ENFPs are passionate, charismatic, and fiercely loyal. While these traits may be optimal for becoming a lawyer, this personality type has many other conflicting traits. ENFPs are also overly emotional, creative, and free-spirited, which may clash with the traits of cutthroat lawyers. So, do ENFPs make great lawyers? The answer may be more complicated than you think!

ENFPs are naturally charismatic and have a strong sense of justice that may help them to become a great lawyer. However, ENFPs are also free spirits that find it difficult to follow the rules and guidelines. ENFPs’ emotions can be a strength as a lawyer. Still, it may also be a weakness when it comes to unfavorable outcomes.

ENFPs can make great lawyers but may struggle with certain career aspects. If you want to know about your strengths and weaknesses as an ENFP and how they can affect your decision to become a lawyer, keep reading! Our guide has everything you need to know.

Can ENFPs Be Lawyers?

Yes! ENFPs can absolutely be lawyers. But before we delve into what makes ENFPs good candidates for careers in law, it’s essential to understand the ENFP personality and its traits and how they contribute to their work endeavors.

ENFPs are naturally Extroverted individuals. They gain their energy from being around others and prefer larger social groups. An ENFP can be described as a people person. Their natural charm and charisma help them get along with almost anyone. It can also be used to their advantage when working with people in groups.

Lawyers often have to work side-by-side with others. Because of ENFPs’ ability to work well with others, they can tackle group tasks much more easily. Lawyers also have to be able to work well with their clients and gain their trust.

ENFPs are fantastic at understanding the emotions of others. Their Feeling trait makes it easier for them to empathize with those around them, which is a quality that lawyers should have. Similarly, they are passionate about helping others, which works well in a law-based career.

ENFPs also have a strong sense of morality and fairness, thanks to their Intuition. They believe in justice and doing what is right, which works well for anyone looking to pursue a career as a lawyer. Similarly, their Perception helps them gain insight into specific situations and determine the best outcome or solution to a problem.

Individuals with the ENFP personality are passionate and will never give up on a person or cause they care about. They want to make the world a better place and will fight tooth and nail for causes that pique their interest.

They also emphasize creating meaningful relationships with others, which helps them to connect with those around them. Lawyers need to build a rapport with their clients and gain their trust. ENFPs are naturally authentic individuals and believe in the value of trust and honesty. Therefore, working as a lawyer may satiate their need to build relationships with others.

Becoming a lawyer also means being under immense stress during your career. ENFPs are masters at controlling and regulating their emotions and will let their stress overwhelm or consume them. They enjoy introspection, reflecting on their emotions, and finding healthy ways to express negative feelings, so they can keep their cool when the situation calls for it.

Law is also a draining career. It takes a lot of hours of pouring over documents, sitting with clients, and working with legal teams in court. ENFPs are naturally energetic, which means that they will rarely feel burnt out after a long day at work.

There is a strong argument that we can make for ENFPs that want to become lawyers. However, it’s also important to consider why being a lawyer may not be the right decision for this personality type.

Why ENFPs May Not Enjoy Being A Lawyer

ENFPs can make fantastic lawyers. But that doesn’t mean that it’s the best career path for ENFPs to pursue. We wanted to take a closer look at why being a lawyer may not work for the ENFP personality type.

Firstly, ENFPs are free spirits that don’t enjoy others telling them what to do or when to do it. ENFP individuals live and play by their own rules and avoid rigid and structured environments if they can help it. That said, ENFPs pursuing law as a career may become disheartened at having to follow the rigid and binding rules of law.

Lawyers need to follow a set of pre-determined rules and guidelines. Because of this, they may not always get the justice they think their client deserves. They may find it challenging to accept legal decisions that are out of their hands. They can quickly become agitated or uncomfortable when they feel a ruling is unfair or unjust. This emotional distress can cause major internal strife for an ENFP.

Secondly, ENFPs are incredibly creative and do well when pursuing creative endeavors or careers. If you’re an ENFP and you want to become a lawyer, you may want to think about having a hobby on the side to help you express yourself! There is little to no creative outlet as a lawyer, and ENFPs may feel frustrated when they cannot express their imagination and creative side.

Lastly, ENFPs are emotional. They let their feelings guide them, which can complicate things in a legal setting. ENFPs may find it difficult to distance themselves from their client’s emotions and so will often take it personally when the court rules an unfavorable outcome! Lawyers typically have to be logical and rational and can’t get overly invested in their clients.


ENFPs can make great lawyers – if they choose to put their mind to it! Suppose an ENFP is serious about becoming a lawyer. In that case, they can use their intuitive emotions and a strong sense of justice to rule the courtroom! However, they can quickly become unhappy and feel unfulfilled when facing career hardships. Choosing a career in law can be a difficult decision for ENFPs.

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