It stands to reason that different personalities have different ways of falling in love, right? But when dealing with one of the rarest personality types, it may be interesting to see how an ENTPs unique characteristics and personality traits affect their relationships.
ENTPs fall in love quickly, but they may take a long time to find the right partner. When an ENTP is interested in a romantic relationship, they typically fall in love because of common interests. They will also form an attachment before entering a relationship but work hard to maintain it.
To help you get a better understanding of how an ENTP falls in love, we’ve compiled answers to all the questions you may have on ENTP relationships. We’ve also included a step-by-step guide to illustrate how this process happens.
ENTP Personality Overview
ENTPs are a strange and wonderful personality type, and their intimate relationships are a reflection of just how unique these groups of people are. ENTPs rarely play by the rules, and how they fall in love usually differs from other personality groups.
But, before we can delve into how ENTPs fall in love, it’s important to understand what makes this personality type tick.
Firstly, ENTPs are Extroverted. People with this personality type generally enjoy socializing and love meeting new people. They’re also extraordinarily good at fitting in with multiple groups of people, no matter who they are or if their personalities are suited.
Thanks to their ability to socialize well, ENTPs are normally well-liked and enjoyable to be around. However, ENTPs get on best with people they deem interesting or intelligent. ENTPs love a good debate or sharing creative and interesting ideas with others. They can easily build relationships with people who share their love of out-the-box thinking.
Secondly, ENTPs are Intuitive. Their intuition leads them to act on their reasoning rather than logic. It isn’t unusual for ENTPs to make a decision based on their ‘gut feeling.’ Similarly, when you ask an ENTP why they are doing something, you may find that their default response is, ‘I don’t know. I just had a feeling it was the right thing to do.’
While ENTPs may seem impulsive, they’re quite level-headed. Although they may act on their feelings or intuition most of the time, they are less impulsive than other personality types.
Rather, ENTPs take their time reaching a decision and usually wait to see how a scenario plays out before taking action. Some personality types may find this frustrating, and ENTPs may be seen as ‘followers’ for this reason.
Thirdly, ENTPs have the Thinking trait. This is closely related to their intuition and their slow reaction times. ENTPs will rarely jump into a scenario without carefully assessing all their options and the pros and cons of each potential action.
Their thoughtful nature may make ENTPs come across as people with their heads in the clouds, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. ENTPs enjoy dissecting thoughts and ideas and may become lost in their trains of thought. But when they need to buckle down, ENTPs will give all their effort (and then some!) to the tasks at hand.
ENTPs are typically more focused on the future. Their Perceiving nature allows them to look at things differently from others, but it also means they cannot see what’s right in front of them. People with the ENTP type are also always coming up with new ideas and theories and can be considered ‘Idea Men.’
Their ideas are typically abstract and unique, but ENTPs aren’t great at putting their ideas into action. Rather, they may be distracted by newer and more exciting ideas they’re dreaming up. Their distractable nature can be put down to their natural curiosity. Still, their unique way of thinking also helps them to understand new concepts quicker than others.
Now that you have a better idea of who ENTPs are, we can dissect how this personality group falls in love.
What Makes ENTPs Fall In Love?
ENTPs’ curious nature, coupled with their outgoing personalities, make them some of the easiest personalities to get along with – and fall in love with! After all, they love exchanging theories and ideas and will love debating with others. It always seems ENTPs want to know more about the people who interest them, and they will spend all their free time with those who can challenge them.
But while ENTPs are easy to fall in love with, how do they reciprocate this affection? To answer this question, we first need to look at what makes ENTPs fall in love.
As we’ve already mentioned, ENTPs are extraverted. They enjoy being around others who are comfortable in large groups of people and who can keep up with their social nature. They are also more prone to falling in love with people who share their love of debates and creative discussions.
ENTPs always come up with new ideas and want someone to share these ideas with. But, perhaps, more importantly, they want to be close to people with unique ideas and theories to share with them, too! ENTPs also love to be challenged, which makes it easy to see why they’re generally attracted to people who display a good amount of intelligence.
Because ENTPs are always open to new ideas, they are romantically suited to others who share their open-minded nature. People who are closed off to accepting change or seeing things from a different perspective will have difficulty getting close to an ENTP.
Additionally, ENTPs value honesty and integrity. They are good communicators and appreciate those who can clearly communicate their feelings and their worldview. When an ENTP forms a bond with another person, they prefer an open line of communication and like their partners to wear their hearts on their sleeve – much like they do.
So, when an ENTP falls in love, it’s likely that they’ll first be attracted to one of the traits or characteristics we’ve mentioned above.

Do ENTPs Fall In Love Easily?
ENTPs are future-oriented and spend most of their time in thought. Because they aren’t focused on the present, ENTPs rarely stop to smell the proverbial flowers. Instead, they typically envision their ideal version of what the future looks like for them and adjust their goals to work towards it.
When ENTPs meet a prospective partner, they will often begin to fantasize about the relationship they could have in the future. They do this instead of focusing on how the relationship is unfolding and progressing in the present moment.
While this may make ENTPs come across as hopeless romantics, it can be challenging for them to find partners who are willing to commit to the relationship as quickly as them. It may also be frustrating for partners who want to ‘live in the moment’ and take their relationship slowly. When it comes to love, ‘slowly’ is not in an ENTPs vocabulary!
ENTPs often get wrapped up in their visions of the future and how a relationship may be in a few weeks, months, or even years from the present moment. When they envision a positive future, they are quick to commit to someone and will fall in love quickly. ENTPs also tend to fall in love much more deeply than others in a shorter period than other personality types.
But don’t be fooled! ENTPs don’t just fall in love with anyone. While they may fall in love quickly, finding the right partner can be grueling for this personality group. Their thinking trait means they will first spend time weighing up a prospective relationship’s advantages and disadvantages. ENTPs may also overthink their feelings and sabotage a relationship before it has even begun.
So, while ENTPs may take their time finding ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs. Right’, their long contemplation over the relationship means that when they choose someone to date, there is no uncertainty!
What Are ENTPs Like In A Relationship?
When ENTPs fall in love, they are fiercely loyal to their partner and will do anything to protect them. ENTPs are normally laid-back and easy-going, but when it comes to their partner, they may be quick to rush to their defense.
ENTPs form stronger connections than other personality types. Because most ENTPs are focused on the future they will have with their partner, they will rarely let anything jeopardize this.
Additionally, ENTPs emphasize honesty in a relationship. This personality type often wears their hearts on their sleeve and will be truthful about their feelings. Because ENTPs are quick to voice their emotions, they can quickly resolve conflicts in their relationships. They can also work through emotionally-strained situations, thanks to their superior communication skills.
An ENTP is a fantastic partner to have – as long as their partner reciprocates their openness and honesty. When ENTPs feel their partner is jaded or closed-minded, this can strain the relationship.
Luckily, ENTPs are quick to address issues that may arise and come up with inventive solutions. When coupled with a partner with a knack for problem-solving, ENTPs build deep relationships with solid foundations.
Their innovative thinking is often their greatest strength in keeping their relationship harmonious.
One of the best traits ENTPs use to their advantage in a relationship is their thoughtfulness. ENTPs often remember the ‘little things’ and will devise new ways to surprise their partner and show their affection.
How Do ENTPs Fall In Love?
ENTPs generally follow the same steps when falling in love. Firstly, they look for common ground with their prospective partner. Because ENTPs fall in love fairly quickly, they tend to fall in love before they form deeper connections and enter into relationships. Lastly, ENTPs value partners who work with them to build better relationships. They are fiercely loyal and will fight to keep their relationship alive.
We’ve looked at what an ENTP in love looks like, but we’ve also compiled a step-by-step guide to help you understand how they fall in love and what it may look like.
1. ENTPs Look For Common Interests Or Traits
ENTPs start their romantic journeys by finding common ground with people they’re close to. Suppose an ENTP finds someone interesting or enjoys their company. In that case, they’re more likely to spend time nurturing a relationship with them.
Similarly, ENTPs will look for ways of getting close to others using their interests and sharing their ideas and theories. ENTPs place a great deal of emphasis on being challenged and learning new ways of thinking. So, if a partner can offer them intellectual stimulation, it may spark romantic interest in an ENTP!
2. ENTPs Form Deeper Connections After Falling In Love
ENTPs fall hard and fast when they’re in love. Because they often act based on intuition or gut instinct, they tend to follow their feelings. So, when an ENTP has gotten close and formed a relationship with someone, they typically fall in love long before their partner.
ENTPs are also blunt, and to the point, so they will tell their partner exactly how they feel. They will normally declare their feelings before getting into a relationship. They will generally only allow themselves to become more invested in the relationship when their feelings are reciprocated.
3. ENTPs Work With Their Partners To Build On Relationships
When an ENTP gets into a relationship, it’s usually based on their initial connection and their strong feelings of affection. ENTPs may often disregard other factors and focus on the future they want to build with their partner instead. So, when they enter a relationship, they’re ready to put the hard work in to make their ideal future a reality.
For this reason, ENTPs are often best suited to personality types that are also future-oriented. But when an ENTP falls in love, it’s generally a long-lasting relationship because of the work they put into bettering it.
ENTPs are extroverted personalities who love being around people who share their interests and challenge their views and ideas. When they allow themselves to get close to others, they can fall in love quite quickly and are fiercely loyal to their loved ones. ENTPs are great partners and generally more invested in romantic relationships than other personality types.