ISFPs can seem boring sometimes. In fact, even some ISFPs themselves think they are boring. A lot of descriptions on ISFPs label them that way, describing them as quiet, unfriendly, and unenthusiastic. If you genuinely know an ISFP or get to know one, you will find out that they are some of the most exciting individuals – here’s why ISFPs aren’t really boring.

ISFPs seem boring because, as introverts, they prefer time alone in quiet spaces and to remain in the background. They only open up to people in their close circle. If they trust you, you will find that they are funny, engaging, enthusiastic, and passionate people who love having a good time.

ISFPs might seem like the boring type on paper, but that is far from the truth. The MBTI describes their core personality functions but does not conclude whether someone is fun or not. If you meet an ISFP, you might also find them reserved; however, that is simply because they still need to get comfortable around you. Let’s discuss why “the boring ISFP” is a myth.

Are ISFPs Boring?

The short answer to this question would be no. ISFPs are not boring, but, understandably, they seem boring and unfriendly – especially before you get to know them. There are a few reasons why it has been concluded that ISFPs are boring, so let us take a look at the following:

  • ISFPs spend a lot of time alone because they are introverts.
  • ISFPs are reserved and remain in the background.

Next, we will dive into a further explanation of these points.

ISFPs Spend Time Alone

You will often find an ISFP spending majority of their time alone. ISFPs are introverts, and introversion is one of their dominant core functions. They feel things deeply and absorb a lot of information about their surroundings. 

To efficiently process their thoughts and emotions, they need time alone to recuperate and rejuvenate. They use their quiet and private time to fill their cups and better understand events, people, and situations because they can think without external noise, opinions, and validations. 

Spending so much time alone means they occasionally turn down social interactions, avoid phone calls, and stop replying to texts so they can fully embrace their alone time. It is the best way they know how to think so they can show up well when they return. People often find them boring when they notice an ISFP chooses to be alone and not get involved in certain activities.

ISFPs Are Reserved

ISFPs have a reserved character. They are calm and quiet and prefer to remain in the background because they are introverts and don’t want to be the center of attention. They enjoy being available for others, being included, and helping where necessary, but do it from backstage. They don’t need praise and applause for their efforts.

When you invite an ISFP to a party or social gathering, you will find them in the shadows, away from the large crowd. They will possibly engage only with a small group of people instead of being where the majority are interacting.

They can sometimes seem unfriendly and uninterested in things happening around them because they withdraw from others; however, ISFPs are highly aware of their surroundings and can sense everything happening. They simply choose only to show up when they feel safe and comfortable and if they can be their best selves.

Are ISFPs Quiet?

ISFPs can be quiet because they are introverts, reserved, and prefer spending time alone or with small groups of people instead of being part of large social events. They are quiet around those they don’t know well. If they don’t feel safe around you or know if they can trust you, they will choose to remain silent most of the time.

ISFPs are calm, sensible, and intelligent. They process their thoughts inwards before expressing them outwardly – another reason they might seem boring. ISFPs also don’t like discussing personal things about their lives unless they genuinely feel close to you and trust you, so while others are chatting about every detail of their lives, ISFPs will keep their feelings to themselves.

Here’s Why ISFPs Are Not Boring

We have come to understand that ISFPs are not boring and only seem that way because of some behaviors. ISFPs are some of the funniest, most passionate, and most fascinating human beings you will come across, and here is why:

ISFPs Are Spontaneous

If you know an ISFP well, you will notice that a significant part of their decision-making and motivation is spontaneous. Their auxiliary function is extraverted sensing, meaning that they consciously notice everything around them and do things according to what they feel in the present moment. 

ISFPs Love Humor

If you have ever had a genuine connection or conversation with an ISFP, you would have experienced how funny they can be. They love engaging with jokes and listening to funny stories and are quite humorous and sarcastic in their demeanor. They can take a serious topic and make light of it. They love watching comedy shows and will make any interaction with them a fun memory.

ISFPs Have Several Passions

ISFPs have some of the most enjoyable hobbies and passions. They participate in sports, arts, fashion, and anything else they have a personal interest in. They indulge in their passions and do it wholeheartedly. You can often find an ISFP discussing common interests, and you will be amazed at how much knowledge they hold or how fun it is to enjoy a hobby-based activity with them.

What Do ISFPs Do For Fun?

ISFPs have several hobbies, interests, and activities they do for fun and enjoyment. Even though they are introverts, they do enjoy spending time with people they love and feel close to. The cool thing about ISFPs is that they can enjoy time with others and also know how to have a good time alone. Below are some activities that ISFPs do for fun:

Music: ISFPs love music and fully embrace every sense they feel with it. They will sing, dance, play instruments, and simply enjoy the art of music.

Sports: ISFPs play various sports. Individuals will play different sports they are interested in, such as golf, tennis, or athletics. 

Literature: Whether it’s reading, writing, poetry, or movies, ISFPs can fully delve into the world of literature. They love it and have fun discussing their favorites with others.

Movies: ISFPs love a good film or series, especially if it is lighthearted, like a comedy or something that is escapism.

Art forms: From painting to museums, ISFPs enjoy the world of art in all its forms. They have a deep appreciation for art and will find ways to delve into it in their free time.

Exploring: ISFPs love exploring new, old, and all things. From items to people and even travel. They appreciate the little and big findings.

Learning: Learning new things can be fun, especially when it’s about topics an ISFP genuinely takes an interest in. They enjoy learning through reading, taking classes, research, exploring, and talking to others.


From the above article, you will realize that ISFPs are not really boring. People only perceive them that way because of some of their behaviors as introverts. ISFPs are fun and exciting; if you let them, they will show you how to have the best time!

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