While ENTPs are intellectually gifted trailblazers and highly creative innovators who see the world differently, they are complex characters who are ruthlessly driven to achieve their goals – at any cost. So, you would be forgiven for not knowing whether they are trustworthy or not. Can you trust an ENTP?

ENTPs can be trusted as long as you accept that ENTPs are pioneering visionaries, strategic thinkers, open-minded, and opposed to society’s rules and regulations. They are trustworthy and loyal If they feel there is room for growth, both in their professional and personal capacity.

While ENTPs may be trustworthy and loyal in the right circumstances – this is not a black and white world, and you are dealing with a person who is a born rabble-rouser. So, if you want to know whether you should trust an ENTP – read on!

A Brief ENTP Myers-Briggs Overview

Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers identified sixteen types of personalities based on Carl Jung’s theory that human beings either understand the world by being introverted or extraverted, by sensing or intuition, feelings, or thoughts, and through their perceptions or judgments.

The ENTP acronym is comprised of the following characteristics: Extraverted (vs. introverted), Intuitive (vs. sensing), Thinking (vs. feeling), and Perceiving (vs. judgments), and only 3% of the population is classified as ENTP personalities of which 4% are male, and 2% are female.

ENTP personalities are reinvigorated by spending time with people discussing concepts or innovative ideas that inspire them, and they detest getting bogged down with little details. So, ENTPs are more likely to embark on a new project with enthusiasm!

With outstanding strategic thinking skills, they make logical decisions through a complex reasoning process and favor flexibility and spontaneity above rigid and stifling corporate environments where their creativity is stifled.

ENTPs are born innovators and continuously motivated to find novel solutions for complex problems that are intellectually challenging for mere mortals. So, they are often described as Visionary personalities who can employ phenomenal latter thinking skills.

Being innately intelligent, ENTPs are curious by nature and continuously endeavor to understand people, structures, and theories.

They tend to be non-conformists, open-minded, and analytical to understand better people and how to persuade them.

Overall, ENTPs possess above-par communication skills and a self-deprecating razor-sharp sense of humor. While they love a great debate and opposing points of view, they are not judgemental and tend to accept people as they are.

The ENTP Trust Quotient

While it’s important to stress that people differ and that there are no hard and fast rules, let’s look at whether ENTPs can be trusted, whether they tend to be loyal, or are prone to jealousy both in their professional personal lives.

Can You Trust ENTPs?

ENTPS are trustworthy in the workplace to deliver as they are mostly overachievers or Type A personalities. However, they cannot be trusted to adhere to workplace processes they view as nonsensical or redundant.

ENTPs need a lot of flexibility in the workplace to produce results, so no wonder they are mostly self-employed.

They ardently believe that there is always a smarter, more efficient way to work. So, they excel in reinventing the wheel and employing innovative solutions.

On the relationship front, ENTPs are trustworthy if they feel that their relationship challenges them and enables them to grow as people.

They are passionate characters, so they are devoted and attentive if their partners accept that no one day will ever really be the same in that relationship. Alternatively, ENTPs may be less trustworthy at times.

Are ENTPs Loyal?

While ENTPs can be loyal to their employers and their partners in relationships if they feel challenged and valued for their input, they consistently analyze their work and personal environments and are prone to trying something new.

ENTPs are curious by nature; therefore, when they are arguing with a partner, they automatically consider other scenarios that might be more favorable.

So, for that reason, ENTPs are naturally inclined to be less loyal and to cheat on their partners. Due to their outstanding strategic thinking skills, their partners are normally none the wiser.

Do ENTPs Get Jealous?

ENTPs are not judgemental and are therefore less prone to jealous fits of anger as they tend to look at relationships in a more clinical way in comparison with other personality types.

They ardently believe that it’s imperative to challenge the status quote and not to blindly conform to all the norms and values most people hold dear, and that belief permeates through their professional lives, and their love lives with partners.

So, if an ENTP’s partner cheats on them with someone else, they would be more prone to forgive that person if the affair is seen as a casual fling and not a love affair. Rational ENTPs tend to compartmentalize their emotions more than other Myers-Briggs personality types.

Fascinating ENTP Character Traits

Here are additional intriguing personality traits that personify ENTP personalities:

  • They are the least susceptible to hypertension or heart diseases.
  • ENTP Myers-Briggs creativity scores are normally off the charts.
  • They are well equipped to deal with stressful situations and less prone to burnout.
  • Their most outstanding traits include being friendly, enterprising, resourceful (due to their creativity), stubborn, selfish, and independent.
  • They are one of two personality types that are most prone to violate college alcohol policies.
  • Despite earning far more in comparison with other personality types, ENTPs are more likely to be unhappy at work.
  • Most ENTPs work in tech, science, and art sectors or are predominantly in management roles.


ENTPs are pioneers, debaters, and visionaries who trust in their own outstanding ability to innovate without much concern for society’s rigid conformist norms and values. In their world – rules were made to be broken.

So, if you are wondering whether you can trust an ENTP, you can if your relationship with an ENTP provides room for growth, and you are willing to set boundaries as they are bound to test them!

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