As an ISFJ, you probably wonder why you often find yourself in your thoughts. You could be focused on one thing and are completely spaced out the next minute. Then you are overthinking all the thinking. Are you dreaming and idealizing? Why does it happen? Do ISFJ daydream a lot? Let’s find out.

ISFJs daydream like everyone else on occasion about future scenarios or how they wish things could be. But it’s not all daydreaming. They are motivated, logical beings who take action; however, they are introverts which is a natural element of thinking and processing everything in their heads.

Sometimes, what looks like overthinking is actually just the mind processing thoughts and information to make sense of it. ISFJs may feel or portray themselves as always daydreaming, but mostly they are just in their head about anything and everything. You can get more understanding of the article below.

Do ISFJs Daydream?

ISFJs daydream like all humans, regardless of their personality type. Daydreaming is wishful thinking and pleasant thoughts about how you would like something to happen. To give a few examples, it is often fantasizing about a relationship, your wedding, winning the lottery, or your ideal vacation. 

There is probably not a person who doesn’t daydream about similar things, including ISFJs. They love to imagine what life could be like or wish themselves out of a current situation. It happens to everyone, whether you label it manifestations, dreaming, or wishful thinking. It does not necessarily mean that ISFJs do it “a lot” or more than other MBTIs.

The daydreaming factor is not a function of your personality, but it is a factor in personality traits that are introverted and intuitive. That is why many “dreamers” are from the “N” function personalities like “INFP, INTP, ENFP, ENTP. People with introverted intuition will be further into it because their core auxiliary function revolves around retreating to their thoughts.

ISFJs have a more natural method of daydreaming that many people experience. It is considered normal. Their personality does not result in daydreaming that is out of the ordinary. They enjoy fantasizing just as much as the next person, and sometimes, like with most people, they don’t realize they have been doing it until they snap back to the present.

ISFJs Prefer To Take Action

ISFJs are practical and logical thinkers who prefer taking action instead of daydreaming and fantasizing. Instead, they would put time and effort into getting things done or working towards their goals rather than imagine scenarios that might never happen. 

ISFJs are highly attentive to practical details. They want to see results. They focus on future outcomes and possibilities instead of maybes. They are hardworking and devote themselves to doing what is needed. 

Instead of wishing they could have a good marriage, they put effort into fixing their relationship. Instead of fantasizing about a vacation, they will take steps to work harder and make that trip happen. They set high standards and expectations. That means they will do everything to meet those expectations and expect others to do the same.

Some ISFJs are perfectionists, so they must ensure everything is done correctly from step one. They are super observant and notice minor details. That causes them to take a min and process the information, then find a practical solution to make things work as they like. They don’t just hope; they put effort and take action.

What Do ISFJs Daydream About?

When ISFJs daydream, which is not as often as taking time to process information and think about solutions, they dream about most things humans tend to think about. Some of these things could be:

  • A career path they are interested in.
  • A new job because they are unsatisfied or need to move on from the one they already have.
  • A business idea they could bring to life.
  • A vacation they have always wanted to take.
  • The ideal relationship dynamic, partner, or wedding they would like.
  • The food they want to eat or drinks they want to try later.
  • Something they have wanted to buy for a long time.
  • An activity they would enjoy, such as hiking, horse-riding, or snorkeling.
  • A good night’s sleep if they are tired and stressed.
  • A stress-free life if they are anxious.
  • Good friends and a social life that would make them happy.
  • The kind of lifestyle they would prefer to have.

Why ISFJs Prefer To Not Daydream

ISFJs focus on goals they know they can achieve. They put their time, energy, and thoughts into the things they know they will accomplish. ISFJs’ primary happiness in life is serving others, caring for those they love, and ensuring everyone around them is okay.

When an ISFJ thinks about their own dreams and what they want or would like to do, it could get in the way of being the best person to others. It could hinder the pathway they are on to help and serve others. It could possibly stop them from doing their best to stay committed to people who depend on them, even at the expense of their personal needs and desires.

INFJs care deeply about others. They are attuned to others’ feelings and moods. ISFJs know what others need before asking, and ISFJs always do their best to take care of those needs. They will be alert, loyal, and committed to one situation, outcome, or expectation.

They have a fear that they could disappoint or hurt others, and they are highly afraid of change or deterring from their commitments. That is a reason they sometimes don’t like dreaming and wishing. They will suppress their feelings and avoid dealing with their emotions because they don’t want any conflict of interest.


ISFJs daydream just as much as the next person. They have wishes and fantasies their minds naturally think about, especially when they are not present or conscious of their thoughts. ISFJs are thinkers and need time to process information but will not dwell on possible outcomes and instead put effort and take action to work towards accomplishing their goal or expectations.

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