The chances are great that you have encountered a visionary ENTP in the business world who is passionately driven by their insatiable need to innovate and to make grandiose concepts a reality – at any cost.

ENTPs are so competitive because they ardently believe that there is always a smarter and more efficient way of doing business. Intellectually gifted ENTPs thrive on discussing their innovative ideas with people, which they often synthesize without considering the details and claim as their own.

While it might seem evident why ENTPs are so competitive, they are highly complex personalities, and there is really so much more to discover about these creative geniuses. So, if you truly want to understand what makes them tick – read on!

The Myers-Briggs ENTP Personality Type

The Myers-Briggs personality questionnaire was devised by Katherine Briggs in partnership with her daughter, Isabel Myers, from 1920 to 1940 and has stood the test of time.

Sixteen Myers-Briggs personalities are based on the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s assertion that people understand the world around them through intro/ extroversion, sensing/intuition, feelings/thoughts, and by means of their perception/judgment.

The ENTP abbreviation is encompassed the following personality traits: Extraversion (versus introversion), Intuitive (versus sensing), Thinking (versus feeling), and Perceiving (versus judging).

A mere 3% of the population display ENTP personality traits, of which 4% are male and 2% are female, so it is an incredibly rare classification.

ENTP personalities are spurred on by discussing innovative concepts and ideas that often tackle complex problems, although they are not interested in the little details. Thus, they tend to embark on an ambitious project without being overly concerned about how they will deliver results.

Due to their above-par strategic, and analytical skills, ENTPs make decisions that are logical (in their eyes). However, they need a working environment that will grant them enough autonomy to achieve their goals without rigid policies and procedures that stifle their exceptional creativity.

ENTPs are phenomenal innovators and consistently motivated to find solutions for enormously complex and intellectually challenging problems that intimidate most people.

Thus, they are often referred to as visionaries and great debaters as ENTPs are highly gifted thought-leaders who are innately curious about people they encounter, concepts, and structures and how they can be improved upon or developed.

ENTPs are productive rebels, open-minded, and non-conformists and continuously analyze people to see what makes them tick and how they can persuade them to follow their lead.

With superb communication skills and a keen sense of humor, ENTPs are adept at arguing their corner, although they do accept people as they are and like to consider all points of view.

The ENTP’s Work-Ethic: What You Should Know

ENTPs are characterized by their outstanding vision and drive, to such an extent that their passion for employing innovative solutions often makes mere mortals shiver in their boots!

Since we now know a little bit more about the main traits of ENTPs, let’s take a look at the reasons for their success and why they often meet and exceed expectations in the business arena.

Are ENTPs Competitive?

High-functioning ENTPs continuously strive for excellence by honing their skills-sets, industry knowledge, and methodologies, as they want to be renowned as experts in their field.

ENTPs also seek positions of power where they can interact with people who can propel them to new heights in their chosen business sector. So, they are incredibly competitive by nature.

They are born entrepreneurs who love nothing more than discussing new ideas as it fuels their creative drive and their ability to address intellectually challenging problems with innovative solutions.

ENTPs are predominantly optimistic and energetic powerhouses who possess innate confidence in their own abilities and tend to disregard workplace procedures that they perceive as redundant completely.

This non-conformist mindset often leads to conflict with more conservative co-workers and makes them more inclined to follow standard procedures blindly.

Although ENTPs are unbiassed and consultative people who like to consider everyone’s input, they excel in extracting prudent suggestions and incorporating them into their innovative solutions.

However, due to their competitive nature, they sometimes tend to take all the credit for new ideas without crediting their team’s substantive input, and as they are not detailed orientated, those aspects are often overlooked and left to others to deal with.

Are ENTPs Successful?

ENTPs can succeed where others fail as they are bold and fearless in the face of adversity; in fact, it is their great asset and the key to their success.

These types of people are undeterred by failure as they see it as a mere step to reach their goals, and their unshakable faith in their own ability to succeed means that they are impervious to any obstacle and see them as opportunities to grow.

ENTPs are fuelled by their ardent belief that there is always a smarter and more efficient way of doing things, which means that every aspect of business requires innovation, whether it be products or processes.

Though ENTPs may fail at times in reaching their objectives, they are often incredibly successful and can become enormously wealthy, only to lose it all due to a new risky business venture. However, they will start over and build a new business empire undeterred.

While ENTPs tend to be flexible and adaptable to change in their professional and private lives, it does not imply that they can’t be disagreeable and easy to live with.

ENTPs are incredibly resourceful and able to cope with the demands of a fast-paced, ever-evolving workplace that requires great stamina.

But most of all, they are enormously confident in their talent and skillset, which makes them impervious to criticism or being ostracised by co-workers; in fact, they relish the opportunity to prove critics wrong by succeeding when they are expected to fail.

Additional ENTP Characteristics

While you might know a little bit more about what makes ENTP personalities tick, here are a few more fascinating insights:

  • Most ENTPs are leaders in the tech, science, and art industries.
  • They are mostly impervious to heart diseases or hypertension.
  • Their creativity scores are incredibly high, so they are exceptional lateral thinkers.
  • ENTPs are adept at dealing with stressful environments and not prone to burnout.
  • They are more prone to violate their college alcohol policies in comparison with most Myers-Briggs personalities.
  • ENTPs are more likely to be unhappy at work, even though they earn far more than most.
  • Myers-Briggs ENTP scores also indicate that they are enterprising, friendly, selfish, stubborn, independent, and incredibly resourceful.


Trailblazing ENTPs are visionaries with an insatiable need to excel, innovate, and improve efficiencies in line with their vision for the future. They are more concerned with grandiose ideas and concepts than facts, and this fearless passion and drive to make their ideas a reality is why ENTPs are so competitive.

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