Have you ever been around an INFJ and wondered how they know what they talk about and why they seem wise beyond their years? INFJs are highly intelligent individuals, and their brilliance is pretty unique. Here’s why INFJs are so smart.

INFJs are so smart because they are deeply connected to their intuition. They analyze and assemble new and old information to make future predictions. They are constantly learning and are overthinkers. INFJs are highly empathetic and incredibly logical, which adds to their understanding of others.

The intelligence of INFJs is super unique because of their brilliance, wit, and understanding of life, and all things come from learning and from analyzing and assembling the information they receive in specific patterns through their intuition. Read more to understand how INFJs are so smart.

Are INFJs Smart And Logical?

INFJs are incredibly intelligent. They are wise beyond their years. From a young age, they are highly in tune with their intuition which guides them through every decision, relationship, idea, and experience. The knowledgeable characteristics of INFJs are different from what most people consider to be smart. They are both street-smart and book smart, but their intelligence extends far beyond.

Since INFJs are exceedingly intuitive, they have the added ability to understand and determine life and information from a level that many cannot. Their intuition allows them to learn and take in information, analyze it with old facts, details, and data, and then assemble it into specific patterns. Their potential to do that helps them predict future events. That does not mean they are psychic, but they have particular skills that help them on that path.

INFJs Have Logical Intelligence

INFJs are tremendously logical beings but also have the ability to be intensely emotional. They are super unique in that aspect – a characteristic that adds to their brilliant minds. While they are extreme introverts, they are seemingly extroverts because of their ability to easily make genuine connections.

Their social-emotional side helps them to operate from a sensory function. An INFJs logical thinking side gives them deep expertise in other areas. They use their emotional and rational processes to synchronize feeling and thinking from their core. That potential provides an INFJ depth of knowledgeable skills and makes them wise decision-makers, critical thinkers, and excellent problem solvers.

The logical trait in INFJs is why people will often consult them for various things. They bring advanced and counterintuitive findings to the table. They think way beyond what most people do and bring points and facts up that only an INFJ would be capable of doing. An INFJ will discover hidden ideas and think far past the obvious. Their intuitiveness will help them to predict the outcome of a circumstance.

Due to being highly logical individuals, INFJs are also truth-seekers. They like to lay all the cards on the table, analyze each point from every angle and tell it like it is. They are straightforward and dislike beating around the bush. Because of that, their intelligence thrives because they know what they want and are often highly sure of it.

Like an INFJ, someone smart and logical will always seem, act, and experience things from a higher intelligence even though they synchronize their emotional function in their thinking. They might not always feel smart and are not always correct; they will always have a stance that will make sense somehow because of their incredible skills.

Can INFJs Be Thinkers? 

INFJs have one of the highest IQ levels alongside INTP and INTJ with different knowledge measures but stem from one core aspect – intuitive intelligence. Many personalities have a sensing input function, while others have concrete information as a processing function. That means people choose to watch and absorb rather than think and analyze.

INFJs are thinkers and overthinkers. Their brains are always overworking and constantly on overdrive. They feel the need to dissect every bit of information they come across and will not be able to find peace until they bring those thoughts to a place that makes sense to them.

Why Do INFJs Overthink?

INFJs are introverts. A trait like that plays a significant role in an overthinker’s life. Introverts spend a lot of time alone. They prefer and enjoy solitude more than they like being around or interacting with others. When you are alone and not mentally engaged, your mind will automatically go into overdrive. INFJs are naturally that way all of the time.

Extroverts will spend a lot of their time discussing their thoughts, ideas, goals, and problems with others because they are more social and more around others. Introverts like INFJs would instead retreat to being alone and processing their thoughts in privacy, in a quiet space, taking as much time as they need. 

They do this as introverts from not being around people very often, but additionally because they would choose to keep things to themselves and analyze the ideas alone rather than discuss them with someone. You will find that many INFJs will first take time and space to examine and clear their thoughts before they decide to go someone with it – that is, if they do at all!

Are INFJs Geniuses?

Some of the most genius people have an INFJ personality. They are highly skilled, deep thinkers, and their intuitive abilities give them a level of intelligence that most people don’t understand.  INFJs are capable of leading flourishing lives and achieving great things. Many INFJs are some of the world’s best and most famous authors, activists, leaders, and artists..

4 Famous INFJ Geniuses

Since INFJs are known to be quite the genius, let’s take a look at 4 famous INFJ geniuses:

  1. Mahatma Gandhi: The late Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who brought independence to India, breaking it free from British rule.
  • J.K. Rowling: The famous author of many loved fictional novels, including the classic and lifelong favorite of many – Harry Potter.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt: The former first lady of the United States. She was also a diplomat and activist who advocated for women’s rights.
  • Jane Goodall: A groundbreaking primatologist who uses unorthodox approaches for her work to revolutionize how we think about life.


INFJs are smart and logical individuals who use their intuitive, and introverted traits to increase and exude the intelligence and skills.

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