While INTJs are known for not being very emotional, INTJs get sad now and then. Seeing an INTJs sad can be a challenging experience, so it is valuable to understand how to help a sad INTJ.

INTJs become sad when they are betrayed, lied to, dismissed, disappoint themselves and others, or have their logic questioned. You can help a sad INTJ by reaffirming their thinking skills, encouraging them to be vulnerable, and reminding them of their positive attributes.

Let’s explore potential things that cause INTJs to become sad and upset and consider how to help a sad INTJ.

What Makes INTJs Sad And Upset?

Here are a few things that make INTJs sad and upset. Understanding what makes INTJs sad and why they get sad is essential in helping you know how to help a sad INTJ.

INTJs Become Sad and Upset When They Are Betrayed

As introverts, INTJs tend to have a close circle of friends and trust people who have proved that they are worthy of being trusted.

INTJs are selective with who they keep company because their time and energy are crucial.

When INTJs experience betrayal from a friend or family member, they become sad because they feel that one of the few people they’ve allowed themselves to be vulnerable with has disregarded their emotions and discarded the safe space they shared.

When INTJs experience betrayal from a coworker, it can cause them to be upset because they consider their coworker to be someone who values them and what they bring to the table.

INTJs value integrity and hold themselves to a high standard for the work they produce. Having a coworker throw them under the bus in the workplace can make INTJs upset because they are individuals who take pride in their efforts and go out of their way to deliver excellent work.

When an INTJ has their ideas stolen, they become upset because they have placed their time and energy into delivering a good idea and believe they deserve recognition.

INTJs value having their ideas praised as they consider themselves intellectual, logical individuals who generate good ideas. When INTJs coworkers steal their work, they become upset and feel betrayed because the recognition that is due to them is given to someone who did not invest the same time and energy as they did.

INTJs Become Sad and Upset When They Are Lied To

INTJs value integrity and hold themselves to a high moral standard. As particularly intuitive individuals, being lied to can cause INTJs to be upset.

INTJs are pretty straightforward and do not enjoy people who play games. As efficient individuals, INTJs see lying as an act of disrespect that can upset them because it insults their intellectual ability to detect a lie and insinuates that they are not worthy of receiving honest communication.

INTJs can become sad in instances when someone close to them lies to them because they value their intimate relationships and see it as a breach of trust when their loved one lies to them.

INTJs Become Sad and Upset When They Are Dismissed

While they are not extroverts, INTJs value inclusion and the opportunity to engage with others on topics of their interest.

As confident thinkers, INTJs feel sad when they are not given the opportunity to share their thoughts, as they believe what they have to say may positively contribute to the relevant topic.

As natural problem-solvers, INTJs enjoy critical discussions where they can consider potential outcomes of a situation and come up with adequate solutions.

When INTJs receive dismissive treatment, they can take offense and become upset because it feels like their ability to contribute is deemed worthless, causing them to become sad as it can be a character insult.

INTJs Become Sad When They Disappoint Themselves Or Others

INTJs hold themselves to a high standard, causing them to see failure as a slap in the face. INTJs can be quite hard on themselves and become intolerant of their weaknesses.

INTJs enjoy being seen as individuals who display integrity. When they disappoint others, they disappoint themselves too.

INTJs become sad when they disappoint themselves or others because it feels like they have failed those who rely on them and feel they have lost their ability to be trustworthy.

INTJs Become Sad and Upset When Their Logic Is Questioned

INTJs value logic and generally consider themselves to be analytical, logical individuals. When their thought processes are questioned, INTJs can become upset, as it feels insulting to them given the value they place on logic.

INTJs can also become sad when their logic is challenged, depending on the extent to which their thought process was questioned and how it occurred.

How To Help A Sad INTJ

It’s only natural to want to know ways that you can help a loved one when they are feeling sad as an INTJ. Here are a few ways to help a sad INTJ.

Help A Sad INTJ By Reassuring Their Thinking Skills

INTJs value being seen as logical individuals who possess exceptional problem-solving abilities.

If an INTJ is sad because they have had their logic questioned or have received dismissive treatment regarding their ideas, reassuring them of their critical thinking skills will help them feel less sad.

By reassuring an INTJ of their thinking abilities, you help them find the confidence to believe in themselves again, which will boost their self-esteem to the point where they feel hopeful rather than sad.

Help A Sad INTJ By Encouraging Vulnerability

If an INTJ has been betrayed or lied to, they will naturally feel sad or upset as the betrayal and lies have triggered an unfamiliar emotional response.

INTJs tend to steer away from being emotional and want to shut down their emotions even further when they experience lies and betrayal.

You can help a sad INTJ by encouraging vulnerability. Encouraging vulnerability is essential because you need the INTJ to open up about how the lies and betrayal hurt them for them to move forward and no longer be sad.

You can encourage vulnerability by reminding the INTJ of how emotions are natural, speaking about one’s feelings is healthy, and relaying an instance where you had a similar experience so that they know you can relate to their pain.

Help A Sad INTJ By Mentioning Their Positive Attributes

An INTJ is likely to be significantly upset if they have disappointed themselves or others. INTJs often beat themselves up over small things because they hold themselves to exceptionally high standards.

You can help a sad INTJ feel less sad by reminding them of their positive attributes. By reminding them of their positive traits, you show them that you still hold them in high regard. Hearing you speak of them positively is likely to boost their self-esteem and make them happier.


Despite not being particularly emotional, INTJs tend to get sad when they are betrayed, lied to, dismissed, or have their thought process questioned. You can help a sad INTJ by reassuring their critical thinking skills, encouraging vulnerability, and reminding them of their positive attributes.

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