ISTPs are the virtuoso doers of society. These individuals make up around five percent of the world’s population and are prone to taking things apart and improving on them. They are somewhat distanced from their own emotion and tend to have difficulty understanding the emotional highs and lows of those around them. Does this lack of emotional intelligence lead to a lack of humor? Can ISTPs be funny?

ISTPs engage in humor that is sarcastic mainly, dry, or dark. Their difficulty in understanding emotion results in jokes that are sometimes considered insensitive. ISTPs may come across as arrogant; however, they are generally authentic, though they tend to find the failures of others funny.

Perhaps it is all the time spent alone with their thoughts and inventions, or maybe it is their inability to understand the emotions of others deeply. ISTPs tend to make and enjoy jokes that are mostly dry and at someone else’s expense. While we may sometimes take offense at their senses of humor, ISTPs can be funny. Let’s look at how.

What Does ISTP Humor Look Like?

To better understand what ISTP humor looks like, we must take a look under the hood of this personality trait. Let us learn a little about ISTPs, what makes them tick and how that impacts their humor.

ISTP Personality Traits

Those who fall under the ISTP category are society’s makers, do-ers, and creators. They spend much time alone, where their thoughts and ideas can run wild and unfiltered.

ISTPs enjoy taking things apart, examining each element in detail, and then reassembling them in better working order.

Those with this personality trait tend to keep a small circle of friends. The friends of ISTPs are typically people with similar interests and do not need to rely on much talking. Instead, the friends can enjoy performing a physical activity together, with occasional conversation and joking.

ISTPs do not enjoy taking too much time contemplating concepts before acting on them. They like to become active as soon as possible. A famous ISTP, Bruce Lee, once said: “Stop wasting time playing a role or concept. Instead, learn to actualize yourself, your potential.”

ISTPs are logical thinkers. They prefer to reach solutions using logic and practicality rather than emotional thinking.

People who fall under this personality trait tend to be reserved and quiet most of the time. They live authentically, which can sometimes come across as rude; however, when you are near an ISTP, know that what you see is what you get.

Typical Careers For ISTPs

Several careers are well suited to those who are ISTP. Anything that involves intricate planning with the potential to turn planning into practical work is a good option.  

Here is a list of our top few career choices for ISTPs:

  • Mechanic
  • Pilot
  • Physical trainer
  • Farmer
  • Software tester
  • Air traffic controller
  • Financial manager
  • Chef
  • Firefighter
  • Economist
  • Software developer

ISTP Humor

If you have an ISTP in your life, you have likely been the butt of a few ISTP jokes. Those with this personality type tend to enjoy laughing at the faults or failures of others. It is not that they are nasty people. This response is simply an outward expression of the thought processes of an ISTP.

ISTPs And Memes

One way to clearly understand ISTP humor is with memes. Memes perfectly summarize a joke’s punchline without unnecessary fluff and text. The added benefit of an image or GIF makes memes the perfect kind of joke for ISTPs to enjoy.

Many memes also use dry or dark humor, so they suit those with ISTP traits perfectly.

ISTPs And Sarcasm

ISTPs are often sarcastic. They do not mean to hurt anyone with their sarcasm; however, their high levels of intellect and low levels of emotional intelligence make for prime sarcastic retorts.

ISTPs And One-Liners

Those with ISTP personality traits enjoy dry one-liners. While not many other personality types will laugh so hard at this type of joke, they make up most of an ISTPs repertoire.

A few examples of ISTP one-liners are:

  • “I’m not interested in caring about people. I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.” Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
  • “I like to surround myself with inferior men.” 1000BugsNightSky, the Personality Cafe
  • “That’s interesting and fun at the same time.” TheTechMan, the Personality Cafe
  • “Are you feeling lucky?” Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry
  • “Trust me.” Cool, the Personality Cafe
  • “What are they gonna do?” TheTechMan, the Personality Cafe

The one-liners we have listed here are great examples of the daily blatant superiority and emotional distance ISTPs experience.

While they may come across as arrogant and aloof, the truth is that ISTPs are simply a little antisocial and a lot interested in their next big project.

ISTPs And Dark Humor

Since ISTPs do not feel easily hurt, they do not mind seeing or having dark humor told to them. They enjoy it and see no problem with it. Since they are easy recipients of this type of humor, they see no problem dishing it out to others.

Those with this personality type have difficulty understanding other people’s emotions, so they do not grasp which jokes are unacceptable or are not received well.

A few examples of dark humor jokes include:

  • “I just got my doctor’s test results back, and I’m really upset. It turns out I’m not going to be a doctor.”
  • “As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Perhaps a career as a tour guide was not the best choice.”
  • “When I see lovers’ names engraved on trees, I don’t find it romantic or cute. I find it weird just how many people take knives with them on dates.”

As we can see from these examples, ISTPs enjoy witty jokes that make you stop in your tracks if they can get a gasp of horror from you, even better.

ISTPs And Roughhousing

ISTPs are essentially physical beings. They prefer to engage with their world using their hands and bodies. For that reason, some ISTPs find it enjoyable to connect with others through roughhousing.  

While this rough type of interaction may not be for everyone, it is essential to understand that an ISTP will not likely read subtle signals that you are not having a good time. If you feel that the play is too rough, communicate your feelings clearly to allow the ISTP to understand that you wish it would stop.

Although ISTPs may sometimes seem a little rough, they typically come from a good place, wanting to connect with someone whose company they enjoy.

Five Famous Funny ISTPs

While ISTPs may not be known for their typical outgoing senses of humor, there are a few insanely funny famous examples. Here is our top five selection:

  1. Simon Cowell
  2. Harrison Ford
  3. Clint Eastwood
  4. Andy Warhol
  5. Angelina Jolie

These celebrities are known for their dry one-liners and keeping their icy composure while delivering truly hilarious blows. It just goes to show that ISTPs are indeed funny but in a clever way.


ISTPs can be funny. Their humor is typically dry and dark, or they may engage in physical comedy or forms of connection. If you are friends with an ISTP, consider yourself one of a chosen few. 

Those with this personality trait typically keep their circles small and limited to those they truly value.

To engage an ISTP, consider participating in physical activity or showing genuine interest in what they are currently working on. Their jokes may shock you a little, but understand that when an ISTP communicates with you, it will be to the point and likely witty.

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