Have you ever interacted with an INTP and might have hurt them or said something offensive? Are you concerned about why the INTP might be acting weird since your incident and pulled away slightly? Do you think the INTP is unable to forgive you? Are you wondering if INTPs hold grudges? Let’s find out.

INTPs try not to hold grudges but will find a solution to resolve problems. INTPs forgive when there are valid reasons for someone’s actions, and they understand why you did. If you genuinely hurt an INTP, they hide and bottle up their feelings instead of dealing with the issue.

INTPs are not people who simply hold grudges and are pretty understanding individuals, but if you hurt them, they might find it difficult to trust you again. Let’s get into detail on this topic.

Do INTPs Forgive Easily?

INTPs are quite the forgiving individuals if you genuinely get to know them. If someone hurts the INTP, says, or does something that offends them, they will still forgive the person even if it takes time. INTPs look for solutions instead of creating more problems by holding grudges.

If an INTP is very hurt, they might take some time to figure things out. That means they will withdraw from you for a little bit or show you that they are upset. Once they work through their feelings, the INTP will give you a chance to explain and redeem yourself.

INTPs are extremely understanding beings and will try their best to process why you have done what you have done to them. They will see the reasoning behind your words and actions and then figure out the deeper meaning attached to them.

If they feel that your reasons were valid or it was some misunderstanding, they will not hesitate to be forgiving and move on. If you hurt them to the point of no return and there was some malice or deliberate intentions of nastiness and selfishness, they may build walls to protect themselves from getting hurt again.

How Do INTPs Act When Hurt? 

INTPs are logical people. They are also very understanding of others and dislike conflict and confrontation. INTPs are problem-solvers. When an INTP is hurt, they don’t simply deal with the issues and their feelings around it. They tend to bottle things up and hold them in.

INTPs will withdraw from people who are hurting them or overstepping their boundaries instead of confronting the situation face-to-face. Remember that it does not necessarily make them problematic or hypocrites as many would label them. It simply means they need time alone, in privacy and comfort, to process their emotions.

INTPS are introverts. They are also intuitive. The introverted intuition function in a personality often results in those individual overthinking. INTPs must think and rethink absorbing every bit of information around a situation. They must analyze and dissect what happened before they can come out of their shells to deal with any issues head-on.

You might notice that when an INTP goes through some emotional turmoil, they will retreat inwards and distance themselves from those around them. They will take as long as needed for their minds to process thoughts and feelings. The INTP will either sort through their emotions or bottle everything up and not deal with it, then just move on as if nothing happened.

Do INTPs Get Jealous? 

INTPs are not ones to let their feelings out in the forefront. They will take a long time to express themselves, and sometimes it will look like they are cold and have no feelings. INTPs actually feel all kinds of emotions that everyone else also feels deeply. They can be very emotional and care deeply about their loved ones.

INTPS do get jealous. You are unlikely to know or figure out if an INTP is jealous because they are so brilliant at hiding their feeling and masking their emotions from people around them. They don’t like being vulnerable and expressing things outwards. They will not allow it to seem obvious.

INTPs can get jealous of various things, like their partner giving someone more attention or a coworker getting a promotion before them. INTPs genuinely want the best for others and are reasonable, but they feel regular emotions like every other human being. They are just really great at hiding it.

Another reason you may not realize when an INTP is jealous is that they are generally pretty emotionally mature and healthy. Due to that, they know when they are being reasonable and unreasonable. They never want to look like a fool or incompetent, so the INTP will often avoid accepting that they are feeling jealous even when that emotion strongly exists within them.

Do INTPs Have Anger Issues?

INTPs don’t necessarily have anger issues. They are introverted beings and pretty sensitive. That means they can often get irritable and agitated by everyday things like excessive noise, large crowds, bright lights, etc. They strongly dislike and try to avoid any sensory overload because it makes them anxious, which sometimes causes them to overreact to small insignificant things.

INTPs may not have anger issues and outbursts, but like everyone else, they get angry. A healthy INTP will not get worked up too easily but will feel anger where it is valid. However, they sometimes mask that anger and bottle it up because they don’t like to express emotions outwardly.

They find it natural to look neutral in all situations. They like to seem very composed and held together. They are also reserved about letting others know they are angry on the chance that it may hurt someone else because they care deeply about others and prefer to avoid conflict.

Something that causes INTPs to get pretty irritable and impatient is dealing with people who are less competent than them. They despise small talk and always want efficiency. They are hesitant to accept mistakes from others and themselves, and they can get quite agitated when it does happen. Repetition of the same incompetence can often lead to anger outbursts.


INTPs will not hold grudges and are easily forgiving. They dislike conflict and retreat inwards to deal with issues in their own time and space before dealing with any situation. They can build up walls if you genuinely hurt them, but if there was a valid reason for the circumstance, they would come to an understanding and move on gracefully without holding a grudge.

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