INTJs have a reputation for being logical, unemotional people. This isn’t entirely true and definitely can be seen as more of a strength than a weakness or character flaw. But how does an INTJ’s personality type affect their dating lives and expression of romantic feelings?

While INTJs aren’t big on conventional ways of expressing love and desire, they can be romantic in their own way. INTJs are especially loyal and great at problem-solving, which can be a useful skill in any relationship. They take their time with falling in love, but when they love, they love deeply.

If your personality type quiz results showed that you are an INTJ and you’re concerned for the welfare of your dating life, look no further than this article to learn everything you need to know about INTJs and romance.

Are INTJs Hopeless Romantics?

The INTJ personality type isn’t known for being overly romantic. They represent the suppression of emotion rather than the outward expression of it. It’s tough to envision them doing anything as frivolous as falling in love since they tend to be so matter-of-fact and hard-headed.

They do, however, seek romantic relationships. They’re well aware that they’d be excellent relationship material but are usually too shy to participate in the dating game.

Do INTJs Fall In Love Easily?

It’s not that INTJs aren’t capable of romance; they simply don’t enjoy focusing on very dramatic things. INTJs tend to be very open about their feelings, yet they find it difficult to comprehend or work through their emotions.

Because moods and feelings seem too erratic and difficult to trust to the INTJ, they don’t believe in depending on anything they can’t be certain of. For the INTJ, romance is frequently a byproduct of these untrustworthy impulses, and it can be difficult for them to comprehend. It might appear fake and a little corny for some, almost as if people exploit romance to achieve what they want.

They’d much rather have something more grounded, something that doesn’t need great romantic gestures. When it comes to romance and the expression of love, they might be a little set in their ways, especially when they’re younger.

Do INTJs Care About Romance And Relationships?

Relationships are important to INTJs, and they typically desire to meet someone with whom they can share their life. It doesn’t imply they can’t feel profound love and respect for someone just because they aren’t outwardly romantic. The INTJ has a strong need to connect with others and places a high priority on their relationships.

For the INTJ, dating might be akin to conducting an interview with someone. This would involve asking them a series of questions in order to have a better knowledge of the person. Because they wouldn’t ask such intimate questions of someone they don’t want to grow close to, the typical INTJ interprets this as a sign that they care and are really interested.

While this is a sign of romance in their views, it might feel like an interview to others and generate an embarrassing amount of pressure. Because INTJ’s concept of romance does not often transfer in ways that others like, they must learn to adapt and modify their interrogative habits.

Simply expressing interest in and supporting their spouse is enough for them to feel as if they are extremely romantic and affectionate. Traditions aren’t particularly enticing to the INTJ. Thus they perceive things differently than other people.

Are INTJ Men Romantic?

INTJ men like self-sufficient women, especially if they are emotionally interested in them. The INTJ guy prefers someone who will include them and create room for them in their already hectic existence, rather than someone who will commit their entire world to them.

An INTJ guy is unlikely to be attracted to someone just going through the motions. They want individuals in their lives who are aware of their desires. The INTJ personality type values their independence since they require a lot of alone time to feel refreshed. They require a lot of personal space to assimilate information and experiment with new ideas.

When an INTJ guy develops a strong bond with someone, he will come to their assistance and be by their side when they are in trouble. They may not be great at providing emotional support when their loved ones are upset, but they thrive at providing rational and pragmatic assistance.

They are aware that their significant others face difficulties, and they will immediately seek solutions to the issues at hand. This may make them look cold and closed off to some, but it’s actually how they show that they care.

While these qualities may make it seem like INTJ men aren’t romantic, it is quite the opposite. They tend to be extremely loyal, and they show their affection in small, practical ways rather than grand romantic gestures.

Top Two Tips For INTJs To Be More Romantic

Is there a way out of this bind? Fortunately, there is. If your personality test found that you are an INTJ, here are some pointers to help you navigate the choppy waters of romance, regardless of your relationship status.

1. Be Vocal About Your Feelings Towards Your Partner

Many people, especially emotional ones, require verbal reinforcement to feel good about their relationships, so kind words go a long way. If you want your lover to know you care, grit your teeth and mumble sweet nothings. It costs you nothing, but it may mean the world to your partner.

2. Dull Down The Sarcasm

A little constructive criticism is helpful in a relationship, but too much may be harmful. If you constantly point out their flaws, you’ll irritate and alienate your partner. When a relationship is fresh, continual nitpicking is both irritating and unappealing. If you want them to fall into your arms, put down the sarcasm and offer praises and compliments instead.


The INTJ genuinely cares about their loved ones; they just don’t feel compelled to communicate it in traditional romantic methods. They have their own definition of romance, which involves performing good deeds for others and working hard to solve difficulties. Their rational minds tell them that being practical is frequently more romantic than expressing and dramatizing their sentiments.

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