INTJ is an abbreviation of “Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.” People with this personality type are intelligent and analytical, but how compatible are two INTJs when in a relationship?

Two INTJs can date. There’s a good chance that the relationship would succeed due to their compatibility. While all human beings are different, and the two probably won’t share the same interests, they have similar ways of thinking.

It’s best to know what to expect when dating. Your personality type can say a lot! Usually, opposites attract, but sometimes it can be nice to be with someone who shares your way of thinking. This article will examine whether two INTJs can get along or even be in a relationship.

Do INTJs Get Along Together, And Can They Date?

INTJs generally get along great together. INTJs love collecting knowledge and understanding things they are interested in. They are compatible because they both think similarly. Two INTJs will most likely first stay friends before dating. When it’s time to make the first move, an INTJ will most like state their intentions and see how the other person feels.

Both will be good listeners and take criticism well, so sorting out an issue between them will not be too hard. Both will put in time and devotion to make the relationship work in an INTJ-INTJ relationship.

Usually, an INTJ can come across as cool and aloof, but they genuinely care about the emotions of those they hold dear.

So if two INTJs are close, they will have no problem understanding the other’s emotions.

Both prefer solitude over social situations, so there will rarely be a clash over what to do when hanging out with each other or doing social rituals.

A potential issue can be the introverted trait. If an INTJ dates another INTJ, both will have issues initiating a date or sometimes even a conversation. Their introverted nature can make dating each other very hard since neither will easily come out of their shells.

However, suppose the desire to communicate is there. In that case, two INTJs should get along just fine and can be in a happy relationship, especially because both will have a similar way of thinking.

Two INTJs will enjoy good debates and will rarely take offense if the other says something bluntly. They will also appreciate the intellectual stimulation they receive from the other.

They’re straightforward and won’t have to worry about hurting the other one’s feelings when speaking their mind. But, like in any relationship, there are bound to be a few hiccups here and there. INTJs are very analytical, and this can pose a problem. Things can turn competitive or critical between two INTJs with the risk of one freezing the other out or closing themselves off.

To avoid this, both INTJs will need to learn how to appreciate each other and talk about their feelings. They will need to find common ground.

Should Two INTJs Stay Friends?

INTJs are wonderful friends. So, an INTJ-INTJ friendship will be a good one. While INTJs are known for being loners, they value friendships, and like spending time with people they are close with.

However, there can be a few potential problems. Due to an INTJ’s Introverted nature, neither one will be able to initiate conversations or plans.

Usually, an INTJ needs to be drawn out of their shell by an extroverted person. Another INTJ will not be able to do that. But this is not to say two INTJs can’t be friends or even stay friends after a breakup. INTJs are intelligent and logical, so their friendships usually have a mental spark instead of an emotional one. In a nutshell, they speak each other’s language.

An INTJ-INTJ friendship is usually filled with interesting topics like philosophy or the arts. Both will intellectually stimulate the other and also share an abstract way of communication. An INTJ will focus on the general idea instead of the details, and as such, both might neglect to focus on details and more on overall goals.

This can potentially lead to misunderstandings between two INTJs if they work on a project or task together. However, knowing these issues that might arise beforehand can help avoid misunderstandings in the future. Two INTJs can do this by ensuring a good focus on the smaller details and deciding on it together.

Are INTJs Good In Bed?

An INTJ will usually need to have a good relationship with someone before being intimate. Without a connection, they won’t be that interested in being intimate with their partner, and they definitely won’t enjoy themselves. INTJs have high standards for everything. Sex is no different.

Every person has different views and feelings when it comes to sex. It varies from one INTJ to another. It can be passionate and intimate or perfunctory. Some INTJs can be very exciting in bed, and some might treat intimacy as a means to an end.

INTJs are logical people and can approach sex in the same way. Thus, they may come across as disinterested at certain times. But this differs from person to person and depends on the specific INTJ. Generally, they will only be passionate and intimate during sex with people they have a real connection with.

They will usually only explore their sexual side when in a committed relationship and rarely have casual sex or flings. When an INTJ has a connection with their sexual partner, they are usually very straightforward. They ask for what they want and like learning new ways to make their partner feel good.


No two people are the same. Even two INTJs will have different specific interests. While they will have specific interests, both will still crave intellectual conversations and a connection with a person to be truly happy.

Two INTJs can be a great match if they know how to address potential issues that might arise and show their appreciation for each other. They’re also very passionate and prefer to be intimate with people they share a true connection with.

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