Present in almost every type of environment, you’ll most likely know of at least one ESFJ. They seem nice, dependable, and responsible, but does this mean they are smart? Some underestimate them, but who really knows the real truth?

ESFJs are warm, extroverted, and supportive. Even though they might not like complex topics or equations have a profound form of emotional intelligence and a great knack for solving problems. They are highly valuable and often hotel managers, elementary teachers, and social workers.

So, you’re begging to know just how intelligent the ESFJ is? Well, all you have to do is read along!

Inside The Mind Of The ESFJ

According to the Myers-Briggs Test Indicator (MBTI), the ESFJ is classified as Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. They are often dubbed the Consul or the Caregiver due to their inherent drive to care for and accommodate other people, especially in times of need.

ESFJs are extraverted, happy-go-lucky, and often incredibly kind, sometimes to their own detriment. They seek to promote social cohesion, constant unity, and peace and will often go out of their way to maintain this, much to the chagrin of those who prefer to keep to their own space.

This personality loves to be surrounded by others pretty much all the time as it gives them fulfillment and a way to reenergize. They love to make others smile, so you’ll often see them as the gracious host or the helpful flight attendant.

Are ESFJs Smart?

To start off, it feels almost mandatory to state that intelligence comes in many versatile forms. Not only that but exercising a certain type of intelligence also requires a certain amount of situational awareness and caution so as not to make the wrong move.

That being said, the ESFJ can possess a multitude of different types of intelligence, both the traditional kind and the understated emotional intelligence or EQ. As the ESFJ is highly empathetic and cognitively aware of the emotions of others, they display their emotional intelligence the most.

This takes the form of having an acute understanding of the emotions and emotional motivations behind other people’s actions. Consequentially, the ESFJ is distinctly aware of their environment and is often savvy at navigating conflicts and interactions between people.

However, this does not mean that ESFJs can’t be smart in the more conventional way like others might wrongly assume. They are very attuned to problems and are responsible and committed enough to find and enact solutions in a systematic approach.

How Do ESFJs Think?

Never the type to intentionally hurt anyone, the ESFJ often considers their decisions with others in mind. For them, they feel as if though they need to help others to achieve their best or by providing some form of support or comfort.

They like to make inferences and base their decisions using the information and facts they can clearly observe and have access to. This, in combination with their dependence on traditions to give them stability, makes them occasionally too stubborn to change their habits or actions.

In pursuing social order, the ESFJ conforms to morals and standards and has no problem submitting to authority. The worldview of ESFJs can become clouded by their black-and-white form of judgment, and they can be quick to condemn those whose actions fall outside of norms or parameters.

Reliant on how others view them and constantly seeking approval, the ESFJ can be overly focused on their social standing. Occasionally if ESFJs receive criticism, they’ll become oversensitive and upset. This can also manifest in clinginess at times if they feel that they need to make it up to you.

ESFJs love to organize and create detailed routines and plans for things that they see the need to complete. They think in ways that preserve stability and order, especially regarding the relationships of people around them. They are very methodical and often like to organize social events.

When it comes to thinking about the world around them, the ESFJ prefers to focus on the intricacies of personal information and the emotions of those around them; They dislike thinking about objective data or highly theoretical, abstract topics.

They strive to create some semblance of security in their lives, so their actions are measured, cautious and deliberate. ESFJs dislike it when they feel they have lost any semblance of control or power in their lives, especially regarding their working environment and other people.

Are ESFJs Good At Math?

Math, seemingly everyone’s biggest fear in high school, is something that requires a complex, interwoven set of actions. These rely on logic and seemingly form intuitiveness when it comes to abstract equations and the like.

So, for the Sensing and emotionally intuitive, as opposed to factually intuitive, ESFJ, Math can often be quite a problem. It also relies on a strong sense of logical guidance, something which the ESFJ often doesn’t possess.

The type of mathematics can also determine if the ESFJ would struggle or not. Something that can be methodized and practiced, like arithmetic, will suit the ESFJ. However, complex and long-winded theoretical mathematical equations might uninterest, frustrate, or bore the ESFJ.

This isn’t to say, however, that all ESFJs are bad at math and shouldn’t attempt it, but rather a loose guide to the strengths and weaknesses of ESFJs. And even then, exceptions prove the rule, so it’s not impossible for an ESFJ to perform well in mathematics.

Fun Facts About The ESFJ

ESFJs are the second most common MBTI personality type to occur, making up about 12% of the world’s overall population. Amongst females, ESFJs are more likely to occur than amongst males, at the rates of 17% and 8%, respectively.

This personality is measured to have some of the most social coping methods to combat stress. They are also underrepresented amongst the proportion of the general population that suffer from substance abuse problems.

Much like the rest of their usually fuss-free and cheery disposition, the ESFJ personality often reports some of the highest levels of personal satisfaction in their marriages and their co-workers. They are amongst the most likely personalities to complete college.

Often the people-pleaser, it’s no wonder that ESFJs are often found in careers that involve health and personal care, social work, hospitality, religion, and education. Some examples of suitable ESFJ careers include social workers, elementary teachers, hotel managers, cosmetologists, pediatricians, etc.


So, to sum up, the ESFJ is a warm and outgoing personality. You’ve come to find that they have great emotional intelligence that is often in short supply. Just because they don’t get a thrill out of abstract thinking or complex math doesn’t mean you should underestimate this smart cookie!

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