Is your INTJ friend always talking to themselves, and you just can’t figure out why? Well, there is a method to the madness. To gain a deeper insight into the inner workings of your INTJ friend, keep reading. Here is why INTJs talk to themselves;

INTJs talk to themselves because it helps them organize their thoughts logically and in a way that makes sense. In addition, INTJs find that talking to themselves helps them prepare for future conversations and helps them to bounce off ideas and work through problems.

Talking to yourself has many uses and is quite normal for many people. But when is talking to yourself not normal? Continue reading to learn some signs of self-talk that are not normal.

Why Do INTJs Talk To Themselves?

Everyone talks to themselves. But some people’s inner monologue – like the INTJs – is not so ‘inner.’ INTJs tend to talk to themselves habitually. But why do they do this? Well, INTJs find that using words helps to organize their thoughts in a more comprehensible and logical manner. They are logical individuals, after all. Nevertheless, here are some more reasons why INTJs talk to themselves.

1. INTJs Talk To Themselves To Prepare For Real-Life Conversations

INTJs like to practice conversations that they could possibly have in the future. So, if you ever hear them asking and answering their own questions, they don’t need ‘help.’ INTJs often go over different scenarios and arguments in their heads. It is one of the (many) reasons why INTJs are lighting-quick to answer. INTJs are prepared individuals. They’re even ready for the conversation you didn’t know you’d have. 

2. INTJs Talk To Themselves To Bounce Off Ideas

INTJs are innovative individuals who are constantly coming up with new ideas. So how do they sort the good ideas from the bad? Well, they talk to themselves. When speaking aloud, they use data and critical thinking to sift out the good from the bad. Remember, using words is an efficient way of organizing ideas and thoughts for INTJs. So speaking out loud helps to bounce off ideas in an efficient manner.

In order to sort out the good ideas from the bad, they first need to have ideas. By speaking to themselves, INTJs can coherently develop their ideas. The results are critically thought out and effective ideas. Their ability to produce well-thought ideas, designs, or plans makes INTJs excellent candidates for STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Some famous INTJs you might know (who ultimately changed the world with their ideas) are Sir Isaac Newton and Mark Zuckerburg. Sir Isaac Newton is famous for inventing calculus (among other discoveries), and Mark Zuckerburg changed social media by co-founding Meta (formerly known as Facebook).

 3. INTJs Talk To Themselves To Work Through Problem

Although INTJs are often likened to cold, aloof types in human form, they are far from it. INTJs have a different way of engaging with the world that may differ from many people. They use data, facts, and logic to engage with their external environment, whereas many personality types do not.

Their emotions and feelings (yes, they do have feelings) are projected inwardly, meaning they do not extravert their feelings to the outside world. INTJs deal with their own emotions. They often do this by talking to themselves, much like a therapist.

They give themselves guidance, advice, and direction. Since INTJs are not swayed by emotion, they are more than caple of rationally making decisions. However, there is a downfall to this. INTJs are prone to over rationalizing feelings and thus suppressing them. Bottling up emotions are never good, regardless of your personality type.

4. INTJs Talk To Themselves To Understand Concepts.

While talking to yourself may seem strange to some, it is a very effective tool for others. A tool for what you may ask? Learning; not just learning, but remembering too. Everyone has their style of learning. Some are visual learners, others kinesthetic, some aural, and some others reading/writing. Our learning style helps us take in information and solidify what we have just processed.

The same concept applies to INTJs and their self-talk. The INTJ type can grasp concepts that would otherwise be difficult to understand by talking to themselves. Talking also helps them to remember the information. Self-talk is a way to process information. If you are willing to go outside of your comfort zone, try following in the INTJs footsteps and see if self-talk works for you.

5. INTJs Talk To Themselves To Help Stay Focused

INTJs sometimes talk to themselves about things they should be doing or focusing on at that very moment. For instance, they tell themselves to pay attention in class or keep an eye out for animals on the road.

When Should You Worry About INTJs Talking To Themselves?

For the most part, talking to yourself is completely harmless, and there is no need to worry. Although someone talking to themselves might seem odd to an outsider, it is a normal practice for many people. However, not all self-talk is healthy and is considered normal.

Some self-talk may indicate a serious underlying mental issue that needs immediate medical attention. Let’s say you notice someone talking to themselves erratically, murmuring a lot, or speaking incomprehensibly. In this case, it’s best to seek professional support immediately.

It is also essential to seek professional help if it appears that the person is speaking or replying to someone who is not present. You should also seek professional care if you hear voices, muttering, noises, cries, or music with no external source.


INTJs tend to talk to themselves a lot. For the most part, talking to oneself is completely normal, and you should not be concerned. For the INTJ type, self-talk is another beneficial tool at their disposal. This tool helps them organize their thoughts in a more understandable and logical manner. They also use their self-talk to prepare for possible future conversations, sort out good ideas from the bad, work through emotional problems, and better understand concepts.

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