ENTJs have extraverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging personality traits. People with this personality type are referred to as “commanders.” They’re natural-born leaders with a lot of ambition and confidence. So, you might be wondering, how smart are ENTJ’s really?

ENTJs are very smart and love learning new things. They are strategic leaders motivated to bring change. ENTJs are also extremely good at solving problems. They can logically reason and think quickly on their feet. Their career is important to them, and they will do anything to reach those goals.

This article will look at why ENTJs are regarded as smart people, whether they’re intellectuals, and how they think, and will also list 12 famous ENTJ thinkers.

Are ENTJs Smart?

People with this personality time are usually smart since they are very focused on what goes on in their minds. They love learning new things and solving problems. It is also important for them to continue expanding their knowledge. They want to accomplish their goals and work hard to do so. Achieving their goals form part of who they are. ENTJs always push themselves to achieve their aims.

They are not very emotional and much more intellectual than emotional. This is why ENTJs seem so intelligent to people around them. ENTJs are analytical and neutral. They also crave order and hate problems they cannot solve.

Whenever they encounter problems, they will try to solve them. They are very assertive and love taking charge, making them great leaders and managers who organize people and help them achieve their goals. While friendly and extroverted, they are not prone to pick up other people’s emotions.

They are focused on being productive and influential and sometimes do not attend to other people’s feelings.

ENTJs are very career-driven and want to succeed in their careers. They love working hard and are usually very ambitious. Because of this, they are interested in being influential and gaining power. They love being in a position where they can put plans in motion and make decisions. More than any other personality type, ENTJs enjoy their work.

ENTJs are very straightforward and decisive. Because of this, they can seem very intelligent and driven. They are also critical when pursuing their goals and very direct. These people are also very organized and want others to be the same. ENTJs want everyone to stay on schedule.

ENTJs tend to take charge no matter where they find themselves. They are natural-born leaders and have clear plans for the future. They know how to motivate people and move them towards a goal. ENTJs are analytical and approach every situation with that attitude.

ENTJs are also not hesitant to point out what people can do better. This is to ensure their ideas are realized. Sometimes they can come across as arrogant and presumptuous because they quickly seize people and situations. They also love sharing the knowledge they learn. They are very good at working in teams and collaborating but will usually take the lead.

How Do ENTJs Think?

ENTJs are strategic planners. Being strategic planners helps ENTJs accomplish their life goals. They are amazing at taking a problem and thinking of a solution. They won’t stop until they can solve the problem. Usually, they enjoy having to take apart a problem and solve it because this allows ENTJs to apply their minds and abilities.

They have very strategic minds, and because of that, they can think of the best way to tackle a problem and the best possible path for accomplishing their goals. Their goal-driven personality may seem aggressive to other people since they never back down.

They push themselves and others to get things done how they need them to. Whenever they encounter a problem, they see it as a challenge. They see everything from a strategic point of view. Others may struggle when problems arise, but ENTJs are great at figuring out which path to take towards achieving their goals.

ENTJs are able to collect facts and a lot of information over time. They are able to explain their solutions in a manner for everyone to understand.

Are ENTJs Intellectuals?

People with this personality type love learning. ENTJs hate ignorance, and because of this, they like ensuring that they learn new things. They enjoy researching and finding out new information. This allows them to distance themselves from ignorant people. They spend a lot of time absorbing knowledge through reading. They care about the world around them and what happens in it.

People with this personality type can understand different ideas and knowledge. Because of their love of learning, they want to stand out as intelligent people. Some complex ideas that are harder for others to comprehend are easy for ENTJs to comprehend. They are able to comprehend these ideas naturally. They also like theories and abstract ideas.

ENTJs rarely struggle to learn new subjects or ideas. They have an amazing memory and love sharing the things they know with other people. ENTJs are willing to teach other people new things and often feel it is their responsibility to do so. ENTJs learn well in groups.

They love new challenges, experiments, and ideas. They also like jumping into new things if it allows them to learn something new.

12 Famous ENTJ Thinkers

ENTJs are forceful and naturally born for leadership positions. Here are 12 famous ENTJs:

  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Bill Gates
  • Steve Jobs
  • Kamala Harris
  • Harrison Ford
  • George Clooney
  • Charlize Theron
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • David Letterman
  • Billy Joel
  • Winston Churchill
  • Ronald Reagan


ENTJs are very smart people. They love learning and hate ignorance. People with this personality type are very good leaders and will do anything to achieve their goals in life. Because of this may come across as arrogant and presumptuous.

They come across as intelligent because they are very career-driven and strategic. They can think on their feet and love learning new things. You will usually see them in leadership positions since they are very ambitious and confident.

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