ENTJs love people. Although this may seem surprising, there is an easy explanation for this. ENTJs are naturally extroverted and are generally better suited to working with and around others. They enjoy leadership and are great personality types to rely on for problem-solving. These individuals can also help others pursue their dreams and reach their goals.

ENTJs are extroverted and goal-oriented individuals who love people. They love being around others and work best in a group setting. These personality types tend to hide their feelings. but show emotion through other actions like encouragement, problem-solving, and helping others reach their goals.

If you want to have a better understanding of why ENTJs love people, why they stifle their emotions, and how they show their feelings, then we’re here to help. We’ve outlined and detailed the connection between ENTJs, their love for people, and the way that they show their emotions towards individuals with whom they have a relationship.

Do ENTJs Love People?

ENTJ stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judgement. While ENTJs may seem severe, logical, and assertive, they are actually highly interested and involved with people. This is a brief summary of what this personality type is like.

Individuals who fall into the ENTJ category love being around people for a good reason. ENTJs are naturally extroverted and prefer to be around people. They are often quick-witted and come across as gregarious, outgoing, and charming.

ENTJ personality types are natural leaders and enjoy being able to organize and orient people towards a common goal. While they may be more independent, they love being able to give direction to others. They are also hyper-focused on problem-solving and solutions, making them a great personality type to rely on when you need an objective and fair approach to a problem.

People may feel more drawn to ENTJs because of their natural leadership qualities, and ENTJs enjoy helping others to reach their personal goals.

ENTJs are happier when working with and around other people. They tend to feel drained and unhappy when they are isolated or working alone. For this reason, ENTJs love having people around and can showcase their true personalities and thrive when they are in groups.

Why Do ENTJs Hide Their Feelings?

ENTJs may seem to be more serious, stern, and severe when it comes to their emotions. This is because ENTJs prefer to use logic rather than emotions to guide them and drive themselves further toward their goal. They appreciate hard work and intellect, and reasoning over emotion-driven decisions.

These individuals tend to hide their emotions and are selective when it comes to sharing their thoughts and feelings with others. Similarly, emotions are not derived from fact or impartial truth. Because of this, they don’t rely on the validity of their feelings over facts, logic, and reasoning. They are also often protective of their emotions so that they cannot be exploited or derail them from reaching their goals.

Processing and understanding emotions are also more difficult for an ENTJ personality because they prefer rationality and coherence. Many emotions may feel overwhelming and confusing for ENTJs, so it is easier for them to hide their feelings when they are around other people. ENTJs may be more inclined to share their emotions in close relationships, but this is not often the case.

How Do ENTJs Show Emotions?

To understand how ENTJs show their emotions, you must understand how their traits factor into emotional situations.

So, if ENTJs love people but tend to hide their true feelings, how do they show emotions? This is an interesting question that requires extensive thought and consideration. You will need to look at the personality type to better understand the answer.

ENTJs may often feel that their emotions are a sign of weakness or failure. They may be quick to show emotions like confidence, happiness, and satisfaction. Still, they tend to shut their negative emotions down and ignore or stifle them.

These individuals tend to show their emotions through actions rather than words. They appreciate effort, so they are generally more likely to show their true feelings through what they do. In their relationships, ENTJs often enjoy helping people close to them by giving them advice and helping them find solutions to their problems. They tend to show their affection best by making life easier for those around them.

ENTJs also have a more logical and straightforward approach, so they are less likely to beat around the bush when vocalizing or showing their genuine emotions or feelings. Individuals in the presence of an ENTJ will know how these personality types feel through their actions and can pick up on subtle changes in their behavior.

Most ENTJs will show their emotions for those close to them by encouraging them to grow and succeed in everything they do. If an ENTJ pushes you to do your best and encourages hard work and perseverance, they are doing their best to show you that they care.

Personality types that conflict with ENTJs may find it challenging to understand their emotions and how they display them. Still, it’s important to remember that they find it difficult to vocalize their feelings. You may need to practice patience and work together to come to a compromise when it comes to showing emotion.


ENTJs are often thought of as unfeeling and can seem stand-offish toward people. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. ENTJs thrive off the energy of others and work best in groups. They can also navigate their lives much easier when they are in close proximity to others and may even feel drained or unhappy when they are alone for long periods.

ENTJs love people, and although they hide their feelings, and can show their emotions through actions rather than words. Now that you understand how ENTJs operate when it comes to their feelings, you can apply your knowledge to your relationships with ENTJs in your life.

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