INFJs are the most sensitive of all the sixteen personality types. Once their trust has been broken, they will hold a grudge for a long time, even after an apology. Forgiveness for these people is relatively easy, forgetting not so much.

INFJs are quite forgiving people but will find it hard if they must keep doing so. They are naturally considerate of the needs of others; INFJs will forgive people who are sincere, direct, and honest in their apologies. They appreciate the integrity and meaningful conversation to be able to forgive.

Carl Jung, a famous INFJ personality, once quoted: “Forgiveness is healing. Especially forgiving yourself.” In the light of this statement, recovering from broken trust and resentment will only come if there is Forgiveness. INFJs will typically choose to be kind rather than right, being as diplomatic as possible.

Are INFJs Naturally Forgiving?

INFJs are naturally forgiving people because they have a huge amount of empathy. This empathy connects them to other people and is a big part of their sense of being and how they behave socially. They don’t like conflict and so will tend to hold grudges instead. They prefer to ensure that social occasions are peaceful events.

These personalities will forgive even when the person they forgive doesn’t seem to be sorry, or that person has made no changes in their behavior. They are conscientious, good-natured individuals who will understand actions done against them.

INFJs are the most considerate, caring, forgiving, and empathic personalities. They are more concerned about the well-being of others than about their own. They will easily forgive lesser blunders against them. However, when it comes to lying, deceit or manipulation, and abuse, they tend to slam the door without explanation. 

The INFJ Will Door Slam To Forgive

There are four stages of the so-called ‘Door Slam’ process. At first, the person will be trusted and given the benefit of the doubt; resentment will arise in the second stage. The door slam appears in stage 3; this occurs when an INFJ decides not to invest in that person anymore. In stage 4, the fall-out occurs; the person is essentially dead in their eyes.

An INFJ may forgive along the way, but they would rather just cut ties and forget those who don’t value them. They are not quick to judge a particular flaw and accept it, trying their hardest to understand why a person acts in that way.

They think about it from the person’s perspective. It hurts them so much in the end. Reconciliation is different from Forgiveness. INFJs will ultimately do the forgiving for themselves for their peace of mind. Reconciliation is much harder for INFJs; Forgiveness is easier. Forgiveness is easy, but the betrayal, damage, and memory will haunt them.

Do INFJs Hold Grudges?

INFJs will often hold a grudge; they are, after all, perfectionists. High expectations of others can lead to grudge-holding if their standards are not met. Small things will often irritate an INFJ; sensitive individuals can get annoyed more easily, making them more susceptible to holding a grudge.

INFJs will always remember how people made them feel; there is no in-between for them; they don’t like to deal with emotions.

INFJs Are Empaths

These people can be highly acclimatized to other people’s moods and feelings. Because the INFJ absorbs other people’s emotions as their own, the two can often be confused; in the correct circumstances, this could lead to deep compassion and insight or frustration and anger, on the other hand.

When they are with people, the INFJ will be more inclined to focus on the values and needs of that group and all their emotions. They have an inferior mental process and extraverted sensation (or Se); they cannot handle too much sensory stimulation.

What Makes An INFJ Angry

Strong moral principles guide INFJs; they have a deep sense of integrity and operate with careful reasoning. They are generous and compassionate individuals and are known as “the Advocate .”They have high standards, almost unrealistically, and can be sensitive to criticism.

They will not take kindly to any violation of their core values, and bullying is intolerable to them. People who are close-minded or lack empathy will also make them angry. Rudeness or having their ideas and sharp-wittedness rejected are also likely to infuriate them.

Rude, disrespectful people could lead the INFJ to explode. Because the INFJ is sensitive to other people’s moods, emotions, and needs, they feel obliged to take care of people emotionally and physically. If an INFJ can’t rely on their insights, it may lead to them becoming very depressed or anxious because this character trait is one of their greatest strengths.

Do INFJs Forgive And Forget?

They are kind and do their best to make the world better. INFJ wants to make people happy and supported and wants the same in return. They may forgive and forget until they realize there will be no changing the person or their situation.

INFJs seek to forgive because they don’t want to hold grudges that disrupt their peace at night. They want to live a fulfilling holistic life without the hint of hate, guilt and regret. Never break their trust; this will crush them very hard, taking longer to heal.

It’s hard for INFJ types to forget. They may forgive someone they love, take in excuses, believe it, delude themselves, take in gaslighting, and give people chances.

Take Back Control To Forgive

By taking back control of their well-being, an INFJ can forgive. They may disconnect from an unhealthy relationship by standing their ground. They need to find coping strategies to allow Forgiveness to occur; this allows them to move forward and not get stuck in the past.

Taking back control can be as simple as getting enough alone time. For an INFJ to forgive more easily, they need time to process their thoughts, feelings, etc. Being around other people will lead to them becoming stressed and overwhelmed.

Forgiveness On Paper Or In The Mind

Sometimes it may be too difficult for an INTFJ to forgive the person who wronged them. Using the written word rather than the spoken word can often be easier to express their feelings. They will then be more inclined to forgive once they have reflected on the situation.

They are naturally creative people, particularly when it comes to writing; some INFJs are great with poetry, too, and often find themselves delving into this after fights. It is calming therapy for many and is a great way to contemplate, meditate and speed up the healing and forgiving process.

Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, no matter who has done the hurting. Forgiveness is a way of letting go of past hurts. The INFJ is more likely to forgive themselves than the person who did the hurting.


INFJs will naturally forgive people, time and time again. Eventually, after countless times, they will slam the door as if they never knew the person. They will have no regrets about slamming the door either. INFJs will know that they have given that person enough chances to redeem themselves and be well-aware of their actions. It is the last resort for these people; to forget rather than forgive.

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