INFPs are level-headed and don’t pay much attention to their negative emotions. However, INFPs also feel emotions more strongly than other personality types. Because of this, you may have heard that INFPs have anger issues or that they can’t control their rage. But you shouldn’t believe everything you hear!

INFPs don’t have anger issues. They are fantastic at quelling their negative emotions and focusing on more positive behaviors. However, INFPs may become angry when they are dismissed, around a bully, or if they feel betrayed by someone close to them.

INFPs are masters of emotional regulation. They are hardly ever emotionally volatile and do well in emotionally-charged situations and environments. With that being said, INFPs are only human! They will – and do – get angry, just like the rest of us! Our guide will explain how INFPs deal with their anger and what to avoid if you don’t want to upset them!

Do INFPs Get Angry Easily?

INFPs are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting. This personality type is gentle and caring and has been branded as a ‘mediator.’ Because of their natural inclination toward ‘Feeling,’ INFPs are more emotional than other personality types. But does this mean that they are also more aggressive and angry?

The INFP personality type is rooted in emotion. The individuals that make up this personality group generally experience emotions much more intensely than other groups. However, despite their powerful emotions, they are generally more tolerant of negative emotions like anger.

INFPs are naturally idealistic, so they prefer to focus on positive emotions and experiences. When they experience rage and anger, they are quick to dismiss their feelings and deal with their emotions on their own. Their introverted nature means that they enjoy being alone and will often use their alone time to reflect on their feelings.

INFPs have incredible emotional regulation. INFPs will usually only display anger when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. But it’s human nature to get angry every once in a while!

For INFPs, feeling angry doesn’t necessarily mean acting on this emotion. Instead, INFPs take much longer to get to a tipping point when angry.

Are INFPs Short-Tempered?

INFPs generally have incredible self-control when it comes to their emotions. Because they spend most of their time trying to understand the feelings of others and their own, they are great at recognizing the root of their negative emotions. Understanding their emotions gives them more time to express them in healthier ways. One thing is for sure: INFPs are definitely not short-tempered!

But INFPs are only human! And just like everyone else, their emotions can get the better of them. INFPs are known for experiencing very powerful emotions. This emotional intensity is usually apparent when an INFP loses their temper, and their extreme anger is often labeled as ‘INFP rage.’

INFP rage manifests itself in a few different ways. One of the most common displays of anger is avoidance. INFPs hate conflict and do their best to avoid it at all costs. So, when someone makes them angry, they are more likely to avoid them altogether!

INFPs are also likely to walk away from arguments with someone who has made them angry and ignore them for a while until they have had a chance to work through their anger. This may seem like they are giving you the cold shoulder, but they are trying to remove themselves from an upsetting situation to de-escalate the conflict.

INFPs are not naturally violent individuals, so they typically use their words in a fight.

INFPs will generally remove themselves from a fight to avoid more conflict. But if they feel cornered, they may lash out.

INFPs are constantly thinking of others and trying to find ways to help them. They feel a deep connection with the people around them, which causes them to be hyper-observant of others. While their observant nature is typically used to understand the needs and wants of others, they can also use it against people during an INFP’s angry outburst.

Do INFPs Get Jealous?

INFPs place a lot of significance on their relationships. When others don’t appreciate them, INFPs will typically feel hurt and betrayed.

Because INFPs spend a lot of time forming deeper connections, they may become angry if they feel betrayed by those closest to them. They may seem jealous when those closest to them spend time with others. They may also feel betrayed if others don’t put the same effort into the relationship.

Their intense emotions will channel their feelings of jealousy and hurt into anger, which can cause serious conflict if they can’t control themselves!

INFPs are just like everyone else, and they get angry from time to time. It takes INFPs a long time to become angry enough to retaliate. However, here are some more surefire ways to make an INFP mad that you may be better off avoiding!

INFPs are all about justice, tolerance, and acceptance. Because INFPs are naturally empathic, they tend to become angry when they feel that someone is being attacked. They are quick to anger around bullies or people they perceive as insensitive and mean. So, they will stand up for others when they feel like they are being bullied.

Similarly, INFPs are incredibly open-minded. For this reason, closed-minded people may quickly get a rise out of them.

INFPs are naturally introverted. They tend to keep to themselves and enjoy being alone. However, they prefer to form intimate connections with those close to them. They long for meaningful relationships and take time to nurture relationships rooted in emotion.

Another fool-proof way to anger an INFP is to shoot down their ideas! These individuals are idealistic and enjoy spending time on positive endeavors. They believe in the best in people and situations and typically display their idealism through their actions and ideas. If you dismiss their ideas or act pessimistically around them, they can quickly become angry and ignore you altogether!


INFPs are emotional individuals. Their introverted nature allows them time on their own to reflect on their emotions, and they are empathic toward the feelings of others. When an INFP experiences emotions, they are usually intense and more powerful than other personality types.

Because of their intense emotions, INFPs are thought to be emotionally volatile and quick to anger. However, that couldn’t be more untrue! INFPs are cool, calm, and collected regarding negative emotions and will only show these emotions when they are overwhelmed.

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