When we meet someone for the first time, we naturally judge their appearance first before getting to know them. This is just human nature. While some Myers-Briggs personality types may put a certain amount of focus on looks, are ISTPs the same? Do ISTPs care about looks?

ISTPs care about their physical appearance and the physical appearance of others. They exude confidence and are not obsessed with appearance but take time to look presentable. ISTPs are physically orientated and are more inclined to notice the physical appearance of others.

Not all ISTPs are the same, and some may not be overly concerned with physical appearance. Their upbringing and individual personality also affect how much they care about looks. While some of their focus may be on physical appearance, ISTPs still appreciate intelligent and curious individuals.

Does Physical Appearance Matter To ISTPs?

ISTPs experience the world through what they see and feel. This makes them more inclined to focus on outward appearance. While many ISTPs are individualistic in their mindset and do not require much connection to others, they still put time and effort into looking good.

ISTPs can appreciate it when someone takes their time to dress well. Of course, this doesn’t mean all their focus is on looks, but looks may be an essential factor in how they perceive the world.

Looks are not everything to an ISTP. They would much rather focus on their projects, hobbies, or their next hands-on activity and spontaneous adventures.

How Much Do ISTPs Care About Looks?

For ISTPs, their physical appearance is important, but they spend most of their time focused on things that excite them.

As introverts, ISTPs have a serious, independent, and highly focused perspective. As a result, a lot of what they experience is inwardly focused, which can easily balance out the amount of time they spend caring about their own looks and the looks of others.

Status and reputation are important to an ISTP, making them more likely to spend time looking for ways to enhance their own looks. This also leads the ISTP to dress fashionably, even to the extent of extravagance in some cases.

ISTPs are conversational in work or public settings, requiring acceptance and an occasional ego boost from social situations. However, if they focus more on their outward appearance and a need for belonging, acceptance, and status, ISTPs will put a lot more effort into looking good and looking for someone who shares this perspective.

Are Looks More Important To ISTPs Than Personality?

While looks play an important role to an ISTP, personality is more important to them. ISTPs may want to look good and dress well and are more likely to appreciate people who do the same. Still, most will prefer an attractive personality over looks.

ISTPs are easy-going in most situations and are likely to befriend anyone. Although their introverted personality may make them seem reserved, they greatly appreciate beauty and have a keen sense of fashion.

Not all ISTPs are the same, and the amount they care about looks will also vary. For example, some ISTPs may be overly concerned with looks. In contrast, others prefer to focus on making friends with those who share similar interests.

What Do ISTPs Find Attractive?

ISTPs are confident individuals and are attracted to those who are confident and comfortable with who they are. However, ISTPs often have difficulty expressing their emotions. Therefore, they may find it hard to communicate how they feel when connecting with others. In this regard, they are drawn to those who know who they are and may be less attracted to people with no self-confidence.

ISTPs also find people that take care of themselves attractive and those who dress well. ISTPs are also attracted to people who can handle their emotions well. As ISTPs aren’t emotional individuals, they are more likely to be drawn to those who can manage their feelings.

ISTPs value honesty and a good sense of humor. ISTPs are also attracted to adventurous people and those who express their individuality.

ISTPs get bored easily and are not set on following schedules or rigid rules; they prefer an easy-going outlook on life and some spontaneity. Therefore, a partner possessing these qualities will appeal more to an ISTP.

Are ISTPs Shallow And Only Care About Looks?

Many people perceive ISTPs as shallow and aloof. While this is true in some cases, ISTPs can also show a lot of care and commitment to those they love.

ISTPs are generally portrayed as shallow because many prominently focus on physical appearance in varying degrees, depending on their individual personality. ISTPs are also very selective in choosing who to interact with and bond well with those of a similar nature.

ISTPs are also often considered shallow because many people don’t understand them. ISTPs also avoid friendships in which they see no value and, when making conversation, can come across as superficial.

ISTPs prefer friendships with those they can trust and share hobbies with. In addition, problem solvers and thrill-seekers are great companions for ISTPs.

Do ISTPs Care About Looks In A Relationship?

In a relationship, ISTPs may focus on looks initially. Still, looks tend to be less important once they have created a bond in a relationship.

ISTPs do not commit easily, and some may find it hard to be in a committed relationship. This being said, ISTPs make great partners due to their logical thinking and curious minds.

Some ISTPs may go into a relationship expecting their partner to have the same amount of focus on physical appearance that they do. In contrast, others may be less concerned about this.

The amount an ISTP cares about looks in a relationship depends on their individual personality. Still, how they experience the world relies on their senses of touch and sight, which can make them more inclined to care about physical appearance.


ISTPs care about looks and put effort into their physical appearance. They often dress up and appreciate those who dress up too. While not all ISTPs are the same, physical appearance affects how they experience the world and relate to those around them.

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