ENFPs often lose themselves in the pursuit of pleasing others. They care deeply about creating harmony and happiness wherever they go. It is hard for ENFPs to imagine that everyone may not have the same good intentions, which may put them at risk of being used.

ENFPs are warm and affectionate people who put a lot of effort into their relationships. Their idealistic, enthusiastic nature and strong aversion to conflict may attract people who take advantage of them. Their trusting nature makes it difficult for them to identify people who may mistreat them.

If you have a friend, colleague, family member, or spouse who is an ENFP, you may feel somewhat protective of them as most likely they have suffered some sort of injustice during their lifetime. It may take a few life lessons and the support of loving people to help an ENFP realize that not all people have good intentions.

What Traits Put ENFPs At Risk Of Being Taken Advantage Of?

The truth is that some of an ENFPs’ best traits also make them more susceptible to falling prey to unscrupulous people who may out to exploit them. ENFPs have a strong humanitarian side, and it doesn’t take much to offer their time and resources to people who reach out to them.

Their warm, friendly nature means they are constantly making friends, and people find it easy to open up to them. Unfortunately, disingenuous people may find it easy to access an open-hearted ENFP.

People often use the willingness of others to help as a way to gain access to their resources. The problem with ENFPs is that even when they realize they may be taken advantage of, they struggle to confront the person.

ENFPs avoid conflict and confrontation at all costs; they sweep things under the rug hoping that the other person will see the error of their ways. An ENFPs loyal nature will often prevent them from voicing their discomfort to someone who is using them because they feel a sense of devotion to that person and wish to give them the benefit of the doubt.

ENFP Traits That People May Take Advantage Of

Even though ENFPs are naturally peace-loving individuals, they are not afraid to stand up for their beliefs and values. They are deeply rooted in what they believe to be correct and are no pushovers in this respect.

Should someone try to take advantage of an ENFP by coercing them to do something against their beliefs, they will face a backlash! ENFPs are passionate about their convictions and can’t help but push back if someone tries to manipulate them into doing something that makes them uncomfortable.

An ENFP will often not notice when they are being taken advantage of because of their good-natured, generous nature. If an ENFP feels they are working towards a good cause or helping someone in need, they can often overextend themselves to help.

Unfortunately, they can often be mistreated because of their good-natured personality. For instance, they can be taken advantage of at work when a colleague or boss appeals to their desire to help the team or further a good cause.

Optimism is an ENFPs strongest trait, and they provide sunshine to their friends when days are dark. But they are often overly optimistic regarding people they have just met. Being ruled by their Ne, they are naturally intuitive and good judges of character.

ENFPs do have a somewhat naïve quality to their personality. They are eager to help where they can, which may put them at risk of unscrupulous people taking advantage of them. However, their rosy outlook can cause them to trust people who have not as yet earned their trust.


Can ENFPs Be Take Advantage Of In Romantic Relationships?

ENFPs are born romantics and rate amongst the most creative and giving lovers of all personality types. They strive to make their partners happy and will not hesitate to go out of their way to ensure their partner is pleased.

When it comes to romantic love, they tend to fall hard and fast! ENFPs rely on their feelings and intuition when it comes to relationships, and because of this, they may not notice that someone is merely taking advantage of their eagerness.

ENFPs must wait before giving their all to someone when they fall in love. Not everyone has pure intentions, and ENFPs often play their hand too soon, making their feelings known to the object of their affection.

It is easy for ENFPs to be taken advantage of in romantic relationships, and it may be pretty crushing for them to realize that the relationship is one-sided. A good idea for ENFPs is to hold back a bit and test whether the person they are interested in has good intentions.

ENFPs express their love by giving of themselves, their time, and their resources. They are not concerned about being a fool for love, and often they make grand gestures to show the object of their affection how they feel.

ENFPs require someone who appreciates and shows them affection in return. Waiting to see whether their love interest is willing to give of themselves in the relationship before making any grand gestures can spare the ENFP from being misused.

What Should An ENFP Do If They Feel Taken Advantage Of?

ENFPs are natural diplomats who possess excellent communication skills but need to hone them as they become more mature. Becoming a tactful communicator will help the ENFP to deal with confrontation better.

An ENFP needs to learn to be direct with the relevant person as soon as they detect that they are being misused. This may feel uncomfortable, but it is necessary to call out someone who does not have the best interest of an ENFP at heart before things get out of hand.

An ENFP needs to become aware of the need to set healthy boundaries. They need to deal with their fear of not being liked or accepted. People who tend to take advantage do not want to be told no, which may mean that an ENFP will lose some ‘friends’ in this way.

ENFPs must remember that not everyone needs to like them, but those who care about the ENFP will respect their boundaries. ENFPs often forget to take care of their own needs because they are focused on the needs of others. If ENFPs surround themselves with good friends, they will remind the ENFP also to make sure that they remain aware of their own needs.

Can ENFPs Take Advantage Of Others?  

On the flip side, ENFPs are not always the victims when it comes to being taken advantage of. ENFPs can read people pretty well and be motivating, motivational and charming. It is common for an ENFP to be very well-liked.

Their charming nature can be captivating, and they can be rather persuasive. So, when needs be, ENFPs can become quite manipulative and take advantage of others. This is usually true of more immature, unhealthy ENFP types who use their charm to get what they want.

As a rule of thumb, ENFPs are not dishonest or crafty individuals and are generally very moral. They can, however, manipulate people for selfish reasons. This is done in subtle ways; they can use emotions such as guilt and sympathy to take advantage of people.


ENFPs need to learn how to lay down firm, healthy boundaries and take control of a situation if they realize that someone may be taking advantage of their kindness. Having a solid circle of friends who can advise and protect them is crucial, as an ENFP may be unwilling to admit that not everyones’ intentions are pure.

In romantic relationships, ENFPs must hold back their compulsion to give too much initially. Instead, they should get to know someone well before agreeing to do too many favors. Close family and friends can voice their concerns if they notice that someone may be taking advantage of their ENFP.

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