The ISFP is the most unique individual you will ever have the great fortune of meeting! Although they need time to reconnect with themselves and, for that reason, sometimes withdraw from socialization, ISFPs have a sense of spontaneity and fun that is ineffable. They are truly a gem!

The ISFP, according to the MBTI, is a spontaneous personality type that shies away from long-term planning. They find confident love interests attractive as they are true to who they are. They need spontaneity, affection, motivation, and sensitivity for their relationships to thrive.

Relationships with ISFPs can be complicated, but it boils down to a few simple things ISFPs need. If you need to know what it takes to make a relationship with an ISFP work, read on!

Behind The Veil: ISFPs in Focus

Also known as the Adventurer, the Composer, or the Creator, the ISFP personality type is one of sixteen established by mother-daughter duo Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.

The abbreviation is short for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. This personality type is extraordinarily creative, applying innovation to every aspect of their lives, whether it be picking an outfit or knitting a sweater. They are also very open-minded and tend to go with the flow.

Although the personality type is fairly common – as the fourth most common of all types – ISFPs themselves are all unique, as is evident from the people who embody this personality type. 8% of men and 10% of women are ISFP.

Famous ISFPs

Frida Kahlo, Jimi Hendrix, Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Lana Del Rey, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Britney Spears, Cher, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Bob Dylan are among those boasting the ISFP personality type.

In the fictional realm, some ISFPs include Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad, Éowyn from The Lord of The Rings, Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill, and Edith Crawley from Downton Abbey.

Things ISFPs Love To Do

Hobbies that are popular among ISFPs include individual sports like cycling and swimming, dance, and craft projects like resin art or crocheting.

Hosting people in small groups is also a great source of joy for ISFPs, as is exploring nature and art. On holiday, you’d find it hard to tear your ISFP friend away from the marvels that the local art museum or gallery has in store.

What Are ISFPs Attracted To?

ISFPs embody a vibrancy in life that they want to be reflected in their partners. They seek authenticity in their partners, as they live according to who they truly are. ISFPs are attracted to true confidence and people who have many passions.

They seek adventurous people who will journey with them to reach new heights of spontaneity and exploration of the senses. They are curious and look for this inquisitive intelligence in their partners.

This personality type can be a bit aloof, so give them room for some reflective thought because it’s not that they’re not serious about you, but they need some alone time to process. They certainly aren’t attracted to anyone who’s too clingy.

What ISFPs Want From Their Partner

Even though, initially, they are somewhat aloof, once a relationship begins, ISFPs make loyal, empathetic, and even-tempered partners who will go the extra mile to take care of their love. But what do they need to keep the flame of their love alive?

1. They Desire Excitement

Above all, the ISFP wants someone who shares their spontaneity and zest for living. They get bored easily, and they need someone in their lives who, like them, lives life to the fullest and can share in their passions.

This doesn’t mean they want volatile relationships with no stability. Relationships with ISFPs are reliable but not without a constant sense of adventure.

2. They Crave Affection

Despite their independent nature, this type of introvert yearns for love, both physical and emotional. They want emotional intimacy to be innately connected to physical intimacy.

They like to spend a lot of time with their loved ones, including their significant other, despite needing some alone time.

3. They Require Sensitivity

This personality is prone to avoiding conflict and need a partner who is sensitive to their feelings. Otherwise, the ISFP might be bulldozed by the needs and wants of another personality.

ISFPs usually want to accommodate their partner and make them happy no matter the cost. However, this could lead to quiet seething resentment that could cause the breakdown of the relationship.

They also need some affirmation that their kindness and love have not gone unnoticed, or else their feelings might get hurt. Their self-esteem is also not always the most bulletproof, so they need supportive partners who won’t let them self-deprecate too much.

They also need some solitude and a significant other who will take cognizance of that.

4. They Need Motivation

ISTPs can be not as dedicated to their studies and their jobs as they should be. Therefore, they need a significant other who motivates them to do better in life.

They tend to avoid planning the future, which may make them unprepared and exposed. ISFPs need a partner who will improve their lot in life and urge them to maximize their potential.

This might sound like the ISTP needs a childminder, but that’s not true! They just need someone who will push them in the right direction and will be understanding of their aversion to long-term planning.

Insightful ISFP Facts

Since you’re now an expert on ISFPs, you might find these facts about the personality type interesting!

  • They are among the least likely to remain in college.
  • Health care, law enforcement, and business are fields in which ISFPs often work.
  • They exhibit very low levels of assertiveness at college.
  • They plan the fewest number of years when writing essays.
  • They are among the types most likely to be diagnosed with heart disease and hypertension.
  • Stress related to children and finances is most rife among this personality type.


As a highly creative and sensitive personality, the ISFP requires a partner that is supportive of them and sensitive to their needs. They need a spark of joy in their relationship, and it won’t work out if the relationship is too routine. Affection is also key to maintaining a strong bond with an ISFP.

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