ISTPs, also referred to as “the craftsperson” or “a virtuoso,” are reserved, independent and practical individuals who are often misunderstood by others. Although they come across as wise and extremely intelligent, individuals with this personality type often develop mental disorders such as depression for several reasons. So, how and why do ISTPs get depressed?

ISTPs get depressed because they are constantly ignoring their emotions and feelings. Their inability to solve a particular problem, constantly being stuck in a routine, experiencing emotions and feelings more intensely, and several others also result in these individuals developing depression.

If you are a depressed ISTP or know an ISTP who is depressed and want to understand this personality type better, then look no further! Below we discuss this personality type in more detail and look at how and why ISTPs get depressed.

Do ISTPs Get Depressed?

The ISTP personality can be described as introverts (I), sensing (S), thinkers (T), and perceiving (P).

Individuals with this personality type are independent and prefer being alone. These individuals are logical and rational thinkers and view all situations objectively to avoid feelings or emotions affecting their decisions. As a result, ISTPs come across as cold-hearted individuals who are difficult to understand and befriend.

They are extremely private and do not share their feelings with others which results in them bottling up their emotions. ISTPs often come across as insensitive as they are unable to understand the emotional states of those around them because they tend to distance themselves from their own emotions.

These individuals are ticking-time bombs that could explode at any point, especially in highly charged situations. They constantly ignore and suppress their emotions to remain as objective and logical as possible. However, over time these emotions and feelings continue to build up, which leads to ISTPs lashing out and exploding in overwhelming situations.

ISTPs do not understand the consequences of bottling up their emotions and feelings. Two major consequences include:

  • Developing mental health issues.
  • The inability to create healthy and meaningful relationships or friendships.
  • Lashing out at those around them.
  • Isolating themselves from others.

Now that we have explored this personality type in more detail, there is no doubt that ISTPs are prone to becoming depressed.

How Do ISTPs Get Depressed?

Depressed ISTPs are often unaware of their condition until they find themselves in a highly charged situation. Whether you are an ISTP suffering from depression or know a depressed ISTP, you might want to know how you or the ISTP you know got depressed. Let us explore how ISTPs get depressed.

ISTPs Get Depressed If They Constantly Ignore Their Emotions

ISTPs do not believe in responding to their environment or making decisions in a subjective manner where feelings and emotions determine actions and outcomes. Instead, they prefer to be objective, take action in the situations they find themselves in, and rely on facts and concepts to make decisions.

ISTPs constantly suppress and ignore their feelings and emotions to maintain a rational and logical approach to their environment. By doing this, these feelings and emotions do not disappear but rather build up over time, leading to these individuals becoming extremely depressed.

ISTPs Get Depressed If They Are Stuck In A Routine

ISTPs are spontaneous individuals who do not like following schedules and enjoy doing things on their own time. When ISTPs find themselves in a constant routine that does not change, they become frustrated, impulsive, and depressed.

ISTPs Get Depressed If They Constantly Isolate Themselves

ISTPs are introverts and prefer being alone rather than amongst other people. These individuals enjoy their company a bit too much and tend to isolate themselves. ISTPs become extremely sad and lonely without even realizing it, which often leads to depression.

Why Do ISTPs Get Depressed?

Now that we have explored how ISTPs get depressed, we can focus on why individuals with this personality get depressed. We have selected two major reasons to discuss in detail. These are explored below.

ISTPs Experience Emotions More Intensely Than Others

ISTPs often come across as cold-hearted individuals who are unable to show empathy or compassion as they do not share their emotions or feelings with those around them. Although they are private about how they feel, it does not mean they do not experience any emotions or feelings.

ISTPs do not experience emotions and feelings the way others do. They experience them more intensely, which can be overwhelming and stressful for these individuals, so they prefer to ignore and suppress them. Whether they deal with these intense feelings and emotions or ignore them, ISTPs get depressed either way.

ISTPs Are Susceptible To ADHD, Which Is Linked To Depression

Individuals with the ISTP personality type are characterized as being high on cognitive function or sense, making them more susceptible to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD. Sensing (S) and perceiving (P) are two dominant traits of this personality type that are linked to this disorder.

Furthermore, research has shown that ADHD is linked to another mental disorder known as chronic depressive disorder. Therefore, these two dominant traits, sensing (S) and perceiving (P), play a significant role in why ISTPs get depressed.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Depressed ISTP?

As mentioned above, most ISTPs do not know they are depressed. Although they experience negative feelings and lash out aggressively, they do not understand these emotions and feelings. Below we discuss a few symptoms that could help an ISTP determine if they are depressed:

  • Difficulty in concentrating and paying attention.
  • Low self-esteem and poor self-confidence.
  • Feeling unworthy.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia.


ISTPs are, without a doubt, practical and logical individuals who are adamant about engaging with their environment and making decisions in an objective manner. However, they often ignore their feelings and emotions, which over time negatively impacts their mental health and leads to these individuals becoming depressed.

Furthermore, we have explored how and why ISTPs get depressed and determined that most ISTPs are unaware that they are depressed as they are not in touch with their feelings or emotions. Even though this is the case, the detailed list of symptoms of a depressed ISTP can assist you or any other ISTP in deciding whether they might be depressed or not.

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