Pioneering ENTJs are goal-oriented, ambitious, and outgoing personalities who thrive in demanding roles that others perceive as highly stressful.

ENTJs get bored easily as they are highly intelligent and driven and not accustomed to doing menial tasks like administration, bureaucracy, standing in queues, or dealing with less intellectually gifted people. These encounters prevent them from achieving their lofty goals.

While you now have a greater insight into the ENTJ personalities, they possess several fascinating characteristics that demand further scrutiny. So, if you are intrigued – read on!

What Is A Myers Briggs Indicator?

The Myers-Briggs personality questionnaire was developed by Katherine Briggs in partnership with her daughter Isabel Myers between 1920 and 1940 and is still widely used to garner insightful information.

The personality survey was devised on the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s assertion that humans try to understand the world through introversion, or extraversion, intuitively, or by sensing things in accordance with their feelings or thoughts, and by perceptions or judgments.

It consists of 16 personality types, and the test results are abbreviated with four letters that indicate distinct personality traits. Thus, ENTJ is an acronym for extraversion, intuition, thinking, and judging.

ENTJ Core Values

ENTJ personalities are energized by socializing with people (extraversion) and discussing complex ideas without bothering with the details (intuition), and they make decisions based on logic (thinking) and prefer organized working environments (judging) instead of flexibility or spontaneity.

These personality types are incredibly rare as only 2% of the population are classed as ENTJ’s, of which only 3% are males, and a mere 1% of the population are females.

Power-hungry ENTJs are ambitious personalities who are highly driven to succeed and to gain influence over others to attain their goals. Their innate need to be the decision-maker and to wield power over others is their main driving force.  

ENTPs are brilliant at detecting inefficiencies and devising innovative solutions, coupled with long-term strategies to make their vision a reality due to their outstanding reasoning skills.

They possess outstanding analytical and organizational skills, so they thrive in leadership positions where they can realize their goals of addressing inefficiencies in the business sector.

Thus, they are called Commanders who thrive as leaders due to their assertive natures, above-par strategic thinking, and communications skills, coupled with a keen sense of humor that can come across as charming and self-deprecating.

ENTJs can come across as enormously blunt, decisive, and highly critical of those who stand in their way. However, they can be charming, outgoing, and charismatic if like-minded individuals surround them to pursue a common goal.

In their ruthless pursuit of productivity and enhancing productivity, they are not adept at picking up subtle emotional cues and taking other people’s feelings into account.

ENTJ personalities also embody the following characteristics:

They are highly driven: ENTPs favor people who emulate their own zeal for improving efficiencies and meeting their objectives as they ardently believe that inefficiencies lead to failed ventures.

So, they are often militant about achieving their aims and may come across as ruthless in achieving their goals.

ENTPS thrive in demanding work environments where they are expected to manage several complex projects that would exhaust mere mortals.

Self-assured: fearless ENTJs have enormous faith in their own abilities and are not easily deterred by setbacks that others classify as failures. These obstinate personalities believe that failures are opportunities to learn from their mistakes and to grow.

Brilliant strategist: ENTJ’s outstanding intellect and finely tuned intuition enable them to envisage the future and plan accordingly with risk-mitigating mitigating backup plans should their venture fail.

They are expert crisis managers who can deal with unexpected stumbling blocks, which showcases their profound leadership skills.

Charismatic leaders: highly gifted ENTJ possess superb communication skills and love nothing more than discussing their grandiose ideas with intelligent peers who are often struck by their charismatic passion for innovation, which in turn motivates them to reach greater heights.

Why Do ENTJs Get Bored So Easily?

Highly intelligent ENTJs are enormously driven and capable of expertly managing demanding roles and juggling several complex deliverables; they thrive on stress and accomplishing their ambitious goals.

They can only function when they are surrounded by intelligent people who are on the same mission to enhance productivity and get things done. So, they will get bored and highly frustrated by anyone they perceive to be slow or less capable than they are.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that they tend to get bored easily if they are not kept busy with competing deadlines or have to deal with tedious tasks like administration, bureaucracy, filling in forms, standing in queues at airports, or any other inefficient task.

What To Do As A Bored ENTJ

ENTJs are social butterflies, so arranging an event like a business seminar, community event, or even hosting a Zoom birthday party for friends is a great way to address boredom as it requires exceptional organizational skills and a penchant for managing logistics.

Other great ideas to address ENTJ boredom are:

  • Exercise to release any pent-up frustration and to release endorphins
  • Generating a new work-from-home business idea
  • Home decluttering and organizing to improve efficiencies
  • Reading a philosophical book like Kant or Kierkegaard that is intellectually challenging.

Other Interesting Facts About ENTJ’s

Now that you know what makes ENTJs tick let’s look at other fascinating characteristics that define them.

  • ENTJs are prone to suffering from heart problems, yet the least likely to suffer from work-related stress.
  • They are also the least like to be spiritual or believe in a higher power
  • Unsurprisingly they are top academic achievers, and most like to complete their tertiary education, attain an MBA, and start their own businesses.
  • Their core personal values are caring for their families, creativity, achievements, and continuous learning.
  • ENTJs are one of two Myers-Briggs personality types that are most likely fulfilled by their careers.


ENTJs get bored easily as they thrive on achieving their goals in demanding settings that challenge them to grow. So it’s no wonder that these highly driven, capable, and intellectually gifted personalities detest doing tedious tasks that they perceive as a waste of their precious time.

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