You certainly could be forgiven for wondering whether the charming, scatter-brained ESFP that has you doubled over with laughter is smart or simply a great entertainer.

ESFPs are smart and capable of comprehending intellectually challenging concepts. However, they are more focussed on discussing uplifting topics without openly displaying their intellectual prowess. Gifted creative thinkers, ESFPs are adept at problem-solving and devising innovative ideas.

While it may be evident why ESFPs are so smart, they are colorful characters who possess several other intriguing personality traits. So, if you want to know what makes them tick – read on!

ESFP Myers-Briggs: Performer Personalities

ESFP personalities constitute 9% of the US population, of which 10% are females and 7% are males.

So, what does the ESFP abbreviation mean? It denotes a person who thrives in social settings (Extroverted), is focused on details, or hard facts, instead of concepts (Sensing), bases their decisions on their emotions (Feeling), and prefers spontaneity instead of planning (Perceiving).

Vivacious ESFPs are attracted to the limelight and are often referred to as Performer personality types due to their charming, bubbly, fun-loving, and playful natures. So, no wonder many famous movie stars and singers are ESFPs!

They are ultra-charming show-biz personalities with a true zest for life who love wearing beautiful clothing, indulging in delicious food, wildlife, and nature, but most of all entertaining people and making them laugh.

ESFPs thrive on being the center of attention and spreading their contagious enthusiasm for life, so you will definitely have fun with a spirited ESFP!

Are ESFPs Really Smart?

When we try to figure out how smart someone is, it’s important to recognize that there are different types of intelligence.

To illustrate, a brilliant scientist might not be adept at mastering several languages, or a gifted mathematician could have a below-average EQ level. Thus, we all have our own form of intelligence.

So, it’s imperative to keep that in mind when we assess whether ESFPs are smart or try to ascertain whether someone is intelligent, merely based on their personality type.

However, it can shed light on how ESFPs process information and what type of intelligence they are likely to possess.

Regrettably, ESFPs are often mistyped as not being smart as they are fun-loving and passionate characters intent on living life to its fullest.

In fact, most ESFPs are incredibly smart and able to comprehend highly complex ideas or daunting concepts and recall minute details that others would struggle with. However, because they are so intent on focusing on their passions, they are not expressive about their intellectual pursuits.

ESFPs are less inclined to discuss dull and dreary complex theories with others as their mission in life is to uplift others and spread joy and laughter.

How Do ESFPs Think?

ESFPs or Sensory personalities are incredibly balanced and highly adept at “thinking on their toes. They are capable of processing information at the speed of light and dealing with a situation in a rational way.

So, while they are not the types to “live in their heads,” they possess a phenomenal mental acuity that helps them gauge a situation and decide on the best course of action.

Although ESFPs might seem scatter-brained to some, who bounce around from one passionate interest to the next, they are gifted lateral thinkers capable of creatively solving highly complex problems from different perspectives.

And a lesser-known fact is that ESFPs love learning, especially if they are fascinated by a subject that sparks their creativity and engenders new innovative ideas.

ESFPs are gifted problem solvers, who are always looking for new ways of doing things, and they are not scared of taking risks in their adventurous pursuits.

Thus, while other personality types might possess an innate fear of the unknown, free-spirited ESFPs will probably jump in – head firsts!

ESFPs Are Highly Observant

Emblematic of life – ESFPs are typically physically active personalities who love playing sports or working with their hands with creative outlets like crafting that focuses on creating beauty in their immediate surroundings.

While other personalities might be oblivious to their surroundings, ESFPs are highly astute and capable of spotting minute changes in their home and work environments.

ESFPs are also adept at knowing when something is wrong with their friends or loved ones as they will often notice small changes in their physical appearance, expressions, or voices. Thus, they will instinctively know that a person needs help and that things are not quite right.

This heightened physical awareness and compassion for people is a great asset for ESFPs who work in the medical field as they can recognize alarm bells that other personality types might overlook.

Their unique form of intelligence is a “super-power” that holds much potential in several other fields as they can form close bonds with people and pay close attention to their wellbeing.

Supplementary ESFP Personality Traits

As you now know a little bit more about these colorful personalities, here are some more insightful character traits:

  • Their overarching Myers-Briggs traits include being energetic, adaptable, forceful, and resourceful.
  • They favor emotional coping techniques over physical or spiritual resources.
  • ESFPs are more prone to staying in college and completing their studies.
  • They are more likely to binge-watch television than other personality types.
  • ESFP is the second most likely personality type to be happily married, albeit with a lower income.
  • While ESTPs are more likely to experience dissatisfaction with their work environments, they are more prone to harmoniously interacting with their co-workers.
  • Their core values include their families, health, financial security, friendship, and spirituality.  
  • ESTPs are overrepresented in teaching, health, childcare, and coaching professions.

Famous ESFPs

Other well-known ESFPs include Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor, Magic Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Goldie Hawn, Serena Williams, Paul McCartney, and Bob Hope.


ESFPs are far smarter than others give them credit for as they are creative thinkers who can devise innovative solutions to age-old problems, albeit in a quirky way. So, while they will not openly display their outstanding cognitive abilities, you can bet your bottom dollar that ESFPs are smart!

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