ESTPs are highly energetic individuals driven by their desire to seek out adrenaline-inducing activities. They are natural-born thrillseekers and thrive in high-energy environments and ventures. They offer highly dynamic energy to their interactions with their surroundings and the people they encounter. Our question, though, is whether they can be sensitive and emotional.

ESTPs experience emotions on a profound level, and being extroverts, they process emotions personally. Thus they are the type of individuals who tend to keep their feelings to themselves, and they are unlikely to put their emotions on display, usually out of fear of seeming weak.

As we have seen, ESTPs experience emotion; however, they prefer to keep things exciting, fun, and even silly rather than allowing their feelings to shine through. They are also often not the sort to take things too seriously, and mostly they have a great sense of humor and will likely be the life of the party. Below though, we shall delve into the intricacies of the emotionality of the ESTP.

Are ESTPs Capable Of Being Sensitive And Emotional?

ESTPs, like some similar personalities, live within the moment and are highly active people who like to rush between things, often not allowing themselves to pause and dwell on things like their emotions. Outwardly, they are not emotional; however, the actions of those they love and adore can pierce their hearts, and this is where their sensitivity is seen.

If you are an ESTP or have a close relationship with one, you should know that they are affected by the words, actions, and thoughts of their loved ones, especially if those are hurtful. They usually do not comprehend why these special individuals are being insensitive or nasty toward them. Another instance is that if they give (especially emotionally), they like others to show appreciation.

As a coping mechanism to avoid delving into or processing their emotions, ESTPs will often look for things to distract them and keep them busy as they feel uncomfortable if they have to process their emotions and feelings.

Additionally, this type of personality views showing your emotions or even experiencing “negative” emotions as a sign of weakness; the last thing they wish is to be perceived as weak. This is why if they have to deal with something, they would prefer to ignore it or face it alone rather than let anyone in to help them with the process of managing their feelings.

Do ESTPs Have Emotions?

As you have likely realized, this is an easy enough question to answer, which they undoubtedly do; they merely do not like to put them on display for others to see. Therefore you will find that outwardly they seem to lack emotions and may appear not to express much sensitivity, and this can be challenging, particularly for those who love them.

They do, nevertheless, experience things on a deep level, even though they will appear to sometimes not even have any internal emotions. They are an immensely complex personality type and are quite layered, and it takes time to peel away at those layers and to reach a point where an ESTP will be willing to be vulnerable with you; so if you are involved with one, be patient with them.

Although they can experience emotions in-depth, they are spontaneous and the type of people who live in the moment and value the facts of any given situation on which to base their choices and decisions. Although adventurous, they are also logical and will not let their emotions get in the way of how they conduct themselves or their actions. 

They make good leaders and are likely the ones who can persuade people to do things in a particular manner and gain the trust of others, as they are competent and decisive. Thus expressing emotions and being overly sensitive is not a good idea, as they do not wish to be underestimated by others, especially those they lead and competitors.

Do ESTPs Cry?

ESTPs will not cry easily, and they most definitely do not make it something that they are willing to indulge in frequently. However, this does not denote that they do not cry or do not have the propensity to cry if they experience severe trauma or are under extreme stress or fear. They will usually do this in private, by themselves, or with someone they trust immensely.

They are people who will not allow others to see them break down, even if they are distraught. They are also unlikely to have frequent emotional outbursts, as this is another sign that one cannot control their emotions. Thus they will stay in the moment, remain focused, and look at the facts to accomplish whatever needs doing. 

Are ESTPs Empathetic?

Although you may believe the opposite, ENTPs are incredibly aware of the emotional landscape around them, easily pick up emotional cues, and are generally quite accurate with their assumptions of what others are feeling. Then, due to their logical and pattern-seeking brains, they will assess the presented emotions and attempt to garner meanings and solutions.

This attribute often allows ENTPs to realize and comprehend people on a far more intricate level than we may initially suspect; they may even be aware of aspects of a person of which they themselves are unaware. They then can be empathetic and help soothe others in their times of need, even though they detest dwelling on their own emotions.

The ENTP type helps in many areas; they make people feel calm when panic and fear may set in and enable others to feel comfortable around them. This gift allows them to be highly alluring and charming to other individuals; it is also an element of their personality that helps them connect with people and know their emotional needs.

Now, although ESTPs do not value emotions that highly, it gives them these abilities and aids them in sensing and understanding the feelings of those around them. Thus they are typically highly approachable people with a friendly disposition; it not only helps them in their personal lives, where they engage with family and friends but is highly useful in their careers. 


As we can see rather clearly, it is not that ESTPs do not have emotions and feelings (they are not robots or people who are always okay); instead, they prefer not to let these get in the way of them living their lives. Therefore, they will avoid dealing with them and are unlikely to allow anyone to help them when they are struggling emotionally.

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