People that are ISTJs appreciate structure, order, and organization of things, in all aspects of their lives, from work to home life and even in the projects they undertake. They are highly loyal individuals, like tradition, and are happy with a proper routine. But now, what if you, or someone you know, is a person such as this… can you or they be creative and artistic?

ISTJs are not typically creative and artistic types as they are orderly and methodical in nature. Still, their cognition and ability to think rationally offer them an appreciation for philosophy and art if it is not entirely abstract, and they can identify practical evidence and use within it.

Just as some people are naturally more sporty and athletic or technically minded or have a kind caring, and serving heart, others are more creative. And they are skilled at expressing themselves, not just in what they do, but in how they convey it to the world. On the plus side, even if you do not fall into this category, there is still hope that you could have an artistic flair.

Is It Possible For ISTJs To Be Creative And Artistic?

Naturally, ISTJs are people who can focus incredibly easily, and they pride themselves on being able to see tasks through to completion. They are driven individuals, and often, having clear-cut goals are what they aspire to have. If they hone in on something, their determination will see them through to the completion of the project.

They are hard workers (usually) and will chase after what they desire to achieve in life. One thing that is often misconceived about ISTJs is that they are so focused on order and structure that they cannot be creative; this is not true. They can possess creative sides, which can take many forms. One thing about them, however, is that they are less likely to advertise these abilities.

The Fundamental Nature Of ISTJs

Now we cannot just state that ISTJs can be creative and leave it at that; we do not want you to get the idea that all ISTJs are artistic. However, as they make up a large portion of the population, some artists must be among them.

For the most part, though, their logistical brains do an excellent job at aiding the world to remain stable and sturdy, and they are a firm foundation on which society is dependent. They are generally not the attention-seeking types; however, they earn respect due to their reliability, practicality, and ability to remain logical even when placed under immense pressure.

As they are hardwired in this manner and seek to create order out of chaos, they are usually best suited to work environments where routine, defined schedules, and defined assignments are the order of the day. When they do things, and even in learning new information, they are interested in the factual and concrete; there must also be practical application and no obscurity.

Creativity is often open-ended and abstract, and ISTJs like definitive rules and expectations. For these reasons, we would assume that the ideal career paths for such individuals would be things like accounting, law, computer programming, or even considering going into fields like dentistry or medicine. So how could they possibly be artistic and creative if their brains are hardwired in this fashion?

Can ISTJs Be Writers?

There are certainly spaces within media and communications that might appeal to those who fall into the ISTJ category. The area we are interested in specifically here is writing, and one of the first forms of writing that would come to mind when you think about objectivity and cold, hard facts is journalism.

Journalists have to find stories, do the digging to retrieve the necessary information, and then have it ready to be edited and published within a specific time frame. This would undoubtedly suit an ISTJ as they will enjoy the job’s goal-driven nature and the need to be logical and analytical in their approach. 

Additionally, if an ISTJ has been working in a specific field for many years and is now considered an expert, they could easily write books on said topic. This could range from DIY manuals to business and business analytics books to penning scientific readings.

If you are even more creative, then the type of fiction that requires a great deal of research, such as true crime and historical fiction, could be the type of novels you could write. So as you can see, there is undoubtedly space within the writing sphere for ISTJs and their innate nature to enjoy structure and order. Even the act of writing and creating books takes planning and dedication. 

12 Famous Creative ISTJs

There are plenty of famous ISTJs, and they are shining examples that regardless of the “box” you are assigned due to certain traits, this does not need to define your path and trajectory in life. Below are a few examples that we feel you are likely to be familiar with.

  • Alan Jackson – country singer-songwriter
  • Anthony Hopkin – actor
  • Christopher Lee – actor
  • Denzel Washington – actor
  • Gordon Sumner (Sting) – musician
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme – actor and martial artist
  • John Malkovich – actor
  • Julia Roberts – actress
  • Kirk Douglas – actor
  • Martina McBride – country singer-songwriter
  • Natalie Portman – actress
  • Robert De Niro – actor

Are ISTJs Imaginative?

After what we have seen thus far about ISTJs, there is no question about whether they are imaginative or if they can possess active imaginations. However, it may just show up in ways that are not like other personality types. There is no way that the creatives we listed could have reached their level of fame without being able to tap into their creative juices and be imaginative.

It will also depend on their field, as their imagination will manifest itself in different ways. For example, a great musician could be an ISTJ, and this is because there is order and structure to music; there are sequences and layers of construction, as well as careful planning that goes into the composition of music.

Any form of work that requires design is something that an ISTJ might be interested in, as various components need careful planning and organizing. Someone in the motor design industry could be an ISTJ, yet they are actively flexing their creative muscles. The same goes for architects who design buildings and homes; or landscape designers.

These are but a few examples; however, there are plenty more out there; one would be something like a chef. This one may seem off the mark, but chefs have to run a tight ship, especially if they are working in five-star restaurants. Their food is also “designed” and intricately planned out to be mouth-watering and appealing to the eye.  


Not all ISTJs will be creative and artistic individuals; many will work in fields such as accounting, law,  financial management, and logistics. However, that is not to say that they cannot have artistic hobbies or even make a career from their art form; it is just that the avenue they choose will likely still meet what they desire in terms of order and structure.

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