As you know, there are 16 main different personality types, one of them being the ENFJ. With the different personality types, different personalities react to certain things differently from one another. For example, you may know an ENFJ and wish to make them happy, but you are unsure how. So, how is it that you make an ENFJ happy?

ENFJ personality types are very affectionate, meaning they often receive happiness when affection is returned to them. However, all personality types react to different types of affection, so it is important to know which types of affection are the most efficient when dealing with an ENFJ.

Making other people happy is an important part of building and maintaining relationships. It shows other people how you feel about them. Therefore, it is also important to learn how you can make a personality type, such as an ENFJ, happy. So, stick around to learn the 3 different ways to make an ENFJ happy.

1. Listen To What An ENFJ Has To Say

Traditionally, ENFJ personalities are known to be very good at being observant of the feelings of people around them. They have a unique quality of knowing what another person needs, even before the other person realizes this need. 

This rare ability to almost read the minds of others to understand their needs means that the ENFJ personality type often thinks that this is one of the main reasons to reciprocate appreciation between people. Therefore, ENFJ personalities need other people to do the same things back.

So, simply listening to an ENFJ is one of the best ways to show them that you have an appreciation for them, which will ultimately make them happy. By them realizing that you are listening, allowing them to ‘vent,’ and being able to understand their needs, they will feel appreciated by you. With this affection they feel, happiness will follow.

Just because being argued against can make an ENFJ unhappy does not mean that you must constantly keep silent when listening to them. On the contrary, deep and thoughtful conversations in which you work through the feelings that an ENFJ is expressing are among the best ways to lift their moods and make them happy.

2. Words Of Affirmation

As said above, ENFJ personalities can understand the needs of others. Sometimes, one of the only things another person needs is simply just a few words of affirmation. Therefore, an ENFJ will try to make another person happy by sending a verbal message that makes them feel better.

Ways that make people feel appreciated and loved often fall under something called a “love language.” Different personality types have different “love languages,” which means that they feel loved and cared for in a specific way or that different methods of affection are more effective than others. For example, some people’s love language may be physical touch, while others may be kind words.

Due to the ENFJ being able to understand what another person needs and provide that need in a few simple words, the ENFJ love language has become verbal affection. Verbal affection does not mean that you will have to constantly throw compliments at them. There are many different ways to express your affection to an ENFJ apart from compliments.

Sometimes, things as simple as letting an ENFJ know that you understand their point of view on a topic without arguing against it are the best ways to make an ENFJ happy. Compliments work great, but so do things such as motivational words that give an ENFJ reassurance on a situation. However, criticism (no matter how constructive) is never a good idea.

Even if you did not mean it, criticism is known to be taken in the wrong ways by an ENFJ. It is often easier for an ENFJ to feel love by simply being agreed with, compared to listening to logical points of view that contradict their own.

3. Acts Of Service And Giving

The methods above explain how ENFJ personality types often try and display their affection and appreciation for others by communicating to the other person in their own love language. While this can make an ENFJ happy, constantly giving and trying to provide happiness for others can be rather draining, as with many other personality types.

For ENFJ personalities, one of the best ways to feel loved and appreciated is for a favor to be returned. Favor, in this case, is not literal but rather means that for all the affection and love they willingly give out, they often do not seem to have these gestures ‘returned.’

Therefore, a very effective way to make an ENFJ feel happy is to simply return the happiness they constantly try to provide. Besides words of affirmation and listening to them, ENFJ personalities almost always feel happier when another person gives them a thoughtful gesture.

These gestures and acts of service come in many forms. It can be as small as surprising them with their favorite chocolate or a new car and things like setting up a quality time that allows for intimacy in a relationship. ENFJ personalities sometimes feel constantly busy, so showing them that you had the time of day to think about them and planned a gesture can help slow down their lives.

Therefore, one of the best ways to make an ENFJ happy is to surprise them with sentimental gestures. These gestures do not need to be expensive or cost anything at all; it is simply the fact that you have given them the time and showed them that you thought about them deeply, which shows that you care, which ends up making them happy.


Every personality type likes to receive affection in the way they give it out, and ENFJ personalities love to give out affection! There are more than three ways to make an ENFJ happy, but the three methods listed are definitely the most effective methods of making an ENFJ happy.

In short, the ENFJ personality type loves to be listened to and understood. Their ability to listen to other people’s needs means they need to be listened to in order to feel loved. They also love words of affirmation, which come in many different shapes and forms, along with gestures and acts of service that show an ENFJ that you think about them as much as they think about you.

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