If you have ever encountered a warm and compassionate person who has been there for you in your darkest hour and inspired you to reach your full potential, they are probably an ENFJ Protagonist.

ENFJs are called the Protagonist as they are mentors or teachers who want to inspire people to realize their dreams. Protagonists are nurturing, conscientious, diplomatic, loyal, and extroverted personalities with strong, unifying people skills – highly emotive with perfectionistic tendencies.

So, if you want to know why the likes of Oprah Winfrey is a Protagonists and gain a deeper insight into these selfless personalities and why they freely give so much of themselves – read on!

ENTJ Personalities: What You Need To Know

The Myers-Briggs personality assessment methodology is based on the Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung’s work which resulted in 16 distinctive personalities denoted with an abbreviation of their key character traits.

According to leading psychologists, only 2-5% of the global population are classified as ENTJs; therefore, it’s a rare personality trait.

The ENFJ abbreviation represents someone who thrives in social settings (Extraverted), is more entranced by concepts than facts (iNtuitive), bases their decisions on their core values or emotions (Feeling), and is a highly organized or meticulous planner (Judging).

ENFJs are incredibly warm, charismatic, sensitive, principled, and loyal individuals who possess the unique ability to forge friendships with all types of people, including shy or introverted personalities. In fact, they have the strongest people skills of all the Myers-Briggs personality types.

They tend to be hard on themselves, up to the point of being martyrs, are naturally inclined to blame themselves when things go wrong, and will rarely acknowledge their own successes.

ENTJs make ethical decisions in every sphere of life based on their robust value system – whether it be about their career choices or shopping habits.

Due to an ENTJs heightened emotional understanding, they can sense what others are feeling and can be highly manipulative. However, this ability is counteracted by their generous nature, an innate need to help others become their best selves.

Why Are ENFJs Called Protagonists?

ENTJs are often referred to as Protagonists, teachers, or mentors as they are genuinely caring people inclined to uplift and support others skillfully. They are selfless personality types that are continuously focused on the wellbeing of their family, friends, and co-workers.

While their caring nature and devotion to others are admirable qualities, Protagonist ENFJs are prone to neglecting their own needs.

ENTJs are adept at uniting people from diverse backgrounds and brokering peace due to their diplomatic and sensitive approach. So, they are phenomenal leaders who inspire others with their enthusiastic and positive approach to life.

While it is commonly believed that Protagonist ENFJs are social butterflies, who constantly need to be with people, they do need solitude and time for introspection, especially because they give so much of themselves to others.

Protagonists Are Highly Emotive

While some personalities are great at maintaining a “poker face” and not expressing emotions, Protagonists wear their “hearts on their sleeves” and are more likely than others to cry with joy, instantly fall in love, and express their anger or frustration.

Dating a Protagonist means that you will never have to guess how your partner feels, as they are not the types of people who will withhold affection or play nasty games, unlike other manipulative personality types.

While this emotional honesty may be positive for like-minded partners, it could feel overwhelming for people who are not as candid about their feelings or those who are more reserved.

Although, it’s imperative to note that an ENTJ partner will expect the same amount of transparency, emotional openness, and demonstrativeness in a relationship.

So, it’s important to express how you truly feel, and if you need time to take stock of your emotions before revealing them, communicate this fact before it damages your relationship.

Fortunately, Protagonist ENTJs are open-minded and great listeners who pride themselves on their ability to accept other people’s points of view.

Although, Protagonists find it hard to express their own ardent beliefs or opinions in relationships as they don’t want to alienate their partners. So, even though they may express certain points of view, it will not reflect their true convictions or ruffle any feathers.

Protagonists Are Perfectionists

Protagonists are idealists who always strive for excellence in every aspect of their lives, ranging from their friends and families to their careers to such an extent that they are often their own worst enemy as this perfectionistic streak is exhausting and often leads to burnout.

While their ability to nurture others and selflessly dedicate their lives for the good of others is endearing and admirable qualities, they are often to the detriment of their own wellbeing.

Moreover, this perfectionist streak means they often beat themselves up for not being able to take care of others adequately and solve their problems or ethical concerns like not recycling enough to protect the fragile planet.

Protagonists tend to get into a tailspin at times when their strive for excellence becomes toxic or overwhelming.

So, if you want to help a Protagonist break that vicious cycle, either have a tactful conversation with them to find out why they are so hard on themselves or do something fun and spontaneous that will make them realize that they can’t carry the world on their overburdened shoulders.

Famous Protagonists

Now that you know more about what makes a Protagonist tick, here are a few you might recognize:

  • Nelson Mandela
  • Martin Luther King, Jr
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Abraham Maslow
  • Alfred Adler
  • Ralph Nader
  • Margaret Mead
  • Pope John Paul II.


Nurturing ENFJs are called Protagonists, mentors, or teachers as they are naturally inclined to devote their lives to the betterment of others selflessly.

They ardently believe that their fellow humans have the capacity to reach their full potential and that it is their profound duty to support and encourage them on their uplifting journey.

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