Many ENFJs are great lawyers. However, one may wonder what exactly makes them such great lawyers considering their extroverted, intuitive, feeling and judging approach to life.

ENFJs make great lawyers because they value ethics and work to impact the lives of others positively. They are skilled communicators and excellent leaders who possess high EQ, making them great lawyers because of their ability to engage with individuals in a respectful and charismatic way.

Given the negative perception surrounding lawyers, it is often uncertain whether ENFJs can be happy lawyers and whether they make great lawyers. Let’s explore what makes ENFJs great lawyers and determine whether ENFJs make happy lawyers.

Can ENFJs Be Lawyers?

ENFJs can be lawyers and are pretty great as lawyers. They exhibit extreme tenacity and resilience in their role as a lawyer and strive to achieve the best outcome for their client.

As part of their tenacious nature, they become sincerely invested in the success of their client’s cases. Their resilience makes them great lawyers because they are willing to work to overcome obstacles their clients may face.

Despite their great qualities, there are some struggles that ENFJs face as lawyers. They can be highly sensitive individuals who tend to take things personally. In the legal field, there are many instances where lawyers will experience losses. In this regard, it can be challenging for ENFJs to accept their losses without seeing them as a significant failure that speaks to their worth as an individual.

Additionally, ENFJs sometimes fail to put themselves first, causing them to put their client’s needs before their own needs. While it is obvious that clients’ needs are significant, some ENFJs struggle to differentiate when it is time to prioritize the client vs. when it is essential to put themselves first.

In this regard, their emotional investment in their client’s matters can be both a positive and a negative. However, given their tenacious spirit, ENFJs bounce back from hard times and continue to give their best in their role as a lawyer.

Do ENFJs Make Happy Lawyers?

ENFJs can make happy lawyers depending on the type of law they practice. If ENFJs work in a field where they have to fight corruption or deal with violence and negativity regularly, it can cause the ENFJ to become unhappy.

On the other hand, if ENFJs work in an area where they engage with people daily and can see how their work positively affects their clients, it makes them happy as lawyers because they know their effort is not going to waste.

Given their desire to do good, ENFJs will be happy as lawyers in positions where their work benefits the community, people in poverty, children, marginalized communities, and any area where they get to deal with individuals in their personal capacity to provide legal counsel on matters affecting the individuals’ personal life.

Why ENFJs Are Great Lawyers

ENFJs are great lawyers because they seek to improve the lives of others, act ethically, have high EQ, are skilled communicators, and lead with excellence. Let’s explore what makes ENFJs great lawyers.

ENFJs Seek To Make A Positive Impact On Others Lives

ENFJs strive to do their best in every task because they are goal-orientated and work to achieve their highest purpose in life. Given their driven nature, ENFJs make great lawyers. ENFJ lawyers are hard workers committed to serving their clients’ needs.

ENFJs are committed to pro-social behavior, which motivates clients to hire them as a lawyer. It is in their nature to improve the situations of those around them and make a positive impact where possible. Their pro-social behavior makes them good lawyers because they are likely to do the right thing, even when it’s not easy.

ENFJs Value Ethics As Lawyers

Ethical behavior is essential as a lawyer. ENFJs value integrity and ensure they act ethically. They are vocal about their values and are not afraid to disagree with someone who has an opposing view.

ENFJs make great lawyers because they are not willing to compromise their values and are committed to achieving a fair outcome in legal battles.

ENFJs Have High EQ To Read Situations, And People

ENFJs display extraordinary IQ that allows them to discern the genuine emotional state of individuals. They are particularly perceptive to others’ emotions and are able to see beyond what the person displays at face value.

Their ability to see through what individuals portray enables them to address the core issue that the individual faces. This ability to truly connect with individuals makes them relatable individuals who people feel safe being vulnerable with.

People tend to trust ENFJs easily. This works in their favor when it comes to getting information from witnesses. Additionally, their trustworthy aura draws potential clients to them because they want to work with a lawyer they trust.

In this regard, ENFJs are great lawyers because they have the ability to draw people to them, making them charismatic individuals who easily make connections when networking.

Leadership Is An Innate Quality For ENFJs

ENFJ’s commitment to altruism motivates them to work hard for the greater good. As part of their commitment to altruism, ENFJs need people to work with them to achieve their goals.

Their drive for social change translates into excellent leadership skills. When an ENFJ is committed to achieving something, it is clear to others that they desire to work with the ENFJ to help them achieve the goal.

In this regard, ENFJs make great lawyers because they bring people together to work together for a mutual goal. They are successful in their role as leaders because they lead by example. Their intentional, sensitive approach to situations shows their peers their ability to handle situations respectfully, which causes them to act the same way.

ENFJs Are Skilled Communicators

ENFJs are always respectful in voicing their concerns, making them great communicators because they convey their opinion in a non-threatening manner that is unlikely to antagonize the opposition.

ENFJs make great lawyers because they use their feelings and judgment to determine how to act in certain situations. Their high EQ enables them to convey their opinions in a way that resonates with the other party. They are also incredibly talented in picking up underlying motives, which helps ensure they do not get blind-sided in legal matters.


ENFJs make great lawyers because they have high EQ, strive to make a positive impact, are skilled communicators, and possess a tenacious spirit. ENFJs can be happy as lawyers if they work in an area of law that allows them to make a difference in the lives of ordinary individuals or the community at large. However, if ENFJ lawyers work in a field where they face negativity, corruption, or violence regularly, then they are likely to become unhappy.

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