It is no secret that anytime you do research or read something about the MBTI; you will find a mention of INFJs being the rarest personality type. If you are an INFJ, it might be easier for you to understand it, but for someone else, you might notice how complex INFJs are and wonder, is this why INFJs are so rare?

INFJs are rare because they hold a unique combination of personality traits, including, Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging, that is not present in most people. INFJs are paradoxes of their personalities. Their personality is divergent and combines incompatible functions.

It is pretty challenging to understand how such a divergent personality type can exist in a single individual. INFJs are highly complex people because of their paradoxical traits, which are generally incompatible. Let’s talk about how these factors make INFJs so rare.

Why Do INFJs Exist?

INFJs are a rare breed of individuals yet wonderfully molded to be amazing people. An INFJ is important to the world around and it is always beneficial to have an INFJ in your life. If INFJs did not exist, there would be a large dent in the world at large because of the incredible characteristics they offer and put out into the world. Their characteristics help them to make decisions that help others.

The INFJ traits make incredible leaders, politicians, authors, philosophers, and artists. They can achieve what many cant and that’s why they are amazing in relationships and in progressing the world.

The Essential Traits Of INFJs

Let’s look at the key points that make INFJs needed:

They are intuitive: INFJs have a unique intuition that uses new and old information to dissect situations and make precise predictions. INFJS are always one step ahead and prepare and execute plans from an overall perspective and understanding of the past, present, and future, rather than just a current event.

There are empathetic: INFJs are emotionally mature and highly in tune with the moods of others. They feel responsible for holding the pain and inequality of others like it’s their own. When an INFJ is healthy, they can find logical and rational solutions to problems while still holding empathy. That is a characteristic not many can achieve,

They are idealists: INFJs have super high standards of the world while still being logical about what is right and wrong and finding tangible solutions that distinguish them from the mass majority. INFJs can dream and act sensibly.

They are trustworthy: INFJs are excellent listeners. They can create beautiful, genuine connections with others with emotional maturity and intuitiveness. They understand subtleties while working to find efficient solutions for problems with which people approach them. Connecting with an INFJ can feel like you have known them for five years.

They are inspirational: INFJs know what they want and are fantastic at inspiring others with their motivation and eloquent manner of speaking. They offer solid opportunities and follow through with actions. They help others find a sense of calmness with their clear-cut decisiveness. They genuinely want what’s best for others without any personal gain.

They don’t need praise: INFJs are down-to-earth and don’t see themselves as above or better than others. They want unity and understand everyone is doing the best they can. INFJs can understand the core nature of people, making them natural leaders.

Why Are There So Few INFJs?

Statistics show that INFJs are the rarest type and take up only 2% of the population. Since INFJs are such a unique breed and highly essential to the world’s needs, you’re probably wondering why there are so few. Here is why INFJs are so rare:

The primary reason there are so few INFJs is the unique combination of personality traits from the MBTI. They have Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging functions. It is not common to see these together. That makes INFJs divergent and seemingly paradoxical.

The Paradox That Makes INFJs So Rare

Here are some ways to understand why INFJs are so rare and different from others, yet simultaneously loved and relatable. It is also why they are highly misunderstood:

INFJs are social introverts

INFJs are often misunderstood as extroverts because of their ability to form genuine connections with others. They typically love to socialize but require a lot of time alone in their solitude to recharge and process their thoughts and emotions.

INFJS are perfectionists but procrastinate

INFJS love perfection and generally use their full potential to achieve tasks; however, that very perfection within them can cause procrastination if they feel unable to do what they need with their full potential. If INFJs feel unsure about something, they will avoid it until they finally feel sure again, and then they will carry out their work to perfection.

They are kind but can be moody

INFJs are incredibly kind human beings. They are usually happy and deeply care about those close to them. Alternatively, if you hurt an INFJ, betray them, overstep their boundaries, or their intuition resists you, they will quickly change, pull away, and you will wonder where their sweetness went. 

They are decisive and indecisive

INFJs usually have clear-cut decisiveness; however, they get pretty confused if they feel unsure about something. They are excellent at dealing with the most demanding situations, but they might avoid confrontation if they fear hurting someone’s feelings.

INFJs Have Incompatible Functions

Paradoxes and divergence in a single personality are highly rare. But what makes INFJs even rarer is that some of their traits are incompatible, yet they can carry it with such grace and confidence. There is only a handful of individuals that can do that.

INFJs are ambitious. Their intelligence and love for research and learning allow them to see a bigger picture, be confident, and motivate others all at once; however, deep inside, they contradict this characteristic resulting in pessimism and negative thoughts, sending them into a world of worry.

They don’t like showing off, nor do they need praise or see themselves above others. They don’t like being in the limelight, yet there is a part of them that requires recognition and acknowledgment.

It is almost impossible to understand these traits in an INFJ, and they are highly misunderstood because of the contradictory signals they send out. People are usually introverts or extroverts. You see people either with a perspective function or a judging function. INFJs always carry both ends of the rope, making them rare and weird beings.


INFJs are rare because of their paradoxical nature. Their ability to mirror many other types of personalities simultaneously seeming contradictory makes them extra special and unique.

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