ESTPs love adventure, mainly when it’s risky. That chaotic nature often ends up hurting others, even unintentionally. So, people ask, can ESTPs be nice and kind if they’re so focused on getting that adrenalin rush?

While ESTPs are not particularly empathetic, they are capable of niceness and kindness like any other human. Many appreciate their optimism and quick-thinking sense of humor. Entrepreneurs are also honest, gregarious, and charming; they are not afraid of new social situations.

So, although many people feel offended by an ESTPs energy and gung-ho attitude, that’s not all there is to this personality type. Read on to learn why Entrepreneurs are some of the most open and exciting people you’ll ever meet. Indeed, that’s a significant way they’re kind to others: they bring adventure into their lives!

How Are ESTPs Nice And Kind?

Kindness and niceness for ESTPs aren’t always polite, which is why other types often fail to appreciate it. Although they can be surprisingly charming, Entrepreneurs find hierarchies and rules stifling. They feel held back.

So, don’t expect an ESTP to always hold the door for you or watch your favorite series with you. Instead, Entrepreneurs might take you rollerblading or to a football game.

For an ESTP, kindness and niceness involve doing something meaningful. This type likes to move around the world, see new things, and have drama. They enjoy that, so kindness consists in bringing their loved ones into that lifestyle.

ESTP Kindness In Relationships

Now that we know that Entrepreneurs can be friendly and considerate let’s look at how that plays out in their relationships.

First, ESTPs don’t hold you back. They’re the least likely to worry about rules, social conventions, or your other plans. Instead, they live today. They live in the here-and-now.

So, if there’s ever been an activity you’ve always wanted to try doing, ask an ESTP. An Entrepreneur will be overjoyed to take you out of your comfort zone and bond over a new experience.

Similarly, ESTPs are inspiring people to be around. Their energy is infectious in the best way possible. Even if you aren’t partying with an ESTP, working or living with them can be a great way to let loose and be casual.

Entrepreneurs aren’t judgmental, either. Instead, they’re open, cheerful, and direct. They won’t sit on grudges or try to sabotage you. While you might be on the receiving end of a prank or two, ESTPs aren’t mean-spirited. They want you to laugh.

They also have excellent friends. ESTPs are naturally curious and talkative and quickly accumulate diverse friend groups. They’re excellent networkers with dozens of contacts. If you ever need advice, a new car part, or a restaurant recommendation, ESTPs know a guy.

Who knows, maybe an ESTP will introduce you to your special someone?

ESTP Kindness In Conversation

Furthermore, ESTPs prefer being direct and honest. They hate dancing around a topic, even if that’s the polite thing to do.

That means that if an Entrepreneur trusts you, they’ll tell it to you straight. If they have to say something important, they’ll say it – even if others feel they’re being inappropriate or disrespectful.

ESTPs are also quite charming. Because they’re always looking for a new thrill, they typically get good at talking themselves out of trouble. So, even if they’re not always polite, they are playful and lighthearted.

Indeed, ESTPs are highly persuasive. Although some people think that’s them being manipulative, it isn’t. Entrepreneurs don’t want to con you. Instead, they want to convince you to come on an adventure with them.

They have legendary senses of humor, too. You haven’t heard great comedy until an ESTP tells a joke since their blunt, open nature makes for great, often raunchy, stories.

As well as that, ESTPs are observant – they are a Sensing type, after all. They can read people quite well and pay great attention to details. They’re surprisingly grounded and realistic. While they like a good time, they want a good time set in reality, which can be refreshing after listening to a day of office jargon.

And since Entrepreneurs hate to see others feeling down, they’ll be eager to cheer you up. Their observant nature lets them figure out just how to do so, too.

So, conversation with an ESTP is always exciting. This type is energic and fun-loving, reflecting that in how they talk. You’ll be surprised at how charismatic they can be without losing sight of real, practical life.

Even though ESTPs might not be stereotypically polite, they are still kind and caring people. It’s just that their idea of kindness is much more action-oriented than others expect.

Are ESTPs Good People?

ESTPs can be good or bad, depending on the individual we’re discussing. Like other types, they’re not automatically a saint or sinner. They’re a human with faults and positive qualities.

The darker side of ESTPs

ESTPs struggle to work with authority or in strict systems. A 9-5 office job isn’t for them, and they’ll often act out if they’re bored. While this trait can be fun and exciting, it can also be difficult for the more orderly types to handle.

In that way, Entrepreneurs can be problematic. Their dynamic energy and need for action get on other people’s nerves. Sometimes, it can be dangerous – especially for an unbalanced ESTP who doesn’t grasp the consequences of their actions.

Not only that, but ESTPs find deep thinking to be boring. So, even though they’re motivated extroverts, they don’t like talking about their feelings or anyone else’s.

Because of that, many people see them as shallow or flaky. ESTPs would instead act than talk, and this preference can hurt their relationships. They’ll procrastinate emotional discussions or intellectual tasks, which can be lazy.

Similarly, ESTPs are often impatient. They don’t always understand that other types can’t keep up with them, especially in physical activities. That means that while they’re running around or partying, others want to take a break. For some Entrepreneurs, that isn’t easy – and they show it.

Last, this type can also be impulsive and hedonistic. A genuinely destructive ESTP will even ignore others’ well-being if that lets them have a good time.


To conclude, ESTPs can actually be nice and kind. However, their idea of caring for somebody focuses on having a good time, not being polite or sensitive. So, many people see Entrepreneurs as shallow or lazy but are focused on their next adventure.

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