one of the lowest percentages among all the personality types. To see how they fit into the typical category, you must understand their operating characteristics. We will discuss those below.

Why Are ENFPs So Common?

ENFPs are surprisingly one of the more common personality types. In our “extraverted-heaven” world, they fit into society perfectly. They are super outgoing, love being around people, and explore life beyond the confines of their homes.

ENFPs are the typical people you think about when ‘happy-go-lucky’ comes to mind. They are full of zest and have a passion for life. ENFPs usually have a large circle of friends or a few different groups because they get along with everyone.

The ENFP personality is highly adaptable, and with their social intelligence, they can walk into any room and own it. They are natural leaders, which also makes them pretty popular. Isn’t common and popular the same thing? See, it is not. ENFPs are common according to the statistics of the MBTI test. On the other hand, popularity relates to people with the ENFP personality.

6 Ways The World Benefits From ENFPs

ENFPs make the world better with their attractive characteristics and charismatic nature. They hold several functions and use them to benefit themselves and others, benefiting the world at large. Take a look a look at these 6 ways ENPs help others and the world.

1. ENFPs Are Inclusive And Welcoming 

ENFPs are not judgmental of anyone. They try their best to treat everyone equally and include all types of people from all backgrounds. People tend to feel welcomed, comfortable, and secure around ENFPs. The world loves ENFPs because they bring harmony and unity between people.

2. ENFPs Focus On Possibilities 

ENFPs are always looking for possibilities and solutions. They have a pool of ideas running in their thoughts at all times, and their intuition helps them see desirable outcomes and future goals. They help others find solutions where necessary and show people how to focus on positive possibilities.

Getting over hurdles instead of picking up on everything wrong. They try to see the good in everyone and everything.

3. ENFPs Teach Others To Live In The Present 

ENFPs will relish every moment as it comes. They don’t overthink the future; if they do, they see the magic in the positive possibilities. They live in the present and enjoy time as it stands.

Being around an ENFP means you get to unwind, let go of worries about what’s next, and leave the past behind. They will remind you through their actions how to love life and make the most of every situation – even when it is challenging.

4. ENFPs Are Socially Skilled 

The world always benefits from socially skilled individuals like ENFPs. Being extraverted, ENFPs know how to deal with people and ensure that they make everyone feel good. They love making people happy and will go above and beyond to ensure everyone is satisfied and comfortable. 

An ENFP can break the ice in a room of awkwardness and use their peopling skills to unite different people and bring harmony to situations.

5. ENFPs Are Natural Leaders 

ENFPs are born leaders. They make excellent entrepreneurs and are incredible to have in any workplace. They will not only show you the ropes but will help you pull them. ENFPs are kind, compassionate, empathetic, and loving individuals who are always willing to help and support others.

6. ENFPs Are Highly Generous 

ENFPs are some of the most generous human beings. They strive to make people around them feel good, and one of their main goals in life is to spread kindness. They shower others with love, support, gift, time, affection, and acts of service in every way possible.

They love doing charity work, and they tend to inspire others to do the same in their journey to spread kindness. They remind the world what being kind means and are genuine examples of what it should be like in practice.

Are ENFPs Common Or Just Popular?

It can be confusing to understand how each personality type works and what makes one more common than the other. If you look deep into the research about Myers-Briggs, you will find out that there can be many mistypes. Not all the statistics are accurate, and only a part of the world’s population that takes the test.

Additionally, not all who take the test may be answering 100% truthfully, and to dig further and speculate how each MBTI has been conducted is a whole other discussion. Then there is the gender difference, which adds another layer of information.

To simplify everything, here’s what it is:

  • ENFPs are the only N-type that aren’t rare. Not many people have actual intuitive skills. Intuition is also the function with the lowest percentage across all MBTIs.
  • ENFPs are E-type for extroverted, one of the higher percentages, but it could be a significant mistype because many ENFPs lean massively towards being introverts. The mistake here could be that most people confuse introversion with shyness, whereas they are very different things. Here is where mistypes come from the tests.
  • Not all personality types are divided equally, and ENFPs are common in statistics in line with how many there ‘should be.’
  • Many male-type behaviors result in the T (thinking) function, and females are found to have the F (feeling) function. It goes back to the possible bias data from an assumption of gender behaviors when the MBTI was created.

To conclude this section, it would be fitting to say that there is a possibility that ENFPs fall into the category of the common personality types. Its also accurate to say that they fit the criteria of being popular individuals in society because of their personality characteristics – but not necessarily one of the most “common” MBTIs.


ENFPs are a common personality type, according to statistics. ENFPs are prevalent individuals and fit society’s criteria perfectly by being extroverts and fun, outgoing, empathetic people always in service of others. They are highly sociable and adaptable, making the world a little less gloomy for those around them.

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