If you have an INTJ personality or an INTJ in your life, you may wonder if this personality type lends itself to creative pursuits. While these individuals display a lot of creative thinking, can INTJs be artists? To understand the answer to this question, you first have to understand the INTJ personality type.

INTJs are not naturally creative. However, they are abstract thinkers and can often conceptualize unique ideas and solutions. This ability may help them in artistic pursuits. Some of the most famous INTJ artists include writers like Lewis Caroll and Jane Austin, and composers like Ludwig van Beethoven.

INTJs have a unique combination of traits that can lend themselves to creativity and artistic inclinations. Our short guide on the INTJ personality type includes a breakdown of INTJ traits, whether or not they can be creative, a list of famous INTJ artists, and other well-known INTJs.

The INTJ Personality

Before you can fully understand if an INTJ can be an artist, it’s important to understand this personality type. INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. People with this personality type generally have powerful introverted tendencies and enjoy spending time on their own.

INTJs enjoy being on their own, including when they are working. An INTJ may quickly become stressed and agitated if they are forced to work in a group setting and will most likely not be able to concentrate on the task at hand when they are surrounded by others.  

Individuals who fall into the INTJ category may come across as unfeeling and callous.

INTJs often project this stern and serious impression because they prefer to emphasize truth, logic, and fact rather than their emotions and feelings. They may even dismiss their own subjective thoughts as irrational when they are in emotionally-charged situations and environments.

INTJs also tend to think about the big picture rather than being weighed down by minor details.

Individuals with the INTJ personality are also abstract thinkers. They enjoy objective opinions and are rarely subjective in their thinking and actions. They often find unique ways to solve puzzles and problems and can come up with novel ideas and solutions when they are given time alone to spend in thought.

Are INTJs A Creative Type?

The INTJ personality type is not creative by nature. However, they often enjoy creative pursuits. Although this may seem slightly contradictory, a few important personality traits may explain this.

Firstly, INTJs enjoy being alone. Artists and other creatives tend to be solitary when they are working. Whether they are writing, creating artwork, or composing new songs, the life of an artist lends itself best to introverted personalities. INTJs often pursue creative outlets because they can do this independently and don’t require input from others.

Secondly, an INTJ is an abstract thinker. Most artists will need to have this trait to develop new and unique works of art. Because this type of thinking comes naturally to an INTJ, they may feel drawn to creative skills and hobbies. They can use their in-born ability to think outside the box and put it to good use when expressing themselves through their art.

12 Famous INTJ Artists

While some people may think that ‘art’ refers only to painting or drawing, it’s more commonly used as an umbrella term for creative expression. Artists can include painters, musicians, and writers. There are several different ways that an individual can become an artist.

While INTJs may not be artists by nature, there are a few prolific artists with the INTJ personality type that you may not have known about!


Some of the most famous writers in the world include literary giants like Lewis Caroll and Jane Austen.

Lewis Caroll may ring a bell because this incredible writer is the name behind Alice and Wonderland. Similarly, Jane Austen was a prolific English author that penned classic novels like Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park.

Another well-known author is C.S. Lewis, who wrote The Chronicles of Narnia and other titles. Other prolific writers include Ayn Rand, H.L. Mencken, and Isaac Asimov.


INTJs are also talented composers and musicians. Ludwig van Beethoven was arguably one of – if not the – most famous composers in the world and also fit the INTJ personality type.

It might come as a surprise that rap superstar Jay-Z is also an INTJ and shares his personality archetype with composers, singers, and songwriters like Annie Clark, Glenn Gould, George Roger Waters, and Erik Satie.

Other Famous INTJs

INTJs are a unique personality type. And, if you’re an INTJ, you may be able to better understand yourself and your personality type by analyzing some of these famous people and characters.

INTJ Actors

INTJs are introverted. Because of this tendency to shy away from attention, it may surprise you that quite a few INTJs in the limelight regularly put on a performance in front of the camera. Although they may have earned fame through their statues, many of these INTJ actors are incredibly shy. They tend to avoid big social events like Hollywood parties.

Some well-known INTJ actors and actresses include:

  • Ashely Olsen
  • Dan Akroyd
  • Russel Crowe
  • Angela Lansbury
  • Colin Firth
  • Jason Bateman
  • Julia Stiles
  • Chevy Chase
  • Jodie Foster

INTJ Characters

Have you ever felt like you strongly related to a character in a movie, series, or novel? It may be because you share the same personality type!

Some of our favorite INTJ characters are:

  • Batman
  • Willy Wonka
  • Stewie Griffin
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • Gandalf
  • Hannibal Lecter
  • Magneto


INTJs are solitary individuals who enjoy thinking outside the box and coming up with unique solutions and ideas. They tend to follow their head rather than their heart and prefer logic over subjective feelings and perceptions. But that doesn’t mean that an INTJ can’t be creative or artistic. In fact, several famous writers and musicians fit the INTJ archetype.

INTJs can make fantastic artists thanks to their abstract and unusual thinking, but they are not naturally creatively inclined.

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