If you have ever been around an INFJ, are one, or know of one, you will have realized that they are perfectionists. They need everything organized, neat, and clean at all times, and it can be exhausting to be around that. You will rarely see a messy one – but yes, INFJs can be messy, and here’s why.

INFJs can be messy if they cannot reach a level of perfection. It leads to procrastination which results in mess and disorganization. An INFJ often ignores monotonous tasks like dishes or laundry, which seem as though they are messy. Sometimes a distraction causes them to leave a mess for later.

INFJs are typically pretty neat and tidy. They tend to organize everything and keep things clean. They are also perfectionists; however, even if they are not generally messy, it can sometimes seem like they leave quite a mess. Read further to understand more about the mess concerning INFJs.

Can INFJs Be Messy?

INFJs are rarely messy. It is not part of their personality or character. It is, in fact, quite difficult for them to have or leave a mess because the core of their traits requires them to have perfection, organization, and cleanliness. 

Unlike the perceiving MBTIs such as ENFP, INFP, and INTP, to name a few, who are the laid-back types, INFJs hold the judgment factor, which plays a significant role in their thoughts. Their thinking revolves around having everything in order, and they find it challenging to focus if things are out of order – dirt and clutter drive them insane. 

Nevertheless, you can still find an INFJ with a mess. That does not mean they are messy; it simply means they have some disorganization happening. It is pretty complex to understand that part of INFJs. Let’s discuss how INFJs can be messy.

INFJs Are Perfectionists

The perfectionism in INFJs is why they are clean and organized, but they can have messy phases. It doesn’t matter if a task is big or small; INFJs instinctively need to do it all perfectly.

The issue with being a perfectionist when it comes to being clean and organized is that it sometimes causes procrastination. You will find many INFJs holding off on cleaning unless they are sure they have the time and energy to do it thoroughly and complete it.

They will also postpone organization projects until they have the items like baskets or new shelves. Unlike others who might decide to tackle packing a closet over 2-3 days, an INFJ will hold off until they have time to complete it all in one day.

The perfectionism then causes build-up, whether it is dishes, laundry, organizing a closet, or reorganizing a cutlery draw. Things will continue to stay messy or get untidier until the INFJ either does it out of desperation for order or finally find the right time and resources to tackle it.

Perfectionism in INFJs is why you will walk into their home and often notice a pile of books resting beside a bookshelf instead of it. It is the same reason you will walk into their bedroom and see a pile of clothes with some baskets on the floor because the INFJ did not get to organizing.

INFJs Don’t Like Mundane Tasks

Monotonous tasks are mentally exhausting for an INFJ. While INFJs can go into ‘robot mode’ and tackle a job quickly, it can be challenging to get them done due to getting distracted easily.

If an INFJ has to do a tedious, repetitive, boring task like cleaning the house, they will get distracted quickly. They might pass by the grocery list in the middle of sweeping and remember to add ketchup. These distractions can waste time, leading to incomplete tasks and leaving a mess halfway.

The distractions happen because INFJs are overthinkers and always have something on their mind. They think about what they need to do next or replay a past conversation in their head. They prefer distractions that will allow them to continue with tasks, such as listening to a podcast or having a show play in the background to keep their minds occupied.

If they do not have a distraction to focus on while folding laundry, they will get lost in thought, distracted with other things on their to-do list, or scrolling on social media. That results in halfway work done, and laundry gets left until they can do it again, or mopping gets left out for days.

INFJs Are Intuitive and Judgmental

The J in INFJ stands for judging. INFJs are the judging types that go hand in hand with intuition. That means they prefer to create structure and systematic approaches in life. They require a well-ordered outer world. That results in inner well-being and reduced stress for an INFJ.

The Intuitiveness in INFJs means they are generally lost in thought, thinking about the bigger picture. The judging that connects to that means they are also judgmental of themselves and only of the world at large. They are the first to criticize themselves. 

The trait works in their favor and often against them. INFJs judge themselves for clothes on the floor or a sink full of dishes, which often results in them getting those tasks done. But sometimes, they judge themselves to the point of paralysis – meaning they cannot get anything done, and they go into freeze mode.

It happens when they think about various aspects like repacking a closet might be wasting time because they could be working. Another example is telling themselves that they never get anything done fully or perfectly. Other times they dislike how the job is done, so next time they either avoid it entirely or in the moment they will restart the task while being unable to complete it.


As you have read, there are a few reasons why INFJs can be messy, even though it is not in their nature. Perfectionism, self-judgment, and dislike for mundane tasks are the main reasons they might sustain a mess. Keep in mind that INFJs usually have organized messes!

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