ISFPs may seem like dear little creatures with their quiet, reflective yet social way. Known as the “artist,” “composer,” or “adventurer” of the MBTI, their creativity is abundantly clear. For many years it has been somewhat of a common misconception that a person is either creative or intelligent. But smarts or intelligence has many layers and is not just limited to being “book smart.”

ISFPs are introverted, attentive, detail-orientated, and take time to make pragmatic decisions. A high EQ, self-awareness, and penchant for being attuned to their surroundings give them a unique outlook and intelligence. Creativity and imagination make them see and solve problems in unique and valued ways.

Smarts, intellect, and intelligence are not specific to any one personality type. Each type has its own unique or unconventional form of intelligence. Discovering that an ISFP is quite clever may be disarming for some, especially if you’ve drawn your conclusion about them from what you’ve seen at face value.

Classic Traits Of An ISFP Personality

ISFPs are easy-going, carefree, creative, and selectively social individuals. They are pretty adept and at ease when it comes to holding their own in social situations but value their personal time and space highly due to their introverted nature. They have a great sense of balance and harmony in this regard.

Much like in their social lives, there is a sense of balance when it comes to their way of thinking, analyzing, and problem-solving. Their acronym in itself shows the range within this type. (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving).

A unique set of attributes that influence an ISFPs way of thinking:

  • Tactile
  • Goal orientated
  • Reflective
  • Creative
  • Observant
  • Pragmatic
  • Optimistic
  • Loyal
  • Introverted
  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Open-minded
  • Considerate
  • Self-aware

As you can the traits mentioned above may seem contradictory in some cases. But ISFPs balance these things in such a way that makes their intelligence unique.

The Difference Between Intelligence And Intellect

The term “intelligent” is often misused or used synonymously with “intellect.” A person can be highly intelligent in specific ways without being brainy or clever in the perceived conventional sense.

While the two words are related, intellect is actually considered to be an extension of intelligence.

Intelligence refers to knowledge and skills obtained by a person, which are then put into practice. Intelligent people enjoy deep discussions, have a curious and open mind, have a tendency to be disorganized, and can be slightly reclusive at times.

Intellect refers more specifically to reasoning and understanding in an objective manner. People that are intellectually inclined look at facts and logic.

Are ISFPs Intelligent?

ISFP personalities are both intelligent and intellectual/ the intelligence may shine through more than the intellect, but this is not indicative of them being without it. It is more likely to witness the intelligence of an ISFP through their creative works and physical activities. They are regarded as being the most physically coordinated type in the MBTI. They are skilled at sports and other physical activities that allow them to make use of their awareness of their surroundings.

Is ISFP Personality Good At Math?

There is no accurate indication or evidence that this type is either good or bad at math. An ISFP may not perform well academically when it comes to this subject. But that is not to say that they are bad at it. It more than likely relates to the subject matter itself and the way in which it is taught.

 Many people believe that this personality type generally may not always thrive in a conventional classroom setting. While they enjoy structure, a lack of interest in certain subjects may inadvertently cause them to perform well below their capabilities.

What Kind Of Career Would Suit An ISFP?

One way to gauge the smarts of an ISFP would be by looking at the types of careers that they are best suited to. As well as the jobs they should probably not enter into.

An ideal job would be one that uses their strengths, such as their creativity, attention to detail, and spatial awareness, and one where they can work most of the time independently.

It is also essential for an ISFP to have a job that has something of a hands-on approach. Where their efforts, skills, and creativity yield something tangible. Seeing the end result of their hard work will give them great satisfaction.

Jobs suited for an ISFP include:

  1. Designer (fashion, graphic, interior)
  2. Chef
  3. Florist, botanist, forester, gardener
  4. Artist
  5. Police officer
  6. Social worker
  7. Teacher
  8. Landscape architect
  9. Jeweler
  10. Carpenter

From this list, another undeniable trait of an ISFP is evident: their ability to find beauty in all things and their appreciation and preservation of the beauty that occurs in the natural environment.

Suppose an ISFP were to enter into a career that goes against their passion, creativity, and work ethic or finds themselves in an environment that is not conducive to being productive. In that case, they won’t perform to the best of their abilities. They care about doing well, and jobs that aren’t suited to them may cause the ISFP to become disheartened, stressed, or burnt out.

Jobs that are not suited to the ISFP personality type include:

  1. Chemical engineer
  2. Administration jobs
  3. Dentist
  4. Actors
  5. Sales manager
  6. Marketing manager
  7. Auditor
  8. Surgeon
  9. Psychiatrist
  10. Lawyer

These lists are merely suggestions or ideas based on data that has been gathered about this personality type. Many ISFPs may find great success in either one of these lists. They will undoubtedly use their intelligence to find a way to make their chosen career work for them.


The ISFP personality type is capable of being both intelligent and intellectual. It is more apparent when they are discussing, partaking, or making something that aligns with their interests and passions. They are also not the type to boast about their intelligence, and it may often go unnoticed by many at first. But do not be surprised that ISFPs are highly intelligent in their own unique way. It takes all kinds of intelligence and intellect to make the world work.

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