INFPs tend to cry a lot. But this should come as no surprise, as the ‘F’ in this personality type stands for Feeling. INFPs experience particularly intense emotions and can mirror the feelings of others through their empathic nature.

INFP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perception. Individuals that identify as INFPs are naturally more emotional and can cry more often than others. They are naturally more empathic and tend to take on the feelings and emotions of others. 

Although they may seem overly emotional, INFPs are generally more stoic regarding their own emotions. They tend to bottle their feelings up and can find it challenging to deal with the overwhelming intensity of their feelings. Our article outlines the INFP personality types and takes a closer look at dealing with emotions for individuals that fall into this group.

About The INFP Personality Type

The INFP personality type stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perception. Individuals who fall into this category are content being alone and often feel drained and exhausted when they expend a lot of social energy. They may find it easier to relax and recharge when they are on their own.

INFPs are also highly optimistic and idealistic and prefer to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. They are driven by their strong morals and values and will always try to be supportive of others in need. These individuals spend a lot of their time feeling introspective and thinking about their purpose. INFPs often feel called to help others and enjoy serving or helping their close friends and family.

INFP personality types are protective and defensive when it comes to those closest to them. Because of their intense ideations, INFPs are fiercely loyal to their beliefs. This personality trait can also be seen in intimate relationships.

INFPs are considered to be mediators and healers. Their willingness to help others through sacrifice and optimism can help positively impact those around them. Their understanding of emotions and intimacy makes them particularly good at assisting others in mediating tense or problematic situations.

Are INFPs Emotional And Sensitive?

INFPs are characterized by their emotions. They often place more emphasis on feelings rather than facts and logic. They are exceptionally skilled at recognizing and understanding the emotions and feelings of others. Their fierce loyalty may cause them to come across as sensitive, but this is often a direct response to a threat to their emotions or those of others.

While INFPs are empathic to those around them, they may find it challenging to open up and share their emotions. They may feel protective and guarded when it comes to their emotions and will often hide their true feelings from others to make them happy or avoid feeling like a burden.

INFPs are incredibly emotional and crave meaningful relationships and deep emotional intimacy with others. They tend to have smaller friend groups and generally only surround themselves with people they share a deep connection with. These individuals despise shallow people and find it difficult to connect with others that are not in touch with their emotions.

Why Do INFPs Cry So Much?

INFPs are naturally more emotional and can be perceived as more sensitive than others. This is because this personality type has a much higher tolerance for strong emotions, and the intensity of their feelings may often become overwhelming.

Although INFPs are great at assessing the emotional needs of others, they often bottle their own emotions up. So, when these individuals experience intense emotions or have a strong emotional reaction to something, they are often unsure of how to express their feelings.

This internal struggle can cause mixed emotions and can manifest through emotional reactions like laughing or crying. INFPs may often laugh or cry in inappropriate situations. This is not because they do not know how to respond appropriately. Instead, they are unsure how to process the intensity of their own emotions.

How To Deal With Emotions As An INFP

INFPs may find it particularly hard to express their emotions. Because of this trait, they may also tend to become more easily overwhelmed in difficult, stressful, or emotionally-charged situations. If you’re finding it difficult to cope with your emotions as an INFP, then it may be time to relax and recharge.

As an INFP who is experiencing overwhelming emotions, you can try to release some of your pent-up feelings through journaling, art, music, or any other creative outlet. INFPs are naturally creative, so being in touch with this part of yourself may help you regain control of your feelings and emotional regulation.

Removing yourself from a stressful environment may be one of the best things you can do. By having a safe space of your own to relax and unwind, you can recharge without interruption. You can also spend some time on your own. Similarly, INFPs are always putting others before themselves. So, if you’re around other people, you will naturally try to help them before you help yourself.

To avoid putting your focus on others and mirroring their emotions (like many empathic personality types do), you have to spend some time alone. This time can be incredibly freeing for an INFP. You will feel more energized and relaxed than you do in social situations.

It’s important to remember to take some time for yourself every once in a while to avoid becoming overwhelmed by your emotions or the emotions of others. Your naturally introverted personality lends itself to wanting more peace and quiet than other personality types may require.


INFPs are naturally more emotional and sensitive than other personality types. They are known for being empathic and will mirror others’ emotions and feelings. The intensity of their own emotions can sometimes become overwhelming for them, and so they may cry a lot more frequently. This is a sign that an INFP needs some time alone to rest and recharge so that they can put themselves first.

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