INFPs are mediators and possess introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits. They are usually quiet and sensitive. So, can INFPs make great lawyers given that they’re so introverted and sensitive?

INFPs can make great lawyers because they’re helpful, passionate, creative, and open-minded. However, INFPs can also be too idealistic, people-pleasers, self-critical, and emotionally vulnerable, which will make it difficult for them to be successful and happy as a lawyer.

This article will examine whether INFPs can make great lawyers. It will also examine the five pros and cons of being an INFP lawyer.

Sometimes, INFPS Can Make Great Lawyers

INFPs can be great lawyers if they’re aware of their weaknesses. There are many challenges INFPs face due to certain personality traits. They’re often too idealistic, people-pleasers, self-critical, self-isolating, and emotionally vulnerable. These traits will make it difficult for INFPs to be great lawyers.

On the other hand, INFPs have strengths that will make them great lawyers. People with this personality type are usually open-minded, passionate, creative, helpful, and have moral and intelligent integrity.

For INFPs to be great lawyers, they need to work on being more realistic instead of seeing the world through rose-colored lenses. While an admirable trait, being too idealistic will make it difficult for an INFP to thrive as a lawyer.

INFPs also need to be less critical of themselves and more confident in their abilities. Confidence is a crucial skill for a lawyer to show they are qualified and be more successful in their career.

5 Pros and Strengths Of INFP Lawyers

There are many personality traits INFPs possess to become great lawyers. They are helpful, passionate, open-minded, creative, and have integrity.

INFPs Want To Help People

INFPs are generous and helpful people. They do not enjoy succeeding at another person’s expense. Their compassion and empathy are admirable. Because of this, they can make great lawyers if their aim is to help people. They especially have a soft spot for marginalized people and animals. Often they aim to bring awareness to causes and campaigns involving the rights of others, the environment, and animals.

INFPs Are Passionate

INFPs give their whole heart to something if it captures their interest. They have strong feelings for causes that speak to their beliefs.

As a lawyer, you must have a passion for your job. You need to be enthusiastic about lifelong learning. If you’re a human rights lawyer, you need to be passionate about helping those whose rights have been violated. Because of INFPs’ compassion and generosity, they will want to help those who have suffered injustices. This will make them great lawyers.

INFPs Are Open-minded

INFPs never judge other people’s beliefs or traditions. They are compassionate and accepting of people whose lifestyles differ from their own.

As a lawyer, you need to be able to put your own beliefs aside and refrain from judging others. You will need to help people from different backgrounds and approach cases with an open mind. An INFP is the perfect person for the job.

INFPs Are Creative

Sometimes lawyers need to be creative when faced with a problem. INFPs like to see things from an unconventional perspective, which is exactly what is needed to become a great lawyer. Sometimes, lawyers need to think outside the box, and INFPs are great at that.

INFPs Have Integrity

INFPs value integrity before all else, and lawyers need to too. In all they do, INFPs want it to line up with their values.  

5 Cons and Weaknesses Of INFPs Lawyers

There are many challenges INFP lawyers face due to certain personality traits. They’re often too idealistic, love pleasing people, self-critical, self-isolating, and emotionally vulnerable. These traits will make it difficult for INFPs to be happy, successful, and satisfied in their career as a lawyer.

INFPs Are Too Idealistic

INFPs have a hard time accepting that nothing in the world is perfect. They have grand visions and hopes for the future. INFPs are romantics and become disappointed when what they imagined does not come to fruition. Lawyers need to be realistic and, at a certain point, accept defeat without dwelling too much on their failures.

INFPs Are People-pleasers

Conflict stresses INFPs out. This can be a major problem for an INFP when becoming a lawyer. Lawyers deal with conflict daily. There will be people who dislike or disapprove of them. Because of INFPs’ desire to please, it can be emotionally draining to want to clear the air and change people’s minds constantly.

INFPs Are Often Too Self-Critical

INFPs set ridiculously high standards for themselves and then feel like failures when they don’t live up to them. They can sometimes lead them to give up on their dreams. Lawyers must set realistic expectations of themselves if they want to survive and thrive in their careers. Setting realistic expectations is what INFPs will struggle with when becoming a lawyer.

INFPs Are Emotionally Vulnerable

INFPs tend to make decisions based on their feelings and conscience instead of logic. They also struggle to establish boundaries and can absorb other people’s negative moods. INFPs lead with their hearts and not their heads. This makes them vulnerable and easy to exploit, which will not end well when they’re lawyers.

INFPs Are Self-isolating

INFPs want to connect with other people but are not always sure how. This is especially true when they find themselves in a new environment. INFPs will be hesitant to put themselves out there to make friends or become involved in a community. Because of this, they often feel lonely or isolated.

This can be a problem when an INFP needs to deal with new clients or a new challenge that presents itself as a lawyer. Networking will also be difficult for an INFP.


INFPs can make great lawyers. They have integrity and are open-minded, creative, helpful, and passionate. But there are a few challenges they will face like a lack of confidence, emotional vulnerability, urge to please others, and being too idealistic.

This can make it difficult for them to be great lawyers. However, INFPs can recognize this and work on their personal growth to reach their full potential.

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